User:Abelard Andedare/WIP/Fittings Ovehaul

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Fittings on the Wiki need help. They are all over the place: some ancient, some new; some good, some terrible. They do not inspire confidence, to say the least.

In the interest of changing that, this is a proposal to streamline the Wiki use of Fittings.


  • Every fitting on the Wiki is filed under the SHIPNAME/Fittings subpage.
    • no loose fittings floating around in other articles
    • Every article that needs fittings should refer to them via link, not include them, unless we are going to develop some Transclusion templates, which might be a nice option
      • Layout would be SHIPNAME/Fittings/FittingName, so that each sub/sub page could be transcluded via template
  • Every ship has at least one fitting
  • old fittings are flagged (redboxed?)
    • Define a custom variable that is set equal to current patch.
    • The fitting template checks fitting declared version against the variable and redboxes fittings without current patch
    • Someone (fitting dept?) certifies fittings with current patch level, and bumps their declared version
    • Fitting department changes fittings that no longer work with current patch level meta

Fittings Department


Import template