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== Fitting Test ==
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.ship-fitting .chargesinfo .collapseButton a:hover, .ship-fitting .chargesinfo .collapseButton a.hover
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.ship-fitting .fitting-rightcol-fill
<div class='ship-fitting'>
<div class='title'><div style='width: 20px; display: inline;'>[[Image:E-UNI_Emblem.png|20px|middle|Eve University]]</div><h4 style='display: inline-block; line-height: 15px; margin-left: 5px; max-width: 240px;border-bottom: medium none;'>{{{name|fitting details}}}</h4></div>
<div style='padding: 0 5px 0 0'>
<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>
<td class='col-left' style='font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10px; padding-top:10px;' valign='top'>
<table class='eft collapsible collapsed' style='margin-right:5px'>
<th class='header' style='position: absolute; font-weight: normal; padding: 0pt 5px 0pt 0pt; height: 14px; margin-left: 10px;width: 50px;'><div style='color: #78807A; position: absolute; z-index: 10; width: 50px;'>&nbsp;EFT&nbsp;</div>&nbsp;</th>
<div style='height: 16px;'>&nbsp;</div>
<div style='margin-left: 5px;background-color: #110809;border: 1px solid #5B5B5B; min-width: 160px;'>
<div class='module-label'><div class='inner'>E F T&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F I T T I N G</div></div>
<div class='break'>&nbsp;</div>
<td class='col-middle' style='font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10px; padding-top:10px;' valign='top'>
<div style='height: 16px;'>
<div class='header' style='background-color: #000000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;border-color: #727773 #727773 #000000; border-width: 2px 1px 1px; width: 50px;  position: absolute; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: 67px;'>FITTINGS</div>
<div style='background-color: #000000; border: 1px solid #727773;padding: 5px;min-width:240px;'>
<table style='background-color:#110809;border:1px solid #878984;line-height: 18px;width:100%;' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
<tr><td class='module-label' style='border-top:medium none;'><div class='inner'>H I G H&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;P O W E R<div class='module-icon' style='float:right'>[[Image:icon_hi_slot.png|14px|middle|high slot]]</div></div></td></tr>
<tr><td class='module-content'>
{{{high|<span style='color:#616161'>[empty]</span>}}}&nbsp;
<tr><td class='module-label'><div class='inner'>M E D I U M&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;P O W E R<div class='module-icon' style='float:right'>[[Image:icon_mid_slot.png|14px|middle|medium slot]]</div></div></td></tr>
<tr><td class='module-content'>
{{{mid|<span style='color:#616161'>[empty]</span>}}}&nbsp;
<tr><td class='module-label'><div class='inner'>L O W&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;P O W E R<div class='module-icon' style='float:right'>[[Image:icon_low_slot.png|14px|middle|low slot]]</div></div></td></tr>
<tr><td class='module-content'>
{{{low|<span style='color:#616161'>[empty]</span>}}}&nbsp;
<tr><td class='module-label'><div class='inner'>R I G&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;S L O T<div class='module-icon' style='float:right'>[[Image:icon_rigs.png|14px|middle|rigs]]</div></div></td></tr>
<tr><td class='module-content' style='padding-bottom: 10px;'>
{{{rigs|<span style='color:#616161'>[no rigs]</span>}}}&nbsp;<br>
<tr style='display:{{#if: {{{drones}}} |table-row|{{#if: {{{charges}}} |table-row|none}}}};'><td>
<table class='chargesinfo collapsible' style='width:100%'>
<tr><th style=' background-color: #191E18;border-top: 1px solid #727773;font-family: trebuchet MS;font-size: 9px;height: 13px;line-height: 13px;margin: 0;'>D R O N E S&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C H A R G E S</th></tr>
<td class='module-label'><div class='inner'>D R O N E S<div class='module-icon' style='float:right'>[[Image:icon_drone_bandwith.png|14px|middle|drones]]</div></div>
<td class='module-content'>
{{{drones|<span style='color:#616161'>[no drones]</span>}}}
<tr><td class='module-label'><div class='inner'>C H A R G E S</div></td></tr>
<td class='module-content'>
{{{charges|<span style='color:#616161;'>[no charges]</span>}}}
<div class='break'>&nbsp;</div>
<td class='col-right' style='padding:0;height:100%;display:{{#if: {{{required1}}} |table-cell|{{#if: {{{recommended1}}} |table-cell|{{#if: {{{notes}}} |table-cell|none}}}}}}' valign='top'>
<table class='description fitting-rightcol-fill collapsible collapsed' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
<tr style='height:0px'>
