The Celestial Imperative is a multi part level 1 mission for Caldari State.
The mission can be started in any of the three Caldari State data centers.
The mission chain will reward the player with one random +3% hardwiring implant, one random +2 attribute implant, and Caldari State faction standings.
The mission chain can be completed only once. Failed mission can not be attempted again. But the missions themselves are fairly easy - as long as you pay attention and don't let the offered or accepted missions expire, they can be done without too much of a hassle. The missions are easy enough for a brand new player in their first frigate to complete them without problems.
The Graduation Certificate
Type | Courier |
Objective | Retrieve 1x Caldari Graduation Certificate (0.1m³) |
Rewards | Caldari Graduation Certificate (signed) and faction standing |
ExpandMission briefing
The colleague that I mentioned, Aviekko Ta, requires your graduation certificate before she'll offer you work. I suppose you've left it behind at your hangar somewhere? If not I can easily have a copy of it made on <StationName>. Just pick it up there and bring it to me. Once I've signed it then you're all set to speak with Aviekko.
This is the starting mission for The Celestial Imperative mission chain. This mission can be requested from three agents (Tillen Matsu, Korhonomi Oti, and Autaris Pia) and thus can be completed three times. The ISK value of the reward is low, but it also awards faction standing.
The mission is simple: fetch one unsigned certificate from a nearby station and the agent will sign it for you. The signed certificate is needed to get the next mission from Aviekko Ta.
License To Fly (prequel)
Type | Trade |
Objective | Deliver 1 x Caldari Graduation Certificate (signed) (0.1m³) |
Rewards | ISK |
ExpandMission briefing
Unless you've been sent here by one of my subordinates, I have nothing for you. If you're interested, you can find them in Data Centers in Kamokor, Ahtulaima and Saikanen.
You need to hand in the Caldari Graduation Certificate (signed) from The Graduation Certificate mission.
The Celestial Imperative (1 of 5)
Type | Courier |
Objective | Deliver 1 x Star Charts (0.1m³) |
Rewards | ISK |
ExpandMission briefing
Before you begin I should get you acquainted with my current assignment. I am Aviekko Ta, agent of Atoa Issa. I am one of many agents which were dispatched by Atoa to search for leads of the missing relics, which were stolen from the 13 Achur temples. So far I've had little luck, but I believe my venture in hiring graduates from the prominent aerospace aviation schools, like yourself, will pay off in the long run.
Your first task is to retrieve a few starmaps of mine from Ajanen X - Moon 3 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau. I just ordered them from our archives on our home-planet Achura in Saisio. They should lead us Kikko Roisen, who I've suspected for quite some time to have been involved with the infamous heist.
Anyway, get going. I need those starmaps asap.
The Celestial Imperative
The sacred pieces believed to be from the Rod of the Creator were stolen from under the watchful gaze of the Achur religious order. This any true Achur would know. The State has pledged enormous resources to tracking down the thieves. But even so the Elder Visionaries of Achura are not satisfied. They do not trust the State government, and they cannot sit idly by as their religion is ridiculed for its failure to protect the icons of its faith.
And so the Celestial Imperative was devised. Atoa Issa, a proud Achur himself, took leave of his prominent position within the Caldari Navy to oversee the search for the scoundrels who dared insult the Achur religion and people of Achura. By his side stands Seer Chakai Potan, representative of the temples of Achura. Together they control the enormous wealth the Achur government and the temples have supplied to fund this investigation. And to quote Atoa, 'no stone shall remain unturned, no world shall elude our probing gaze. I vow to you, people of Achura, that I will spend every fiber of my existance from here after to track down these vile, wretched thieves and restore the honor of our people!'
Simple courier mission for a fast ship.
The Celestial Imperative (2 of 5)
Type | Encounter |
Faction |
Guristas |
Best damage to deal |
Kin Th |
Damage to resist |
Kin Th |
Rewards | ISK |
ExpandMission briefing
These starmaps are indeed interesting. They point to virtually hundreds of locations in Autama where Kikko has been sighted. Visionary Atahari has had him tracked ever since his bungled burglary attempt at the temple a few years ago, so that should come as no surprise. But I've managed to narrow down these locations to 3 settlements, where he has been spotted very frequently. These are the most likely locations where we will find him.
I truly hope he hasn't left the system, but at this stage we can only cross our fingers. The mercenary tracking Kikko on Atahari's command disappeared when he tried to confront Kikko on my behalf, and that may have triggered him to think about relocating himself. Fortunately rumor still has it that he hasn't left Autama, but you never can be too sure.
Agent Dialogue
These starmaps are indeed interesting. They point to virtually hundreds of locations in Autama where Kikko has been sighted. Visionary Atahari has had him tracked ever since his bungled burglary attempt at the temple a few years ago, so that should come as no surprise. But I've managed to narrow down these locations to 3 settlements, where he has been spotted very frequently. These are the most likely locations where we will find him.
I truly hope he hasn't left the system, but at this stage we can only cross our fingers. The mercenary tracking Kikko on Atahari's command disappeared when he tried to confront Kikko on my behalf, and that may have triggered him to think about relocating himself. Fortunately rumor still has it that he hasn't left Autama, but you never can be too sure.
