User:Mike Eventide/Old user page

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Revision as of 10:29, 3 March 2016 by Mike Eventide (talk | contribs)
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This is a try to have a buyback program for ORE in the NSC pocket.
The credit for the spreadsheet and all the instructions goes to AMC.
Spreadsheet is based on the AMC buyback spreadsheet with some changes in tax and ofcourse refine value.
This will begin with a 2 week trail period
After the trail i will reevaluate the result and see if i can continue this program Maximum for a contract will be set at 500,000,000 isk

Latest version

Current Version 2016-03-NSC-ORE
Updated Mars 2016
The latest version is available at:
NSC Buyback ORE

I will not accept any submissions that have not come via a Google Docs spreadsheet.


Filling the Spreadsheet for personal Buy Back

Prepare the spreadsheet

  1. Go to the current version
  2. Log into your google account and go to the current version.
  3. Open the file menu and select "Make a Copy"
  4. Name it following this convention. For Personal use: "PLAYERNAME (DATE)" e.g. Mike Eventide (03/03/2016)

Work on the spreadsheet

  • You can ether use the Inventory or Paste Inventory tabs.
On the Inventory tab you need to add the ore and mineral numbers to "Amt Mined" (column C) you'd like to add to the Buy-Back.
On the Paste Inventory tab you need to stack your ores and copy and paste to cell A4 what you'd like to add to the Buy-Back.
The "Icons" view in your inventory will not work for this. You need to use the "Details" or "List" view.

Submit the Buy-Back

Follow the section Submit the spreadsheet below.

Submit the spreadsheet

Before you can submit the Buy-Back finally you need to add the current prices for the Buy-Back to the spread sheet. This is done with the following steps:

  1. In the menu bar of the spread sheet you see an menu item called "Buyback" - Select it and then click "Update Prices".
  2. If there is a popup asking "Authorization Required" please select "OK" and go back to the menu item "Buyback" and "Update Prices"
  3. When the spreadsheet shows the message "Finished script" go back to the menu item "Buyback" and select "Prepare BuyBack"
  4. To confirm the preparation was done correctly please check "Calculated ISK/unit" in column E row 4 to 11.
    If there is no value please wait 5 to 10 minutes and try to "Update Prices" & "Prepare BuyBack" again.
    Please do not proceed until this values are not 0
  5. Go to the top right of the spreadsheet and click on the "Share" button to open sharing settings. Change it from private to "Anyone with the link can view"
  6. When all above is done you need to issue the 'Private' 'Item Exchange' contract to Mike Eventide at a station that is applicable for Buy-Back service.
    Always make sure that all ore is stacked before setting up the contract.
    Preferred stations are stations within NSC pocket
    Set the Expiration time to the longest value (2 weeks).
  7. Within the contract creation you need to select the ore and/or mineral you added to the spreadsheet before and add it to the contract.
  8. When you go on to the next windows you need to add the total value from the field G1 in the spreadsheet to the "I will receive" box.
  9. The description box on the same windows within the contract creation needs to be filled with the spreadsheet key (the part of the URL between .../d/ and /edit see image for finding the key)
    Finding the spreadsheet key
  10. Afterwards you only need to submit the contract ingame and go on to the NSC Buyback Submisson Form and add the required information to finish your Buy-Back
  11. Submit and relax, the ISK will be added to your wallet soon.