<th class='header' style='position: absolute; font-weight: normal; width: 100px; margin-left: -128px; padding: 0pt 15px 0pt 0pt; height: 14px; margin-top: 10px;'><div style='color: #78807A;float: left; position: absolute; z-index: 10; width: 115px;'>&nbsp;SKILLS & NOTES&nbsp;</div>&nbsp;</th>
<td style='width: 5px; border-right: 1px solid rgb(82, 87, 81);'><div style='width:5px;'></div></td>
<td valign='top'>
<div style='padding-top:26px'>
<div style='float:right'>[[Image:E-UNI_Emblem.png|25px|middle|Eve University]]</div>
<div style='padding-left: 10px; line-height: 15px; font-size: 11px;'>Eve University Wiki / Recommended Skills & Notes</div>
<div style='line-height: 30px; font-size: 20px; padding: 0 35px 0 10px;'><br></div>
<div style='background-color: #110809;border: 1px solid #8E8D8B;margin-left: 5px;width: 480px;'>
<div style='display:{{#if: {{{recommended1}}} |block|none}};'>
<div class='module-label'><div class='inner'>R E C O M M E N D E D&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;S K I L L S</div></div>
<div style='padding:5px'>
<table style='width:100%'>
<td valign='top'>
<td valign='top'>
<td valign='top'>
<div style='display:{{#if: {{{notes}}} |block|none}};'>
<div class='module-label'><div class='inner'>N O T E S</div></div>
<div class='fitting-notes' style='padding:5px 10px 5px 5px'>
{{{notes|*No fitting notes available for this fitting.}}}</p>
<div class='break'>&nbsp;</div>
==Usage Guide==
*Copy the codes below to your article
<pre style='font-size:12px; margin-left: 20px;'>
*Fill out the appropriate parameter values (see parameter list below), if you feel the fitting does not need the information given by that parameter, <span style='color:pink'>leave them empty and do not erase the parameter line!</span>. For example, if the fitting does not need the recommended skills information, leave the '''recommended1, recommended2, recommended3''' lines as it is, do not erase anything, just leave them empty.
*If the parameter value contains multiple lines, separate the lines with <span style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%;'><nowiki><br></nowiki></span> tag, for example, if you want to have the high slot filled with three Heavy Missile Launcher II, you should write them on the '''high''' parameter like this:
<pre style='font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px;border-color:lightgreen;'>
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II
:dont do it like this
<pre style='font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px;border-color:red;'>
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II <-- the template won't recognize the line breaks
:nor this
<pre style='font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px;border-color:red;'>
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>
Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>
Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>  <-- we don't need the extra <br>
:also, not like this
<pre style='font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px;border-color:red;'>
|high=3x Heavy Missile Launcher II <-- people won't be able to import them to EFT/EveMon
*The notes parameter requires a bit of attention so the wiki can render it properly and to improve readability. Use the <span style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%;'><nowiki>*</nowiki></span> tag to separate multiple lines. Press ''<nowiki><enter> or <return></nowiki>'' after the <span style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%;'><nowiki>=</nowiki></span> sign on the notes parameter and write the notes on a new line so the <nowiki>*</nowiki> tag stays on the leftmost of the editor (no spacing or indentation before the <nowiki>*</nowiki> tag), like this :
<pre style='font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px;border-color:lightgreen;'>
*This setup is [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?p=35587#p35587 Kelduum Revaan's T1 Ultimate Drake Tank Setup].
*Training plan for use with [[Evemon_and_EFT|EVEmon]] can be found [[Media:Drake_t1_with_drones.xml|here]] (right click, save link as).
*It is recommended to fit a [[Full_T2_Tank#Shield_Tank|T2 shield tank]] as soon as possible.
*Training [[Missile_Launchers#Missile_Support_Skills|missile support skills]] will increase DPS output.
*Training [[Drones#Skills|drone support skills]] will increase drone effectiveness.
*If you happen to write multiple fits, or there is another fitting for the ship you want to post the fitting for, <span style='color:pink'>do not add any space or linebreaks (''<nowiki><enter> or <return></nowiki>'') after or before the fitting brackets</span>. If you put a space or breaks after a fit on the same ship, the template won't stack it sideways (horizontally), so it would be hard for readers to compare the fittings. Below is how to post a correct two or more fitting of the same ship :
<pre style='font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px;border-color:lightgreen;'>
