Wormhole Community Static Rolling Guide

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This is a guide to rolling the Wormhole Campus home system's static connections. Rolling a static connection is another way of saying "collapsing it" in order to spawn a new connection which will lead to a different system in the same type of space. Contrast this to rolling a non-static, which causes it to disappear and not return.

WHC Static Connection Information

The current WHC home system has two static connections. One leads to hisec k-space, the other leads to C3 w-space. They are, rather delightfully, named after breakfast foods.


Bacon, the WHC C3 static

  • Wormhole type: O477 leading to C3 w-space
  • Total mass allowed before collapse: 2,000,000,000kg*
  • Max individual jump mass: 300,000,000kg (Mass of Orca with 100MN prop mod on)
  • Max time before collapse: 16hrs
  • *This can vary a bit (+/-)


The WHC's hisec static

  • Wormhole type: B274 leading to hisec k-space
  • Total mass allowed before collapse: 2,000,000,000kg*
  • Max individual jump mass: 300,000,000kg (Mass of Orca with 100MN prop mod on)
  • Max time before collapse: 24hrs
  • *This can vary a bit (+/-)

As you can see, both our static connections have the same characteristics except for their max lifetime and of course where they lead.

When To Roll

There are many reasons to roll a static connection. Here are few of the most common.


  • Lack of PvP. Either there are no good connections or there's nothing happening in the current chain.
  • Lack of PvE. Combat sites have been run, gas sites have been cleared, data & relic sites have been hacked, AND there is no PvP to be had.
  • The wormhole is end of life (EOL.


  • Lack of trade hub access. It either exits too far away from a trade hub or exits into a hisec island
  • The wormhole is EOL.
  • Someone has requested a connection close to a certain place. For instance, a connection close to Aldrat is requested to facilitate a Noob Night in the Hole class.

Other Important Information

Here is some other important to know information about wormholes in general, when it comes to rolling:

  • A wormhole is First Shrink whenever it has anywhere between 10% and 50% of its total mass left. This is evidenced by the following text in the show info window:
    This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through it, but not to a critical degree yet
  • A wormhole is Crit whenever is has less than 10% of its total mass left. This is evidenced by the following text in the show info window:
    This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse
  • If the wormhole has not yet gone through a mass shrink, it has between 50% and 100% of its total mass left. This is evidenced by the following text in the show info window:
    This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it

The Rolling Process


The basic idea of rolling a hole successfully (no matter how you end up doing it) is essentially reducing its mass by jumping ships back and forth until it collapses. The successful part is accomplished when the hole collapses without leaving anyone stranded on the wrong side.

There are usually knowledgeable people around whenever a hole needs to be rolled but if that's not the case, you can use the following guidelines to roll the connection:

  • Ask on comms if anyone is down the chain and if not, announce in fleet and WHC.E-Uni that you are starting to roll. You can use something like =====ROLLING BACON=====
  • If the hole is not Crit, get in a rolling battleship (you can find one in the common POS with "Rolling" in its name) and warp to the hole. Ask a couple others to join you in rolling battleships as well to speed things up
  • Since you instigated this process, you may as well take charge and this is important because someone needs to give orders regarding who will jump next. It's better not to have more than one person jumping at the same time to avoid people getting stranded and to make it easier to notice exactly when the hole shrinks
  • Keep jumping battleships through the hole one at a time with their 100MN prop mods on (this adds 50,000,000kg to the mass) until the hole becomes Crit. Always wait until the previous battleship is back in Innuendo and their grid has loaded before sending the next one through
  • Take note of whether the hole went Crit on the way out of or back into Innuendo
    • If it Crit on the way out, chances are that the return trip will collapse the hole...if not, you will need to use a HIC (Heavy Interdiction Cruiser) or rolling cruiser as detailed below
    • If it Crit on the way back in, you now have some options: see if there is a HIC pilot available (preferable) or ask someone to fly a rolling cruiser. You can find rolling cruisers in the common POS the same way you can rolling battleships. But in any case - no more battleships should go through the hole at this point
  • If a HIC pilot becomes available, chances are that they will know what to do but the idea is that a rolling HIC has a couple Warp Disruption Field Generators, each reducing its mass by 80% and these reductions stack. This means that a rolling HIC with prop mod off and 2 bubbles on can reduce its mass to about that of a frigate and jump out through the Crit hole with little risk of collapsing it and then jump back with it's normal mass plus 100MN prop mod (making its mass around 65,000,000kg) and collapse the hole on the way back into Innuendo in most cases
  • If there are no HIC pilots and you don't want to wait, a rolling cruiser can be used to try collapsing the hole. The rolling cruisers are fit with an oversized AB (100MN) and cloaks/probe launchers as there is a higher chance of getting stranded while jumping out, due to the fact that they can't reduce their mass like HICs can. The idea is to jump a rolling cruiser out with the prop mod off (around 15,000,000kg) and then come back with prop mod on (around 65,000,000kg) and hopefully collapse the hole


There are other ways of rolling our connections. One way is using Orcas in conjunction with battleships. The following ways have been very successful but keep in mind that because of mass variations and other things that we can attribute to Bob's whim or even human error, this and any other methods should never be considered fool proof.

Here is one way of rolling Bacon or Eggs with Orcas and battleships if you start with a fresh hole

  • Send an Orca back and forth once with prop mod on (300,000,000kg each way)
  • Send 2 battleships back and forth with prop mods on. The second battleship should shrink the hole either on the way out or back in
  • If the hole went First Shrink on the way out:
    • Send a 3rd battleship back and forth with prop mod on
  • If the hole went First Shrink on the way back in:
    • Send 2 more battleships back and forth with prop mods off
  • At this point, an Orca back and forth with prop mod on should collapse the hole on it's way back

If you're not starting with a fresh Bacon or Eggs hole, you can still speed things up by throwing an Orca into the process

  • Send battleships back and forth with prop mods on until the hole is First Shrink. Note when the hole shrinks and
  • If the hole went First Shrink on the way out:
    • Send another battleship back and forth with prop mod on
  • If the hole went First Shrink on the way back in:
    • Send 2 more battleships back and forth with prop mods off
  • At this point, an Orca back and forth with prop mod on should collapse the hole on it's way back