Small Hezorime Deposit

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Main article: Asteroids and ore

Small Hezorime Deposit are periodically spawned in sovereign nullsec systems that contain an active Ore Prospecting Array. These are part of the Zydrine Prospecting Array. This is one of the new Equinox release sites.

Summary, with the +5 and 10% ores included

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit avg rock size m³ total
Hezorime 25 75,000 5 15,000 375,000
Eifyrium 25 24,438 16 15,000 375,000
Sum 50 99,438 7.54 15,000 750,000

Break down, with the +5% and 10% ores not collapsed

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit avg rock size m³ total
Augmented Eifyrium 2 2,344 16 18,750 37,500
Boosted Eifyrium 5 4,688 16 15,000 75,000
Doped Eifyrium 6 7,031 16 18,750 112,500
Dull Hezorime 8 15,000 5 18,750 112,500
Eifyrium 9 9,375 16 16,666 150,000
Hezorime 9 3,125 5 30,000 150,000
Serrated Hezorime 5 15,000 5 15,000 75,000
Sharp Hezorime 3 7,500 5 12,500 37,500
Sum 50 99,438 7.54 15,000 750,000

Source: Survey Scan, Knolebrik Opper, 2025/01/14