|name=Fitting #1 of X ship
}}{{Fittings              <-- notice that there's no space nor breaks on these two fittings
|name=Fitting #2 of X ship
*<span style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%;'>Parameter List</span> :
#name=the name of the fitting
#high=modules for the high slot
#mid=modules for the middle slot
#low=modules for the low slot
#charges=charges used for the fitting
#drones=drones used for the fitting
#rigs=rigs used for the ship on the fitting
#recommended1=first column of list of minimum recommended skills to use the fitting effectively
#recommended2=second column
#recommended3=third column
#notes=notes for the fitting, please use the * tag to separate multiple lines (for readability)
Below is an example of using this template. The example uses two fittings for the same ship.
|name=Drake, Kelduum's Ultimate Drake Tank
|high= Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Drone Link Augmentor I
|mid= Shield Recharger I<br>Shield Recharger I<br>Shield Recharger I<br>Large Shield Extender I<br>Large Shield Extender I<br>Invulnerability Field I
|low= Shield Power Relay I<br>Shield Power Relay I<br>Shield Power Relay I<br>Shield Power Relay I
|charges= Scourge Heavy Missile
|drones= Hobgoblin I x5
|rigs= Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I
*This setup is [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?p=35587#p35587 Kelduum Revaan's T1 Ultimate Drake Tank Setup].
*Training plan for use with [[Evemon_and_EFT|EVEmon]] can be found [[Media:Drake_t1_with_drones.xml|here]] (right click, save link as).
*It is recommended to fit a [[Full_T2_Tank#Shield_Tank|T2 shield tank]] as soon as possible.
*Training [[Missile_Launchers#Missile_Support_Skills|missile support skills]] will increase DPS output.
*Training [[Drones#Skills|drone support skills]] will increase drone effectiveness.
|name=Drake, advanced PvE
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Drone Link Augmentor
|mid=Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II<br>Heat Dissipation Amplifier II<br>Large Shield Extender II<br>Large Shield Extender II<br>10MN Afterburner II<br>Invulnerability Field II
|low=Shield Power Relay II<br>Shield Power Relay II<br>Ballistic Control Unit II<br>Ballistic Control Unit II
|charges=Scourge Heavy Missile<br>Thunderbolt Heavy missile
|drones=Hobgoblin II x5
|rigs=Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I
|recommended1=Battlecruisers IV<br>Missile Bombardment III<br>Missile Launcher Operation III<br>Guided Missile Precision III<br>Missile Projection III
|recommended2=Rapid Launch III<br>Target Navigation Prediction III<br>Warhead Upgrades III<br>Shield Management V
|recommended3=Shield Operation IV<br>Shield Upgrades IV<br>Tactical Shield Manipulation IV<br>Shield Compensation IV<br>Heavy Missiles IV<br>Heavy Missile Specialization I<br>Combat Drone Operation III
*It is recommended to fit a [[Full_T2_Tank#Shield_Tank|T2 shield tank]] as soon as possible.
*Training [[Missile_Launchers#Missile_Support_Skills|missile support skills]] will increase DPS output.
*Use Meta 4 items if you cannot fit T2. Except for the Launchers as they are too expensive.
*With very good tank and dps skills you may use three Ballistic Control Units and only one Shield Power Relay.
*Amend the passive shield resistance modules (amplifiers) to the resistance you need for your mission.
*Swap your afterburner for a second Invulnerability Field if you encounter problems with your tank.
*You can use Warrior drones against Angels instead of Hobgoblins.
*Thunderbolt Heavy Missiles deal more damage against Sansha and Bloodraiders even if you have Battlecruiser IV.
*Optional in the highslot: tractor beam (instead of a Drone Link Augmentor)
You can see the result here http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Caldari_Basic_Ship_and_Skill_Guide#Drake
*This fitting is CSS based and depends on the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CSS MediaWiki CSS Extension]
*You are welcome to use or view the template anywhere as long as it is within UniWiki domain
*You are welcome to edit the template as long as you know what you are doing
*You are welcome to redistribute this template as long as you have been given permission by the current [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/EVE_University_Management wiki manager]
*This template was made based on ideas and suggestions by Eve University members, if you had one, feel free to post them on the [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=46086 Eve University forum]
*If you see any problems, bugs or errors related to this template, please contact the current maintainer of this template (see [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Fittings&action=history View History])

