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==Artillery Thrashers==
{{FCC Doctrine Links}}
==Hull Brutixes==
{| style="padding:0px;"
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| nowrap style="padding:0px;" valign="top" | <div style="border:1px solid #525252; position:relative;"><div style="border:0px; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px"></div><div style="border:0px; position:absolute; top:80px; left:80px;">{{icon|gallente|48}}</div>[[File:brutix.jpg|128px|]]</div>
| nowrap style="padding:0px;" valign="top" | <div style="border:1px solid #525252; position:relative;"><div style="border:0px; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px"></div><div style="border:0px; position:absolute; top:80px; left:80px;">{{icon|minmatar|48}}</div>[[File:thrasher.jpg|128px|]]</div>
| valign="middle" style="padding:4px;" | The Brutix can easily be designed to fit within the general T1 battlecruiser meta of long range weapons and heavy tank, by fitting rails and an armor tank. While a solid enough option in this format it is also relatively unexceptional, with a shorter range than a Ferox, and a lighter tank than a Harbinger, but suffering most of the downsides of both doctrines
| valign="middle" style="padding:4px;" | Gate-camping Artillery Thrashers are the bane of many solo Low Sec and Null Sec pilots. Fitted for insta-locking, and delivering up to 1.5k volleys of damage, a couple of these ships can remove a frigate from the field in seconds. A small fleet of them can remove even Cruisers in the same way
A more interesting fitting however can play into the Brutix’s unique strengths, retaining the railguns, but fitting a hull tank, and using one of its many utility midslots for a Micro Jump Drive. This results in a very effective quick response doctrine, which can scale very well at all fleet sizes
It is possible, if generally sub-optimal, to add tank to an Artillery Thrasher and fly this doctrine with Logi support, however the most common and effective way to fly the Thrasher remains as a roaming gate camp – similar to [[Longbow Cormorants]] – catching and devastating single ships moving through gates. It’s low effort PvP, but it’s a fun casual fleet because of that, and it can rapidly get more interesting if you can annoy nearby residents sufficiently to provoke a response fleet for a proper fight
This doctrine looks to a few unique features of the Brutix. For a start, like all Gallente ships, it is capable of hull tanking very well. It carries high base structure HP, and sufficient low slots and fitting space to take full advantage of this using hull tanking modules and rigs
Like all Destroyers, the Thrasher is designed for pure damage dealing. Bonuses to tracking, damage and range make it a deadly force with Artillery – able to hit for 1.5k volleys up to 30km away
Impressive as that is though, it doesn’t quite match the exceptional ranges of [[BLAP Talwars]] or [[Longbow Cormorants]] which make them the preferred option for skirmishing with other fleets. What the Thrasher does excel at however, is in having the joint-highest scan resolution of any T1 destroyer, and in delivering its damage in an instantaneous volley of damage. The Talwar’s missiles need time to deliver their volley, and Comorants deliver sustained rather than volley damage. A Thrasher however can simply delete an opponent as soon as it can lock it. And with such a high base scan resolution, combined with modules and rigs designed to maximize this, a Thrasher can lock and fire almost faster than your fingers can move on the keyboard
With these advantages, Gate Camping for individual unsuspecting targets is the name of the game. A full gate camping Thrasher in Low Sec will maximize its scan resolution, and usually not fit a propulsion module. Pre-aligned out, it can lock, tackle and fire within a single server tick. Assuming sufficient numbers to instantly kill an opponent on that first volley, the Thrasher can hit warp and leave the grid on the next server tick - before gate guns even lock them
For those unfamiliar with hull tanking, its main advantage is that its only drawback is a reduction in cargo space. It doesn’t slow your ship down, or increase its signature radius in the way armor or shield tanks do. A substantial tank, with a strong and balanced resist profile, can therefore be achieved on a very fast, and hard to hit ship. The main downside is that hull tanks struggle to benefit from Logistics support. While hull repair modules exist, no ships are bonused for them, making them massively inefficient compared to other repair modules
To do this effectively, pre-cycling modules is essential. Make sure fleet members are familiar with this technique (click an offensive module with no target locked and it will start flashing – once you lock a target, those flashing modules will now activate immediately and automatically as soon as you have a target locked that they can apply to)
