Uploads by Turhan Bey
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
18:55, 10 February 2012 | TexturePack large.jpg (file) | 457 KB | From February 2010 devblog, texture file format. | 1 | |
21:03, 4 February 2012 | XML document tree, formatted.jpg (file) | 79 KB | A formatted XML document, EVE Marketeer tritanium lookup in Jita. | 1 | |
20:46, 4 February 2012 | EMK personal API functions.jpg (file) | 10 KB | EVE Marketeer available functionality when using personal API. | 1 | |
09:43, 28 January 2012 | Turret-tohit-exercise-1.jpg (file) | 37 KB | Forgot to add own ship's speeds. | 4 | |
07:27, 28 January 2012 | Angular-change-straight-line.jpg (file) | 11 KB | Change in angular velocity with target moving in a straight line. | 1 | |
04:11, 28 January 2012 | Turret-tohit-range-term.jpg (file) | 5 KB | Turret To-Hit Equation graph, range modified single-term | 1 | |
04:02, 28 January 2012 | Turret-tohit-single-term.jpg (file) | 5 KB | Turret To-Hit Equation, single term graph: 0.5^(x^2) | 1 | |
01:54, 28 January 2012 | Turret-tohit-combined-term.jpg (file) | 7 KB | Turret To-Hit equation, general combined-term graph: 0.5^x | 1 | |
19:01, 28 June 2011 | ShowInfo PlagioclaseMiningCrystal1.jpg (file) | 24 KB | Show Info window of a Plagioclase Mining Crystal I | 1 | |
19:24, 25 May 2010 | PI LinkPerKm.jpg (file) | 17 KB | Graph of link CPU and PowerGrid cost per kilometer. | 1 |