Revision as of 18:24, 28 April 2012

Div Test 1

Cruiser - Strategic Cruiser

The Condor is the Caldari T1 scout ship, useful for quick transport of small cargo and some level 1 missions.

Ship Bonuses :
Caldari Strategic Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.

Div Test 2

Cruiser - Strategic Cruiser

The Condor is the Caldari T1 scout ship, useful for quick transport of small cargo and some level 1 missions.

Ship Bonuses :
Caldari Strategic Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.

Div Test 3


Div Test 4


Class Linking

  • PvP Corp Management
  • Class Level: Level1.gif
Classlib icon instructor.png Instructor(s): Lynn Deniera
Classlib icon file info.pngRecorded: 2012.04.22 Classlib icon file info.pngFile Info: Audio, mp3, 104:48, 23.35 MB
Classlib icon download.pngDownload Location(s): EVE University Server
Classlib icon other 1.png‎ Lynn Deniera talks about PvP Corp Management

Fitting Test

Eve University

fitting details

H I G H   P O W E R
high slot


M E D I U M   P O W E R
medium slot


L O W   P O W E R
low slot


R I G   S L O T

[no rigs] 

D R O N E S   &   C H A R G E S

[no drones]


[no charges]


Usage Guide

  • Copy the codes below to your article
  • Fill out the appropriate parameter values (see parameter list below), if you feel the fitting does not need the information given by that parameter, leave them empty and do not erase the parameter line!. For example, if the fitting does not need the recommended skills information, leave the recommended1, recommended2, recommended3 lines as it is, do not erase anything, just leave them empty.
  • If the parameter value contains multiple lines, separate the lines with <br> tag, for example, if you want to have the high slot filled with three Heavy Missile Launcher II, you should write them on the high parameter like this:
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II
dont do it like this
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II <-- the template won't recognize the line breaks
nor this
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>
Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>
Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>  <-- we don't need the extra <br>
also, not like this
|high=3x Heavy Missile Launcher II <-- people won't be able to import them to EFT/EveMon
  • The notes parameter requires a bit of attention so the wiki can render it properly and to improve readability. Use the * tag to separate multiple lines. Press <enter> or <return> after the = sign on the notes parameter and write the notes on a new line so the * tag stays on the leftmost of the editor (no spacing or indentation before the * tag), like this :
*This setup is [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?p=35587#p35587 Kelduum Revaan's T1 Ultimate Drake Tank Setup].
*Training plan for use with [[Evemon_and_EFT|EVEmon]] can be found [[Media:Drake_t1_with_drones.xml|here]] (right click, save link as).
*It is recommended to fit a [[Full_T2_Tank#Shield_Tank|T2 shield tank]] as soon as possible.
*Training [[Missile_Launchers#Missile_Support_Skills|missile support skills]] will increase DPS output.
*Training [[Drones#Skills|drone support skills]] will increase drone effectiveness.
  • If you happen to write multiple fits, or there is another fitting for the ship you want to post the fitting for, do not add any space or linebreaks (<enter> or <return>) after or before the fitting brackets. If you put a space or breaks after a fit on the same ship, the template won't stack it sideways (horizontally), so it would be hard for readers to compare the fittings. Below is how to post a correct two or more fitting of the same ship :
|name=Fitting #1 of X ship
}}{{Fittings               <-- notice that there's no space nor breaks on these two fittings
|name=Fitting #2 of X ship
  • Parameter List :
  1. name=the name of the fitting
  2. high=modules for the high slot
  3. mid=modules for the middle slot
  4. low=modules for the low slot
  5. charges=charges used for the fitting
  6. drones=drones used for the fitting
  7. rigs=rigs used for the ship on the fitting
  8. recommended1=first column of list of minimum recommended skills to use the fitting effectively
  9. recommended2=second column
  10. recommended3=third column
  11. notes=notes for the fitting, please use the * tag to separate multiple lines (for readability)


