Archive:The Explorers Shadow

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The Explorer's Shadow

An EVE University Epic Arc

Quick Overview

This is a soloing event for anyone who wants to do it, but targeting mostly EVE University members.

  • You will be sent on a mission finding the whereabouts (and hopefully not the remains) of a legendary explorer and scientist who vanished under mysterious circumstances.
  • You will get guided around all regions of New Eden, discover wonderful sights, but also face deadly enemies.
  • Your progress will be tracked throughout the Epic Arc. As an E-UNI member, you are expected to add a screenshot showing UI elements which give your location, your name and the actual subject of the photo in the comments section of the mission description. This will be regarded as the proof that you accomplished the mission. If you accomplished all missions in a chapter, you proceed to the next chapter. If you accomplished all missions in a book, you proceed to the next book.
  • There will be awards for completing each book, and a bigger award for completion of the entire Epic Arc. The awards will be handed out during the yearly EVE University Anniversary Celebrations, where the Award Ceremonies will take place.


  • Start: It is totally up to.
  • Duration: Until you have done it. But well, in the end, we expect a normally playing EVE newbro to need approx. 1.5 to 2 years to get all the books done.
  • Area: You will travel to all areas, from Highsec to Nullsec, even Deadspace and Wormhole Space ... and Sovereignity Space as well.
  • Communications: We recommend keeping an eye on the E-Uni forums, and the Wiki. Feel free to ask in a Chat Channel or the Wiki for help if you need assistance.


For beginning the Epic Arc, you need:

  • A ship.
  • An E-UNI corporation membership is highly recommended, unless you don't want any rewards.
  • Any ship will do at the beginning. Later on, you may need more specialized ships to fulfill your mission, e.g. Covert Ops.
  • You should socialize during your time in New Eden. At some point, it may be necessary to gather a fleet together to get a mission done.

Configure your Location UI settings to display nearby celestials. To do this, click on the star symbol at the current location:


Then select "Configure" from the pop-up menu and a new window will open:


Activate both options.


Please be aware that the screenshots you deliver are actual proof that you fulfilled the mission. That means it must be visible that you did it, and that it is taken at the actual mission location. So always ensure that your neocom portrait is visible in the image, as well as the current system and nearest object are displayed. Don't photoshop your image beyond enhancing contrasts or saturation.

When you apply for an reward, your progress will be reviewed by a staff member. The staff member may reject a screenshot if it is not appropriate enough, requiring you to do the same mission once more.

You can simply check out the comments section underneath a mission description for examples. You don't need to be an artistic person for this, you will see.

Book One: So You Want to Be an Explorer?

Hello, fellow capsuleer! o7

We welcome you at EVE University! And you want to be an explorer, you said? Explore all the mysterious corners of New Eden, you said? Haha, you came to the right page here.

Please proceed through the next chapterss, which will make you familiar with the Eve University Headqarters and the systems surrounding it. Do it in your own pace and with your own schedule - no pressure here! And don't forget: If you manage to impress us, you may get an award someday!

Chapter One

Mission 1: A New Home

EVE University Heaquarters

After your approval as a EVE University freshman, you should travel to the EVE University Headquarters.

Objective: Make a nice photo of yourself, in front of the HQ and the moon.
Mission Briefing: Click here

Mission 2: The Staging Point

Stacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Assembly Plant

Visit the 3rd tier trade hub and E-UNI staging point in the Stacmon system.

Objective: Travel to the Federation Assembly Plant orbiting Stacmon V.
Mission Briefing: Click here

Mission 3: Illegal Clones

Rogue Cloning Facility

Locate the Rogue Cloning Facility in the Amwyns Constellation.

Objective: Gather proof that the Rogue Cloning Facility exists.
Mission Briefing: Click here

Mission 4: The Battle of Yulai

Yulai Battle

Investigate the current situation at the battlefield.

Objective: Find the battlefield and report the current situation.
Mission Briefing: Click here

Mission 5: Dodixie

Yulai Battle

Travel to the Federation Navy Assembly Plant at Dodixie IX.

Objective: Fly to Dodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant and get accustomed to it.
Mission Briefing: Click here