AEGIS Capital Ship Security Facility

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Site Details
AEGIS Capital Ship Security Facility
Found in Low and Nullsec
Max ship size Cruisers

The AEGIS Capital Ship Security Facility is a data site that appears as a level III data signature in Low and Null security space.

After warping in you will have 30 minutes to complete the site.

Please note that this site requires a data analyzer to receive the rewards. You don't need to do combat, so you can just do it in a Covops. ** Stay well clear of the Proximity Mines though as they hurt **

After acquiring the AEGIS Coded Security Key CSSF-ENS do not leave the facility or it will disappear from your cargo. Slow-boat to the next gate rather than warp out and back.


Acceleration Gate

Room 1

Firstly you should head to the AEGIS Encrypted Key Storage where you get the key to the gate. After getting the key you can head to the gate. Note: the gate will be ~175km from the Key and you will be targeted by the Stasis Tower during hacking meaning you can't cloak again after. You can't warp out of the site without losing the key so using fast ship to compensate for the webifier is advised.

WARNING: Failing a single hacking attempt will spawn enemy fleet.

On warp-in
The vault's emergency lockdown procedures take roughly 30 minutes, after which it will be inaccessible.
WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 2 x AEGIS Security Scanner Decloaks ships within 55km when it activates.
Structure 1 x AEGIS Security Deep Scanner Decloaks ships within 100km when it activates.
Left side
Structure 12 x AEGIS Proximity Mine DO NOT go within the visible circle when you look at these. 10km Range. They deal high smartbomb omni damage. (40,000 damage total)
Hackable Structure 1 x AEGIS Encrypted Key Storage Failing the hack will spawn sizable fleet 1x AEGIS Coded Security Key CSSF-ENS
Right side
Sentry 1 x Sentry AEGIS Security Stasis GunStar Targets ship once it's decloaked for ~10 seconds, infinite range, 75% slow Stasis Webifier
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate You need the AEGIS Coded Security Key to use the gate, the key will be consumed.

Room 2

You should stay cloaked to not aggress the fleet before reaching the data can. You can uncloak for 5 seconds to activate the propulsion module, but note that active MWD enlarges your signature radius and makes you easier to target.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure  ? x AEGIS Security Scanner Decloaks ships within 55km when it activates.
Structure  ? x AEGIS Security Deep Scanner Decloaks ships within 100km when it activates.
Structure  ? x AEGIS Proximity Mine DO NOT go within the visible circle when you look at these. 20km range. They deal high smartbomb omni damage.
120km from Hackable
Frigate 5 x Frigate EDENCOM AEGIS Security Pacifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser EDENCOM AEGIS Security Enforcer Warp Disruptor
Battleship 1 x Battleship EDENCOM AEGIS Security Marshal Target Jammer Target Painter
Hackable Structure 1 x AEGIS Security Vault Hardest difficulty, final node has 120 coherence. 1x Electro-Neural Signaller, AEGIS databases


[hide]Item Name Est. Value Note
1x Electro-Neural Signaller 135M (April. 24) 100% drop rate
1-3x AEGIS Covert Operation Reports 10M Can be sold to NPCs in Null Sec
1-10x AEGIS Fortification Schematics 1M
1-15x AEGIS Personnel File Backups 500K
1-9x AEGIS Security Patrol Reports 50K
