Setting up a planetary colony

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The Planetary Interaction feature of the Tyrannis expansion allows players to utilize planetary industries. Below is a general overview of what can be exploited with this new feature.

Note: Planetary Commodities page has been introduced to hold the main tables with Resources and Products, the tables below that overlap with that page will be used to fill the Commodities page. This page should focus on how to connect Extractor A to Processor B via Storage C to produce product D, the best way to organize links, routes, exploit deposits, and so on


Each Planet has a set of 5 raw resources available to it, which in turn each produce one base good when processed by a planetside production plant. These resources and baseline products are as follows:

Resource Planet Types
Autotrophs Temperate
Aqueous Liquids Barren, Gas, Ice, Oceanic, Storm, Temperate
Base Metals Barren, Gas, Lava, Plasma, Storm
Carbon Compounds Barren, Oceanic, Temperate
Complex Organisms Oceanic, Temperate
Felsic Magma Lava
Heavy Metals Ice, Lava, Plasma
Ionic Solutions Gas, Storm
Micro Organisms Barren, Ice, Oceanic, Temperate
Noble Gas Gas, Storm
Noble Metals Barren, Ice, Plasma
Non-CS Crystals Lava, Plasma
Planktic Colonies Ice, Oceanic
Reactive Gas Gas
Suspended Plasma Lava, Plasma, Storm


First Tier Products

Product (0.08 m³) (P1) Resource (0.02 m³) (R)
Industrial Fibers <--- Autotrophs
Water <--- Aqueous Liquids
Reactive Metals <--- Base Metals
Biofuels <--- Carbon Compounds
Proteins <--- Complex Organisms
Silicon <--- Felsic Magma
Toxic Metals <--- Heavy Metals
Electrolytes <--- Ionic Solutions
Bacteria <--- Micro Organisms
Oxygen <--- Noble Gas
Precious Metals <--- Noble Metals
Chiral Structures <--- Non-CS Crystals
Biomass <--- Planktic Colonies
Oxidizing Compound <--- Reactive Gas
Plasmoids <--- Suspended Plasma
20 units <--- 6000 units

Note: Oxygen is now 1.00 m3/unit and not 0.08 m3/unit. Water is now 0.25 m3/unit

Second Tier Products

Several products used for Player Owned Structure (POS) fuel.

Output Product (1.0 m³) (P2) Input Product 1 (P1) Input Product 2 (P1)
Biocells Biofuels Precious Metals
Construction Blocks Reactive Metals Toxic Metals
Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals Chiral Structures
Coolant Electrolytes Water
Enriched Uranium Precious Metals Toxic Metals
Fertilizer Bacteria Proteins
Gen. Enhanced Livestock Proteins Biomass
Livestock Proteins Biofuel
Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals Precious Metals
Microfiber Shielding Industrial Fibers Silicon
Miniature Electronics Chiral Structures Silicon
Nanites Bacteria Reactive Metals
Oxides Oxidizing Compound Oxygen
Polyaramids Oxidizing Compound Industrial Fibers
Polytextiles Biofuels Industrial Fibers
Rocket Fuel Plasmoids Electrolytes
Silicate Glass Oxidizing Compound Silicon
Superconductors Plasmoids Water
Supertensile Plastics Oxygen Biomass
Synthetic Oil Electrolytes Oxygen
Test Cultures Bacteria Water
Transmitter Plasmoids Chiral Structures
Viral Agent Bacteria Biomass
Water-Cooled CPU Reactive Metals Water
5 units (3600s) 40 units 40 units

Note: Coolant is 1.00 m3 on Sisi, but 2.00 m3 on the live server

Third Tier Products

Output Product (2.0 m³) (P3) Input Product 1 (P2) Input Product 2 (P2) Input Product 3 (P2)
Biotech Research Reports Nanites Livestock Construction Blocks
Camera Drones Silicate Glass Rocket Fuel
Condensates Oxides Coolant
Cryoprotectant Solutions Test Cultures Synthetic Oil Fertilizer
Data Chips Supertensile Plastics Microfiber Shielding
Gel-Matrix Biopaste Oxides Biocells Super Conductors
Guidance Systems Water-Cooled CPU Transmitter
Hazmat Detection Systems Polytextiles Viral Agent Transmitter
Hermetic Membranes Polyaramids Gen. Enhanced Livestock
High-Tech Transmitters Polyaramids Transmitter
Industrial Explosives Fertilizer Polytextiles
Neocoms Biocells Silicate Glass
Nuclear Reactors Microfiber Shielding Enriched Uranium
Planetary Vehicles Supertensile Plastics Mechanical Parts Miniature Electronics
Robotics Mechanical Parts Consumer Electronics
Smartfab Units Construction Blocks Miniature Electronics
Supercomputers Water-Cooled CPU Coolant Consumer Electronics
Synthetic Synapses Supertensile Plastics Test Cultures
Transcranial Microcontroller Biocells Nanites
Ukomi Super Conductor Synthetic Oil Superconductors
Vaccines Livestock Viral Agent
3 units (3600s) 10 units 10 units 10 units

Fourth Tier Products

  • High-Tech Production Plants can only be placed on Temperate or Barren planets. Products will be used for manufacturing POS and other structures which were previously npc seeded.

