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  • EVE's PvP is highly asymmetrical.
    • Most fights are won before tackle happens, by positioning, intel and composition.
    • Asymmetry doesn't always work for the side with the ISK and the bigger guns. In 2010, you could solo a Zealot in a Rifter and win: I did. Once you closed in, it wasn't a challenging task, because back then the Zealot had no drone bay.. The warp-in was the challenge.
    • Of course, the "good fight" exists, when the thin margins of fit, tactics, piloting, and module management do make the difference. This is when you solo a Wolf in a Rifter (I've done that too).
    • But the reason we're in the cult of good fights is that they're rare.
  • Fittings and on-grid performance are important, but they're also sometimes a distraction from the things that matter more, like warp-ins.