POS Warfare

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Revision as of 21:56, 16 May 2010 by Scrapyard bob (talk | contribs) (working on defense/offense sections)
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- overview that explains the basic concepts behind attacking or defending a POS


- we're only going to list very basic attributes for modules and only for the base version, so things like (m3, kg, powergrid used, CPU used, and hitpoints)


The primary form of defense for a POS is its shield bubble. If you are inside the shield bubble, you cannot be targeted or damaged, nor can you target/damage anyone outside it. You can either enter the bubble based on standings or be given the starbase password to slip through the shield. Even if your POS access is based on access, you must set a password on the tower. The bubble will exist until the tower is destroyed or taken offline.

There are two caveats to the invulnerability when you are inside the POS shield however. The first is that someone who is inside with you may decide to bump you out of the shield radius. The second is that the shield radius tends to warp and wobble, slowly moving inward and outward a few hundred meters.

- discuss basic tower status (shield EHP, base resists)

Shield Hardening Arrays

  • 4000 m3 4000 kg
  • 150,000 PG 250 CPU
  • 20k shield HP, 20k armor HP, 20k structure HP

Shield hardeners come in four types, one for each resist, and should be mounted inside the POS's bubble. They are named Ballistic Deflection Array (KIN), Explosion Dampening Array (EXP), Heat Dissipation Array (THE), and Photon Scattering Array (EMP).

Sensor Dampening Battery

  • 4000 m3 4000 kg
  • 12,500 PG 25 CPU
  • 100k shield HP, 1.5M armor HP, 100k structure HP

The Sensor Dampening Battery has a 150km optimal, cuts the target's scan resolution and targeting range in half. It has very low fitting requirements and can force an enemy to come closer to POS weapons instead of being able to snipe modules. Just like any other module that targets enemy ships, it must be mounted outside the POS's bubble.

ECM Battery

- shield resist modules

- e-war modules (ECM, damps, turret disruption)


- discuss offensive measures (guns, missiles, ammo types)

Energy Neutralizing Battery

Stasis Webification Battery

Warp Scrambling Battery

Warp Scrambling Battery

- scrams, disrupts, stasis webs, energy neuts

- anchoring of spare modules

- starbase operator skill

Initial Attack

- what do we bring, how long should it take

- ammo types, range needed

Incapacitation of Modules

- order of modules to attack

- modules inside vs outside the shields

- how to keep ships from being popped

- what ammo works best

Damage POS Shield

- what ammo works best, how to know

- taking down the shield to 25%

- what happens at 25%

Reinforced Mode

- what can/can't be done (summary) guns can be repaired, POS shield cannot be repaired, modules can/cannot?

- talk about stront timer, how to see it

- talk about what can't be done while in reinforced

- repairing POS modules

- preventing the enemy from repairing

Final Takedown

- when do we come back, what do we bring, how long should it take

What to Shoot

- repaired modules

- shields

- other modules?

What to Loot

- modules? hangar contents?

- link to IVY war loot policy

Reference Links

EVE Online POS Builder POS'S AND YOU (forum thread) MyPOS (calculate fits)