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Revision as of 22:53, 19 May 2019

name=Unauthorized Military Presence, level 3 Template:Survival copy

Faction: Guristas
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin, Therm
Extras: ++Heavy Jamming++
Reccomended damage dealing: Kin, Therm
Recommended ships: Battlecruiser, Assault Frigate or Heavy Assault Ship

Pocket 1

no aggro on warp in

Single Group (20-30km):

will aggro when aproaching warpgate 4x Frigate (Pithi Despoiler/Saboteur)(jamming)

Pocket 2

no aggro on warp in has drone aggro even on long range

Group 1 (30-40km):

attacking this group will aggro group 3 4x Frigate (Pithi Despoiler/Saboteur)
4x Cruiser (Pithum Ascriber/Annihilator)

Group 2 (70-80km):

(cant tell when they put aggro on me) 4x Frigate (Pithi Despoiler)
1x Cruiser (Pithum Annihilator)

Group 3 (90km):

will aggro when group 1 is engaged 4x Frigate (Pithi Despoiler/Saboteur)
1x Industrial (Guristas Personnel Transport)

Group 3a/b (90 km):

1x Cruiser (Pithum Inferno) (spawns when attacking group 1)
1x Frigate (Pithi Despoiler) (spawns after attacking group 3)

Group 4 (90km):

spawns after attacking the Transport at the same location of group 3 3x Cruiser (Pithum Murderer/Killer) (jamming)

Group 5 (70-80km):

spawns after killing group 2 at the same location of group 2, no need to kill this group to finish the mission 3x Cruiser (Pithum Silencer/Ascriber)


Kill Group 3, 3b, 4, loot Transport Wreck, done.

Standing loss:

Killing the Transport Ship incurs a -4.0% standing loss

Mineable Asteroids:

38x Plagioclase
19x Pyroxeres
93x Veldspar