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Gyrgon was a dedicated PvE specialist before joining EVE University.

Draft area:

[CLASS] 2016.11.01 @ 17:00 - Logistics 101

previous class announcement


  [color=#00FFFF]When:[/color] Tuesday 1st November, @ 17:00 EVE Time
  [color=#00FFFF]Where:[/color][list][color=#FF8000]Lecture:[/color] Lecture.E-UNI and Public Mumble
[color=#00FB00]Practical:[/color] [list]Fleet chat and E-UNI mumble (On-Demand-Channel "Logistics 101")

System: Amygnon (HSC)[/list][/list]

  [color=#00FFFF]Duration:[/color] ca. 60 min [color=#FF8000]lecture[/color] + 30 min [color=#00FB00]practical[/color]
  Keeping your fleetmates alive during a PvP fight, providing support for your friends to run WH sleeper sites or being an integral part of every Incursion fleet - a Logistics pilot's job can be as versatile as it is vital to many fleet operations. While flying a "healer"-spaceship might not seem as glorious as some other roles in a fleet, being able to pull your buddy's ship back from the brink of death, keeping a fleet able to fight against overwhelming odds or even just keeping them alive long enough to get that shiny kill will earn you every FC's and DPS ship pilot's undying love and gratitude.

T1 Logistic ships are a good choice for newer players to train into, since the minimum skill requirements are fairly low and they scale well with growing skills and experience. All of them can be challenging to fly well, making competent Logistics pilots a sought after resource in New Eden, but even Logistics-pilots-in-training are a welcome addition to most fleets.

  [color=#00FFFF]Topics include:[/color]
  [list][*]What is Logistics? 
  [*]Armor vs shield Logistics 
  [*]Logistics ships (T1/2 frigates, T1 cruisers) 
  [*]Logistics modules & drones 
  [*]Skills for Logistics pilots
  [*]Solo vs Cap-chain 
  [*]sample fits 
  [color=#00FFFF]Student requirements:[/color][list][color=#FF8000]Lecture:[/color]
  [list][*][color=#FFFF00]Public Mumble access[/color] - make sure you have our Public Mumble server access sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up: [url][/url]
  [*]Access to the [color=#FFFF00]Lecture.E-UNI[/color] in-game chat channel
  [*]You need to be [color=#FFFF00]docked up[/color][/list]


  [list][*][color=#FFFF00]E-UNI Mumble access[/color] - make sure you have our E-UNI Mumble server access sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up: [url][/url]
  [*]You need to be a [color=#FFFF00]member of E-UNI[/color] to participate in the practical

[*]You need to be able to use a T1 logistics frigate ([color=#FFFF00]Inquisitor, Bantam, Navitas or Burst[/color]) for this practical [*]You need to have either the skill "[color=#FFFF00]Shield Emission Systems I[/color]" (for the Bantam and Burst) or the skill "[color=#FFFF00]Remote Armor Repair Systems I[/color]" (for Inquisitor and Navitas) trained [*]You need to be in [color=#FFFF00]Amygnon[/color][/list][/list]

    [color=#00FFFF]Additional information:[/color] Fitted T1 logistics frigates will be handed out at the beginning of the practical to be used during the practical. If you have your own fitted T1 logistics frigate, feel free to bring it to the practical.