Choonka's Request (2 of 4)

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Main article: Quelling The Insurgency

Amarr data center storyline mission
Agent: Mamin Choonka
Agent location: Ashab planet 2 moon
Standings required: none
parts: (1 of 4), (2 of 4), (3 of 4), (4 of 4)

Type Encounter
Objective Destroy pirate convoy and retrieve Encoded Data Chip (0.1m³)
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Rewards ISK

Mission briefing
You did well against artificial intelligence, I'll give you that. But can you cut it against living opponents? Your next assignment is to destroy a pirate convoy carrying illegal goods into Ashab. You might ask, "how did you find out about this convoy?" The answer is that I ordered the goods myself. Through a contact, of course ― I would never reveal my true identity to those bastards.

Destroy the convoy, and bring the database from one of the ships to me if you manage to find one intact. I need to present it to the authorities so that we might trace their travel route to its origin and eliminate their drug factory for good.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Blood Raider Convoy Guard
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Blood Raider Transport Ship

Warp in, blow up the pirate ships, grab the goods, and return to the agent. The container with the required item is dropped by the last destroyed ship.