Jali Tanaka is a level 2 agent in Caldari COSMOS located in Vahunomi – Cactus Mill Lookout.
Bank Security – The Fence (1 of 3)
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Ah, welcome, ―name‖. I have something for you, but first a brief explanation might be in order: Mika Etsuya brought me out here to help him set up surveillance equipment around the bank vault in the State and Region Bank station in the system. Then he got his hands full with something else, so he leaves it to me to do the dirty work he‘s supposed to be doing. Not as if this hasn‘t happened before, mind you…
The security in the bank vault is woefully lacking. I‘m frankly surprised no one has robbed the place already. Heck, if I wasn‘t such a coward when t comes to guns, I would probably do it myself. Uh, I‘m joking, of course, so don‘t go running off to Mika to tell on me. Anyway, I‘m trying to install a station-wide surveillance fence, which would sound the alarm if any unidentified ships approached. It's not easy, but I'm using the latest technology for this, a so-called "Barbed Wire Scanner." These scanners can be very easily linked to each other to create a very potent security perimeter.
The only problem is, it's pretty hard to get a hold of these scanners. Basically, what is out there are just prototypes and sample modules sent to potential customers. I've already managed to round up a few, but I need a whole heap of these bloody things. That's where you come in.
I just located one on a Spacelane Patrol station in a nearby constellation. I'm stuck here setting up the scanner array control unit, so I want you to pick it up for me. Interested?
Transport 1 Barbed Wire Scanner (2.0 m3) from given destination to agent.
Bank Security – Bug Error (2 of 3)
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My colleague Etsuya is up to something over in the Sakkikainen system. He asked me to plant some bug devices on several bandits hanging out at Kazka‘s headquarters. I managed to bug a few of them when they docked for refit recently. Now all their transmission are intercepted and relayed to us. All well and good, if you ask me, but we‘ve had a slight hitch.
One of the bug devices is faulty and needs to be removed. It‘s creating an echo in the communication
system that might be picked up by an alert bandit. If those guys find the bug, then the rest of the bugs are lost too. Not to mention the fact that they‘ll be much more careful about these things in the future. We can‘t let that happen, so we need to retrieve the device, pronto.
Trouble is, simply waiting for this bandit, Dyklan Harrikar, to dock here again is not an option. Somebody has to track the guy down, blow him to pieces, and retrieve the device so his buddies won‘t find it when they go digging through the debris. Now, I‘m not a fighter and Etsuya is too busy tracking down some counterfeit money or something. Naturally, I thought of you, thought I‘d recommend you get some friends to help you out.
Just get into the Kazka headquarters, locate Dyklan Harrikar, and take him down. Sounds easy, right? Don't forget to retrieve the broken tracking device from his wreck; we can't afford to let his allies know we're tapping them.
Provide 1 Broken Bug Device (0.1 m3) from the second stage of the Contested Kazka Headquarters deadspace complex in the Sakkikainen system to agent.
Bank Security – The Safe (3 of 3)
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Well, the barbed wire scanner fence is almost operational. But poor Etsuya is still neck deep in this counterfeit business and has had little time to take care of the other security issues still unresolved at the bank. I feel sorry for the guy, with all these responsibilities and not enough time… but it‘s not like he doesn‘t bring it on himself sometimes. Still, I‘m trying to help him out as best I can.
While searching for more Barbed Wire scanners, I came upon a really impressive safe that would solve a lot of problems for the bank if it was installed there. I pulled some strings with some navy friends and they got me the safe. I‘ve already talked to the bank manager at the station and he‘s agreed to fund the whole thing. However, I have to oversee the last stages of setting up the security perimeter; it‘s taken longer than I expected due to some unforeseen malfunction and unlucky accidents. But I hope to have it up and running in a few days.
Thing is, as I‘m sure you‘d already guessed, I need someone to get the safe and bring it to the bank station for me. The safe is located at a Perkone station not far from here. Just be careful ― you might have to travel through some rough territory to get there.
Transport 1 Impregnable Safe (120.0 m3) between given destinations.