Veldspar Deposit

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Main article: Asteroids and ore

Veldspar Deposit are periodically spawned in sovereign nullsec systems that contain an active Ore Prospecting Array. These are part of the Veldspar Prospecting Array.

Summary, with the +5 and 10% ores included

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit avg rock size m³ total
Plagioclase 9 1,085,715 0.29 35,327 317,945
Veldspar 73 31,200,000 0.1 41,084 2,999,174
Scordite 14 3,333,334 0.13 30,550 427,700
Sum 96 35,619,049 0.17 35,654 3,744,819

Break down, with the +5% and 10% ores not collapsed

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit avg rock size m³ total
Azure Plagioclase 3 285,714 0.35 33333 99,999
Concentrated Veldspar 23 10,000,000 0.1 43478 999,994
Condensed Scordite 3 666,667 0.15 33332 99,998
Dense Veldspar 13 5,000,000 0.1 38461 499,995
Glossy Scordite 2 666,667 0.15 49999 99,999
Massive Scordite 3 666,667 0.15 33333 99,999
Plagioclase 4 571,429 0.24 34486 137,946
Rich Plagioclase 1 114,286 0.35 40000 40,000
Scordite 6 1,333,333 0.1 21284 127,704
Sparkling Plagioclase 1 114,286 0.35 40000 40,000
Stable Veldspar 5 2,000,000 0.06 25442 127,213
Veldspar 32 14,200,000 0.1 42874 1,371,972
Sum 96 35,619,049 0.28 0.17 3,744,819

Source: NWABroseidon, 2024/07/19