User:Krevlorn Severasse/Slides/Fleet Boosting 101

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Fleet Boosting 101


Fleet boosts...

  • …come in two flavors: active (modules) and passive (skills)
  • …require an intact command structure
  • …work on pilots in a single solar system
  • …do not require you to be on grid with commander or booster
  • …do not directly increase damage output
  • …that affect the same attribute will not stack with each other
    • The strongest effect will always be applied
  • …are stacking penalized with modules affecting the same attribute on the ship

Passive boosts

<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Skill name Passive boost effect per level Passive boost w/ mindlink
Leadership 2% bonus to targeting speed N/A
Armored Warfare 2% bonus to armor capacity 15% bonus to same
Information Warfare 2% bonus to targeting range 15% bonus to same
Siege Warfare 2% bonus to shield capacity 15% bonus to same
Skirmish Warfare 2% bonus to ship agility 15% bonus to same
Mining Foreman 2% bonus to mining yield 15% bonus to same


Active fleet boosts

  • High slot modules
  • 10 second cycle time
  • Cannot be activated in warp
  • Cannot be activated inside a POS forcefield
    • Exception: Mining Foreman Link modules
  • Activation limit: one at a time
    • Passive mid-slot module: Command Processor I (+1)
    • Role bonus +2: Command Ships, Orca, Rorqual
    • Ship skill bonus: Supercapitals (+1 per level)

Active boosts: Armor

  • Warfare Link Specialist: +10% effectiveness per level
  • Armored Warfare Specialist: +20% effectiveness per level
  • Armored Warfare Mindlink: +25% effectiveness

<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Module Attribute affected T1 amount T2 amount Max amount
Passive Defense Armor resistances +4.80% +6.00% +25.88%
Damage Control Armor repairer cap usage +4.80% +6.00% +25.88%
Passive Defense Armor repairer cycle time +4.80% +6.00% +25.88%

Active boosts: Siege

  • Warfare Link Specialist: +10% effectiveness per level
  • Siege Warfare Specialist: +20% effectiveness per level
  • Siege Warfare Mindlink: +25% effectiveness

<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Module Attribute affected T1 amount T2 amount Max amount
Shield Harmonizing Shield resistances +4.80% +6.00% +25.88%
Shield Efficiency Shield repairer cap usage +4.80% +6.00% +25.88%
Active Shielding Shield repairer cycle time +4.80% +6.00% +25.88%

Active boosts: Skirmish

  • Warfare Link Specialist: +10% effectiveness per level
  • Skirmish Warfare Specialist: +20% effectiveness per level
  • Skirmish Warfare Mindlink: +25% effectiveness

<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Module Attribute affected T1 amount T2 amount Max amount
Evasive Maneuvers Signature radius -6.40% -8.00% -34.50%
Interdiction Maneuvers Point/scram/web range +6.40% +8.00% +30.19%
Rapid Deployment AB/MWD speed boost +5.60% +7.00% +25.88%

Active boosts: Info

  • Warfare Link Specialist: +10% effectiveness per level
  • Information Warfare Specialist: +20% effectiveness per level
  • Information Warfare Mindlink: +25% effectiveness

<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Module Attribute affected T1 amount T2 amount Max amount
Electronic Superiority ECM/TP strength +6.40% +8.00% +34.50%
Electronic Superiority TD/SD strength +4.00% +5.00% +21.56%
Recon Operation EWAR range +6.40% +8.00% +34.50%
Sensor Integrity Sensor strength / Maximum lock range +9.60% +12.00% +51.75%

Active boosts: Mining

  • Warfare Link Specialist: +10% effectiveness per level
  • Mining Director: +20% effectiveness per level
  • Mining Foreman Mindlink: +25% effectiveness

<thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody>
Module Attribute affected T1 amount Orca amount
Harvester Capacitor Efficiency Module capacitor need -6.00% -32.34%
Laser Optimization Module cycle time -6.00% -32.34%
Mining Laser Field Enhancement Module + survey range +13.60% +73.31%



Strategic Cruisers

  • T3 Cruiser defensive subsystem: Warfare Processor
    • – Can only run 1 Warfare Link module baseline
  • 2% per level of racial subsystem skill to three active types
    • Amarr: Armor, Information and Skirmish
    • Caldari: Shield, Information and Skirmish
    • Gallente: Armor, Information and Skirmish
    • Minmatar: Armor, Shield and Skirmish
  • Can achieve very high sensor strengths
    • Electronics subsystem: Dissolution Sequencer
    • Further augmented by ECCM modules
  • Also have a low signature radius
    • Hard to scan down with combat probes
  • Can fit Covert Reconfiguration and Interdiction Nullifier
    • Provides for safer traveling


Passive boosts: Advanced

  • Titan-class vessels give additional passive bonuses
    • Do not stack with equivalent [type] Warfare bonus
  • Strength based on level of [Racial] Titan skill
    • Avatar (Amarr): 7.5% to capacitor recharge per level
    • Erebus (Gallente): 7.5% to armor capacity per level
    • Leviathan (Caldari): 7.5% to shield capacity per level
    • Ragnarok (Minmatar): 7.5% to signature radius per level


Fleet roles

  • Command structure
    • Commanders need to be in system and in a ship
    • Commanders need to have appropriate command skill trained
      • Fleet commander: Fleet Command trained to # of wings
      • Wing commander: Wing Command trained to # of squads
      • Squad commander: Leadership trained to ([# of members]/2)

Booster Roles

Fleet booster

  • Applies his active/passive boosts to every fleet member if…
    • Fleet commander is valid
    • Target’s wing has a valid wing commander
    • Target’s squad has a valid squad commander

Wing Booster

  • Applies his active/passive boosts to every member of his wing if…
    • Wing commander is valid
    • Target’s squad has a valid squad commander

Squad Booster

  • Applies his active/passive boosts to every member of his squad if…
    • Squad commander is valid

Example fleet layout


Thanks for coming!

  • Questions?
  • Feedback?
  • Practical time!