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Vitality - "EVEMon for OS X"

Spy Different.

Vitality is a fork of the long-running EVE Mac Tools program, which hasn't been updated in quite awhile. Vitality uses the new API system, so all of your skills, augments, etc. should come right over.


Here's the thread regarding Vitality. It might be a good idea to bookmark this, as it appears that the developer has had issues with the auto-updater. You might have to keep the program updated manually (likely when new patches / expansions hit):

And here's the link to the direct download of the program, as of this writing:

First Steps

Upon first running Vitality, it'll download the most current database of EVE skills, certificates, and the like.

Click Preferences, and then Accounts. You probably have some experience with API Key fun from your application to EVE University, but there's a handy link ("Need your API key?" in blue) in the bottom right of the Accounts tab. Clicking that will create an API Key with all the info that Vitality needs. If you're not currently logged in to EVE's official website, you'll be prompted for your account name and password.

Once you've entered your Key ID and Verification Code in the corresponding fields, Vitality will load up all characters you have on that account. You can uncheck the ones whose skills you're not going to be managing (my poor, sweet, stupid Jita alt... you only know enough to enter your PIN into the ATM).

Tab Overview

Vitality Tabs

The two tabs at the top of the main screen switch between your Character Sheet (what your current character knows) and the Skill Planner (what you're planning to have them learn). Take a look to see if everything looks as expected in the Character Sheet, then click over to the Skill Planner.

First things first: this is simply a planner. Vitality isn't able to actually set up your skill training queue (nor can any other third-party programs). What it is helpful for is figuring out the path you need to take to learn the skills you'd like, and how long it will take to learn them.

The Skills tab has a complete database of all EVE skills. Open "Gunnery" and then double-click on "Capital Projectile Turret." All the info for this skill is there, just as it is inside EVE proper. If you check the Prerequisites tab, you can see what's needed to learn this skill, and how far you've already gotten. Prerequisites that you've learned are blue, ones that you've learned but not to the needed level are yellow, and ones that you haven't started at all are red.

On the right is a section for you to create and manage training plans. This allows you to have several plans for different goals (mining-focused, PVP-focused, etc.) Click the plus symbol to create a plan, and name it "test." Now, drag the Capital Projectile Turret skill that you were looking at into the right-hand pane. Vitality looks at what this character already knows, and plots out what you'd need to get to Level I of the skill you drag over. At the bottom, you'll see how much time it would take to learn everything, given your current attributes and augments. If you'd like to train up to a higher level of any given skill, right-click it (only in the right-hand pane, not in the skill list on the left), and pick the desired level. This is also how to remove a skill from a training plan.

Importing Training Plans

If you'd like to import skill plans from others, this is possible as well. It should be a file on your computer with a .emp extension. Ensure you're in the Skill Planner mode, click the gear icon near the top right, and then Import From EVEMon XML. Choose the .emp file you'd like to import, and then give it a name. Click the Overview button in the right hand pane, and you'll see a list of the training plans that you have. Double-click the desired one, and it'll be loaded up.

Now you can go back to EVE, and load up skills in your training queue, from top to bottom. The queue lets you have a limited amount of skills at a time, so you'll have to come back to Vitality to see the next set of skills to load up. Luckily, it also keeps track of what your character knows (you may need to click the Reload button in the top left), so as you learn skills, they'll disappear from the training plan.

Final Thoughts

Vitality has a bunch more to offer, but this is a good start. Don't be afraid to poke around, as nothing you do here has any direct effect on your EVE character. Want to see how long it'll be till you can fly that Titan and weep? Go for it!