Below is an example of using this template. The example uses two fittings for the same ship.

|name=Drake, Kelduum's Ultimate Drake Tank
|high= Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Heavy Missile Launcher I<br> Drone Link Augmentor I
|mid= Shield Recharger I<br>Shield Recharger I<br>Shield Recharger I<br>Large Shield Extender I<br>Large Shield Extender I<br>Invulnerability Field I
|low= Shield Power Relay I<br>Shield Power Relay I<br>Shield Power Relay I<br>Shield Power Relay I
|charges= Scourge Heavy Missile
|drones= Hobgoblin I x5
|rigs= Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I
*This setup is [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?p=35587#p35587 Kelduum Revaan's T1 Ultimate Drake Tank Setup].
*Training plan for use with [[Evemon_and_EFT|EVEmon]] can be found [[Media:Drake_t1_with_drones.xml|here]] (right click, save link as).
*It is recommended to fit a [[Full_T2_Tank#Shield_Tank|T2 shield tank]] as soon as possible.
*Training [[Missile_Launchers#Missile_Support_Skills|missile support skills]] will increase DPS output.
*Training [[Drones#Skills|drone support skills]] will increase drone effectiveness.
|name=Drake, advanced PvE
|high=Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Heavy Missile Launcher II<br>Drone Link Augmentor
|mid=Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II<br>Heat Dissipation Amplifier II<br>Large Shield Extender II<br>Large Shield Extender II<br>10MN Afterburner II<br>Invulnerability Field II
|low=Shield Power Relay II<br>Shield Power Relay II<br>Ballistic Control Unit II<br>Ballistic Control Unit II
|charges=Scourge Heavy Missile<br>Thunderbolt Heavy missile
|drones=Hobgoblin II x5
|rigs=Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I<br>Core Defence Field Purger I
|recommended1=Battlecruisers IV<br>Missile Bombardment III<br>Missile Launcher Operation III<br>Guided Missile Precision III<br>Missile Projection III
|recommended2=Rapid Launch III<br>Target Navigation Prediction III<br>Warhead Upgrades III<br>Shield Management V
|recommended3=Shield Operation IV<br>Shield Upgrades IV<br>Tactical Shield Manipulation IV<br>Shield Compensation IV<br>Heavy Missiles IV<br>Heavy Missile Specialization I<br>Combat Drone Operation III 
*It is recommended to fit a [[Full_T2_Tank#Shield_Tank|T2 shield tank]] as soon as possible.
*Training [[Missile_Launchers#Missile_Support_Skills|missile support skills]] will increase DPS output.
*Use Meta 4 items if you cannot fit T2. Except for the Launchers as they are too expensive.
*With very good tank and dps skills you may use three Ballistic Control Units and only one Shield Power Relay.
*Amend the passive shield resistance modules (amplifiers) to the resistance you need for your mission.
*Swap your afterburner for a second Invulnerability Field if you encounter problems with your tank.
*You can use Warrior drones against Angels instead of Hobgoblins.
*Thunderbolt Heavy Missiles deal more damage against Sansha and Bloodraiders even if you have Battlecruiser IV.
*Optional in the highslot: tractor beam (instead of a Drone Link Augmentor)

You can see the result here http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Caldari_Basic_Ship_and_Skill_Guide#Drake


  • This fitting is CSS based and depends on the MediaWiki CSS Extension
  • You are welcome to use or view the template anywhere as long as it is within UniWiki domain
  • You are welcome to edit the template as long as you know what you are doing
  • You are welcome to redistribute this template as long as you have been given permission by the current wiki manager
  • This template was made based on ideas and suggestions by Eve University members, if you had one, feel free to post them on the Eve University forum
  • If you see any problems, bugs or errors related to this template, please contact the current maintainer of this template (see View History)