Output Product (100.0 m³) (P4) Input Product 1 (P3) Input Product 2 (P3) Input Product 3 (P3 or P1)
Broadcast Node Data Chip High-Tech Transmitters Neocoms
Integrity Response Drones Gel-Matrix Biopaste Hazmat Detection Systems Planetary Vehicles
Nano-Factory Industrial Explosives Ukomi Super Conductors Reactive Metals *
Organic Mortar Applications Condensates Robotics Bacteria *
Recursive Computing Module Guidance Systems Synthetic Synapses Transcranial Microcontrollers
Self-Harmonizing Power Core Camera Drones Hermetic Membranes Nuclear Reactors
Sterile Conduits Smartfab Units Vaccines Water *
Wetware Mainframe Biotech Research Reports Cryoprotectant Solution Supercomputers
1 unit 6 units 6 units 6 units (* 40 units)

Manufactured Goods

POS Fuels

  • Coolant
  • Enriched Uranium
  • Mechanical Parts
  • Oxygen
  • Robotics

T2 parts

Most (all?) T2 manufacturing uses a PI good. Mainly P2 and P3.

Sovereignty Structures

Created with P4 products and blueprints.

  • Infrastructure Hub
  • Sovereignty Blockade Unit
  • Territorial Claim Unit

Starbase Structures

Created with P4 products and blueprints.

  • Assembly Array
  • Control Towers
  • Corporate Hangar Array
  • Cynosural Generator Array
  • Cynosural System Jammer
  • Electronic Warfare Batteries
  • Energy Neutralizing Array
  • Hybrid Turret Batteries
  • Jump Bridges
  • Laser Turret Batteries
  • Missile Batteries
  • Mobile Laboratory
  • Moon Harvesting Array
  • Projectile Turret Batteries
  • Reactors
  • Refining Arrays
  • Shield Hardening Arrays
  • Ship Maintenance Arrays
  • Silos
  • System Scanning Arrays

Production Ratios

Output Product Cycle = Input Product 1 + Input Product 2 + Input Product 3

20 P1 = 6000 R

5 P2 = 40 P11 + 40 P12

5 P2 = 12000 R1 + 12000 R2

3 P3 = 10 P21 + 10 P22 + 10 P23

3 P3 = 80 P11 + 80 P12 + 80 P13

3 P3 = 24000 R1 + 24000 R2 + 24000 R3

1 P4 = 6 P31 + 6 P32 + 6 P33

1 P4 = 20 P21 + 20 P22 + 20 P23

1 P4 = 160 P11 + 160 P12 + 160 P13

1 P4 = 48000 R1 + 48000 R2 + 48000 R3


1 P4 = 6 P31 + 6 P32 + 40 P13

1 P4 = 6 P31 + 6 P32 + 12000 R3

1 P4 = 20 P21 + 20 P22 + 40 P13

1 P4 = 20 P21 + 20 P22 + 12000 R3

1 P4 = 160 P11 + 160 P12 + 40 P13

1 P4 = 160 P11 + 160 P12 + 12000 R3

1 P4 = 48000 R1 + 48000 R2 + 12000 R3

At a glance:

20 P1 = 6000 R

5 P2 = 80 P1

5 P2 = 24000 R

3 P3 = 30 P2

3 P3 = 240 P1

3 P3 = 72000 R

1 P4 = 18 P3

1 P4 = 60 P2

1 P4 = 480 P1

1 P4 = 144000 R


1 P4 = 12 P3 + 40 P1

1 P4 = 12 P3 + 12000 R

1 P4 = 40 P2 + 40 P1

1 P4 = 40 P2 + 12000 R

1 P4 = 360 P1

1 P4 = 320 P1 + 12000 R

1 P4 = 108000 R

Connecting It Together

Insert text about hooking up buildings together.

To setup an outgoing route for products from a storage facility (Command Center, Launch Pad, or Storage Facility), you can wait for product to build up in the facility and route up to the amount of product current in storage, or you can click on one of the incoming routes and send that amount to the destination (eg Processor).

If you hook the extractor directly to the processor, you might end up throwing away resources if there is an uneven lot when it fills up (Processors accumulate resources until they have an even lot of input product (eg P1 would be 6000), and then start processing. If the buffer has 5950 in it, and the extractor delivers 210, then 160 units are lost. If there is inputs in the buffer when you change the schematic, they are lost.