Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point

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Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point

On warp in:
The massive amounts of signatures you are getting on your short range scan can only indicate one thing, a full combat fleet in station around the deadspace pocket. The Serpentis would seem to be planning a large scale military operation in the area and you should expect nothing but the heaviest resistance should you try to oppose them here.

First Pocket

Initial Defenders

3 x (Destroyer) Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel

3 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector

4 x (Battleship) Core Vice Admiral/Grand Admiral (Triggers Wave 2)

Wave 2

3 x (Destroyer) Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel

3 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector

6 x (Battleship) Core Vice Admiral/Grand Admiral

Second Pocket

Initial Defenders

2 x (Destroyer) Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel

2 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector

4 x (Battleship) Core Vice Admiral/Grand Admiral (Triggers Wave 2)

4 x (Sentry) Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery

2 x (Sentry) Serpentis Energy Neutralizer (Energy Neutralizer)

2 x (Sentry) Serpentis Point Defense Battery

Wave 2 (30km behind warp-in)

2 x (Destroyer) Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel

2 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector

4 x (Battleship) Core Vice Admiral/Grand Admiral Trigger (Triggers Wave 3)

Wave 3 (60km behind warp-in)

2 x (Destroyer Overseer) Serpentis Centior Abomination/Monster (Escalation Trigger) (Shadow Serpentis Cruiser Modules)

2 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector

4 x (Battleship) Core Vice Admiral/Grand Admiral Trigger

Escalation: Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point, Part 2

Access: Gateless, Open Access

First Pocket

Initial Defenders

3 x (Destroyer) Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel

3 x (Cruiser) Corelatis Captain/Captain Sentry

4 x (Battleship) Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral (Triggers Wave 2)

Wave 2

5 x (Elite Frigate) Coreli Guardian Protector (Triggers Wave 3)

2 x (Destroyer) Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel

4 x (Battleship) Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral

3 x (Sentry) Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery

2 x (Sentry) Serpentis Energy Neutralizer (Energy Neutralizer)

Wave 3

2 x (Cruiser) Corelatis Captain/Captain Sentry

2-3 x (Destroyer) Corelior Cannoneer/Sentinel

1 x (Overseer Cruiser) Serpentis Refinery Headmaster (Escalation Trigger) (Shadow Serpentis Cruiser Modules)

2 x (Battleship) Core High Admiral

Second Pocket

Initial Defenders

1 x (Stasis) Serpentis Stasis Webification Tower (Stasis Webifier)

2 x (Sentry) Serpentis Point Defense Batteries

4 x (Battlecruiser) Corelatis Captain/Captain Sentry

8 x (Battleship) Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral (Triggers Wave 2)

5 x (Sentry) Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery

Wave 2

3 x (Elite Frigate) Coreli Guardian Protector

5 x (Elite Cruiser) Corelum Guardian Chief Guard/Chief Infantry/Chief Sentinel (Sensor Dampening)

5 x (Battleship) Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral

Escalation: Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point, Part 3

Access: Gateless, Open Access

Initial Defenders

3 x (Elite Frigate) Coreli Guardian Protector

2 x (Elite Cruiser) Corelum Guardian Chief Guard/Chief Infantry/Chief Sentinel (Sensor Damps)

5 x (Battleship) Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral


1 x (Sentry) Serpentis Fleet Outpost (Trigger for Wave 1, 2, and 3)(Stasis Webifier 50km) (Shoots Thermal Citadel Torpedos deailing 7200 dmg) (900dps armor/shield tank)( 22nd Tier OPE, Core A-Type Modules, Vindicator BPC)

Wave 2 (Spawns when Station hits 70% shield)

6 x (Sentry) Serpentis Cruise Missile Batteries

Wave 3 (Spawns when Station hits 30% shield)

3-4 x (Elite Frigate) Coreli Guardian Protector

4-5 x (Elite Cruiser) Corelum Guardian Chief Guard/Chief Infantry/Chief Sentinel (Sensor Dampening)

6 x (Battleship) Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral

3 x (Sentry)Serpentis Energy Neutralizer III (Energy Neutralizer)

Wave 4 ((Spawns when Station hits 50% armor)

3-4 x (Elite Frigate) Coreli Guardian Protector

3-4 x (Elite Cruiser) Corelum Guardian Chief Guard/Chief Infantry/Chief Sentinel (Sensor Dampening)

5-6 x (Battleship) Core Grand Admiral/Lord Admiral