The agent sends you to a fight in a single ungated pocket. Destroy all ships and the sentry and return to the agent.
4 x Frigate Pithi Demolisher/Destructor
1 x Sentry Guristas Point Defense Battery
The Celestial Imperative (3 of 5)
Type | Encounter |
Objective | Retrieve 1 x Encoded Data Chip (0.1m³) |
Faction |
Guristas |
Best damage to deal |
Kin Th |
Damage to resist |
Kin Th |
Rewards | ISK |
ExpandMission briefing
Your second objective is to storm a habitation module in Autama where Kikko Roisen has been seen multiple times. If you find him inside, then bring him to me. Either way, report back to me immediately after the operation has finished.
Again you will receive a bookmark into your NeoCom, so this should be simple enough. There may be guards there, so be prepared for a fight.
The agent sends you to retrieve a data chip. Single ungated pocket. Blow up the single defender to gain access to the chip - reinforcements arrive soon after you loot.
Blitz: Kill the guard, grab the chip, and warp back to complete the mission.
Warp-in message:
The habitation module is guarded by a lone Guristas frigate. Destroy it to gain access to the structure. But beware, once the Guristas know you are here they may send for reinforcements.
Initial defender
1 x Frigate Pithi Arrogator
3 x Frigate Pithi Arrogator
Structures on site
1 x Kikko's Residence
The Celestial Imperative (4 of 5)
Type | Courier |
Objective | Retrieve 1 x Important Surveillance Data (0.1m³) |
Rewards | ISK |
ExpandMission briefing
Luck has not been on our side so far, <Capsuleer>. And I'm becoming less convinced we will ever find Kikko *sigh*. The third hotspot which I want you to investigate is a bit different from the last two. It's a small mining colony situated at Autama VII's moon. I won't give you a bookmark this time, as you should find it very easily on any standard map of Autama.
Search the place thoroughly. If you can't find Kikko there, then I don't know what to do.
This time you are sent to the Small mining colony located at Autama planet VII - moon 1. You will find an acceleration gate that leads to the site once you warp to the moon. You have to fight through a few pockets with weak enemies inside to meet another agent, Kikko Roisen.
The Hapless Thief (1 of 2)
Type | Courier |
Objective | Deliver 1 x Hidden Data Sheets (1.0m³) |
Faction |
Guristas |
Best damage to deal |
Kin Th |
Damage to resist |
Kin Th |
Rewards | Important Surveillance Data |
ExpandMission briefing
If you're not here to kill me, then do you mind sparing my life? Kill the Guristas guards here if you want, take the loot, just don't kill me.
Well, erm, they told me I'd be safe if I gave them access codes to some corporation hangars at the Echelon Entertainment station here in Autama. Hey wait, you aren't recording this are you? ...
Ok ok, you can have the damn data chip. I was going to sell it to her anyway, but since it's my life I'm bargaining for then just take it! I've had it with trying to escape that wretch, even the Guristas can't save me. Now please leave me alone.
Give the agent one hidden data sheet (located in a container near the agent) and he will give you the Important Surveillance Data needed to progress further in Aviekko Ta's mission.
He will give you another mission in his own sub-chain that you can complete before you turn back.
Valuable Records (2 of 2)
Type | Encounter |
Objective | Retrieve 1 x Havatiah's Ship Database |
Faction |
Caldari State |
Best damage to deal |
Kin Th |
Damage to resist |
Kin Th |
Rewards | +2 Attribute implant + Caldari State faction standing |
ExpandMission briefing
Hmmm, actually there might be something you can help me with. My corporation, Echelon Entertainment, has a long standing rivalry with Nugoeihuvi Corporation. We're competitors in the entertainment industry, and it always gives you an edge if you know what your adversaries are planning.
It so happens that I know of the location of a hidden Nugoeihuvi station in Autama. It's called Station Yxtara, and I'll supply you with a bookmark to it. What I want you to do is retreive the access codes I need to break into their central computer mainframe inside Yxtara. And I believe that I know of a person who has those access codes and should in fact be orbiting around a lookout post next to the station.
His name is Havatiah Kiin and he's the captain of Yxtara's security. He normally flies a condor right outside of the station, and should be an easy target. Now considering the station is supposed to be hidden, I'm quite confident that the station manager will want to keep it that way, hence I doubt they will call in CONCORD. But either way, you will lose face with the Caldari State if Nugoeihuvi report your attack which I'm sure they will do. So don't say I didn't warn you!
The agent wants you to get the access codes for a secret hidden station Yxtara. The agent gives you the location for this station. Note that there is no standing loss even though the agent warns you.
Blow up Harvatiah Kiin and his guards, grab the mission item, and return to the agent.
The Celestial Imperative (5 of 5)
Type | Courier |
Objective | Deliver 1 x Reports (0.1m³) |
Rewards | random implant + Caldari State faction standing |
ExpandMission briefing
I've quickly run over the data you recovered and I'm certain that it's genuine. Now I need my report delivered to Atoa. He's currently stationed in Uemisaisen, I've arranged one of his couriers to pick up my report in the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Assembly Plant in that system. Please deliver them there, and my associate will take care of the rest.
Simple courier mission for a fast ship.
You have now completed the The Celestial Imperative mission chain.