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Fandui's Bio

Hello fellow Unistas and o7 fellow ILN pilots! This is my first crack at managing a wiki, so bear with me if the page gets a cluttered; its more or less a work in progress.


Fandui (pronounced "fahn-dway") is Mandarin Chinese for rebel. Its the verb not the noun, but I thought Fandui would be enough of a linguistic hurdle for most others out there, without adding on the "ren" at the end.

When I first started playing EVE not that long ago (late 2009), I was grabbed by the Minmatar descriptions right off the bat. Amarr sounded to religious, Caldari sounded like a corporation gone mad, and the Gallente were just a standard space-version of Americans. So I read up on the Minmatar history, liked the sound of a bunch of slaves rebelling against a theocratic empire, and slapped on a good rebel name.

You might get the impression from reading the above that I'm a big role player, but that's not really the case. I do take some measure of care in picking a name out though, since that's what I'll be getting called for the rest of my gaming career. And it ended up being a happy accident that the Minnies grabbed my eye, since I've LOVED flying their ships so far. Hurricane, here I come!

My EVE History

I joined the Uni in early 2010, shortly after starting my piloting career. The infamous "learning cliff" of EVE was fairly daunting, so I thought the Uni would be a great place to get a hand with it. Since then I've learned quite a bit, figuring out ship builds, basic fleet ops, tackling, missioning, etc. I haven't been able to get as much flying time in as I like, due to real life issues keeping me overseas for a big chunk of this year. When I get back I plan to get some solid patrol time in with my ILN fleetmates, and see even more of what EVE has to offer.

Until then, fly safe! o7