Recon (1 of 3) (Blood Raiders) (Level 4)

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Parts: 1 of 3 (Blood Raiders), 2 of 3, 3 of 3

Level 4
Type Encounter
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Elite Frigates (Point)
EWAR NOS Elite Cruisers (Elder Corpum Priest/Sage), Tracking Disruptor Elite Frigates (Elder Corpii Collector)
Ship suggestion Battleship, Command Ship, Strategic Cruiser, HAC (or fast frigate, shuttle etc for blitz)

Video: [Sentry Domi + Salvager 15 October 2013] [Kronos Part 1,2 & 3 26 Novenmer 2013]

Pocket 1

  • Blitz
    • You do not need to kill any hostile ships in this pocket. The warp gate is unlocked and sits about 24km from the warp-in point.
    • You can use any fast frigate/cruiser (over 500m/s) to evasively tank Spawn 1 and quickly cover the distance to warp off through the gate.
    • Mission is flagged completed once you have activated the gate and warped into Pocket 2.
  • Auto aggro from Spawn 1 after several seconds. New spawns will appear at an interval between 60-90 secs from the three Shipyard structures, each about 20-30km from the warp-in point.
  • Structures drop no loot.
  • Drones will be aggroed by the later spawns, so retrieve/deploy them as necessary to avoid damage.

Spawn 1 (Auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Elder Corpum Dark Priest/Shadow Sage Energy Neutralizer
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Corpior Phantom
Battleship 1 x Battleship Corpus Pope/Patriarch
  • Once Spawn 1 has been initiated, the Shipyards will keep spawning ships regardless of your location. If you had warped out, there will be a full gang waiting when next you warp-in.
  • The full gang's DPS estimate is 900-1100dps.
  • The loot from the battleships is generally rather good (usually about 2m/each).

Spawn 2 (Auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Elder Corpum Dark Priest/Shadow Sage Energy Neutralizer
Battleship 2 x Battleship Corpus Pope/Monsignor/Cardinal Energy Neutralizer

Spawn 3 (Auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Elder Corpum Sage/Priest Energy Neutralizer
Battleship 2 x Battleship Corpus Pope Energy Neutralizer

Spawn 4 (Auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battleship 3 x Battleship Corpus Pope/Monsignor/Cardinal/Patriarch Energy Neutralizer

Pocket 2

On entering the pocket, you will receive the mission completed message/journal update. You can just warp off without needing to kill any hostile ships.

Auto aggro from Spawn 1 after several seconds. Next spawn will appear in 60-90 secs.

Spawn 1 (Auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Elder Corpum Sage Energy Neutralizer
Battleship 2 x Battleship Corpus Cardinal

Spawn 2 (Auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Elder Corpii Collector Warp Disruptor Tracking Disruptor
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Elder Corpum Arch Priest Energy Neutralizer


  • 9 M for first pocket
  • 3 M for second pocket