Talk:Faction modules

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With recent CCP changes to officer modules, the table currently in use in the officer module section is out of date and another table may be needed. While it is useful to know the tiers of nullsec officer, there are several other officers/modules that do not fall into the same tiered relationship:

- Insurgency officer modules (Zohar's and Hakuzosu's Modified Signature Radius Suppressor, Kasiha's Modified Vorton Tuning System) are obtained by redeeming special loot at Pirate Laundering Facilities or Counter-Insurgency Outposts in Insurgency systems.

- Drifter officer modules were obtained from Horizon Siege Point sites during the Siege of Zarzakh event by destroying the named Drifter officers. These modules no longer spawn. - Zorya's officer modules can be obtained ???

- Pirate officer frigates and cruisers (two each from Angel, Gurista, Serpentis, Sansha, and Blood for a total of ten - five frigates and five cruisers) can spawn in HS (frigates) and LS (cruisers). They drop over fifty frigate and cruiser-sized officer modules.

- The Shaqil officer mods appear to be from a storyline mission/site and may no longer be in drop tables.

Suggestion: Create a table listing each officer and the mods that they can drop. Keep the table with the NS tiers, but this new table will have most of the officer information. Use footnotes or text paragraphs to explain where each officer can be found.

- Duke