So, while a Hull Brutix may be a solid ship, with no logistics support you can expect to die fairly soon after you get primaried correct? Well, yes, but perhaps not. The Brutix benefits from a substantial number of mid slots. While two are dedicated to the standard MWD and Cap Booster, the others are flexible. One of these can be dedicated to a Micro Jump Drive module, which will propel your ship 100km in the direction you face – unless you are scrammed. As close range scram tackle is relatively rare in long range Null combat (and should be quickly killed if its being used), a Brutix which is primaried can simply MJD out of range (and out of bubbles), then warp back to the fleet to rejoin the attack once the opponent has switched attention to someone else
Pilots should fly independently on this fleet – waiting for a fleet warp or command will likely get you killed. Thrashers should be pre-aligned and hit warp themselves as soon as they unleash their first volley
Well piloted and skilled, a Hull Brutix carries a high damage output out to fairly long-range (90km), a substantial 70k+ EHP tank with no resist holes, and is able to disengage and re-engage at will when primaried. This makes for a very powerful, and flexible doctrine which can be pulled together at short notice without needing Logistics support – making it ideal as a Quick Response Fleet (QRF) for home defense or engagements a short distance from friendly space
If fighting on a gate in Null, or if engaging flashy suspect targets on Low Sec gates, where Gate Guns aren’t a concern, the pre-alignment tactics don’t apply, and the Thrashers can remain on grid and usually deliver several volleys before an opponent has time to react
For roaming fleets, the Hull Brutix is slightly less appealing with no logistics support, even with the MJD tactics, any decent fleet fight will leave a large portion of your fleet with heavy armor and hull damage that cannot be repaired between fights. If you are roaming far from friendly citadels or stations for repairs, then multiple fights per roam becomes difficult to manage
If you cannot kill an opponent rapidly in a couple of volleys, then you will want to avoid the fight the Thrashers are extreme glass cannons due to their focus on maximizing scan resolution and damage and as soon as an opponent starts fighting back, it is likely you will rapidly lose ships. For the same reason, engaging a fleet or small gang is inadvisable unless you have overwhelming numbers. This is a true ganking fleet
The doctrine works fairly well in Low Sec as well as Null Sec, with accessible repair facilities throughout Low Sec arguably making it a more appropriate location for a roaming fleet. However it should also be noted that the use of scrams for tackle (negating your MJD tactics) are more prevalent in Low Sec, as are smaller ships which your rail guns may struggle to apply to
It is unlikely that you will be allowed to gate camp a single site indefinitely. Eventually, nearby residents will usually form a response fleet, either due to irritation, or hoping for some cheap Thrasher kills. Be aware of this and keep your eyes and scouts watching both sides of the gate for such a threat. If you are close to a home station, then this may be a good chance to re-ship into a more combat efficient fleet to take the fight they bring
Fleet members need to be aware of the MJD mechanics, and that they should align away from the enemy fleet before jumping (so as not to jump directly into the opponent)
If you get chased off a gate and don’t want/cant re-ship to fight them off, then simply re-position your Thrashers to another gate with high traffic (look on Dotlan for systems with high numbers of jumps)
==Fleet Composition and Fits==
==Fleet Composition and Fits==
====Primary DD Fit====
====Primary DD Fit====
The fitting is fairly forgiving on skills, due to the low fitting requirements of hull tanks. The Tracking Computer should be scripted as appropriate for the range at which the fleet is fighting, however optimal range scripts are your default to reach the 90km which makes it hard to kite this doctrine, even for Ferxoes who nee dto be on the very edge of their range
The full insta-locking Thrasher reaches 2k signature strength, letting it insta-lock almost anything – including Interceptors. However this does leave the Thrasher with a tissue paper tank. Depending on the purpose (and location) of the fleet, FC’s may wish to go full insta-locking, or to mix a few insta-lockers with a main fleet of more robust ships which can survive at least one volley of gate guns if a pilot is slow to warp off
Command Bursts can be fitted, however armor tank bursts are relatively ineffective due to the hull tank. The most useful are the Skirmish boosts – to increase speed and reduice signature radius, however they are not considered essential at all
| ship=Brutix
| shipTypeID=16229
| fitName=Miyamoto Uroki's Brutix
| fitID=Miyamoto-Uroki's-Brutix
| low1name=Damage Control II
| low1typeID=2048
| low2name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low2typeID=10190
| low3name=Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
| low3typeID=10190
| low4name=Reinforced Bulkheads II
| low4typeID=1335
| low5name=Reinforced Bulkheads II
| low5typeID=1335
| low6name=Reinforced Bulkheads II
| low6typeID=1335
| mid1name=Medium Micro Jump Drive
| mid1typeID=33915
| mid2name=F-90 Compact Sensor Booster
| mid2typeID=6160
| mid3name=Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
| mid3typeID=5011
| mid4name=Tracking Computer II
| mid4typeID=1978
| high1name=250mm Railgun II
| high1typeID=3082
| high2name=250mm Railgun II
| high2typeID=3082
| high3name=250mm Railgun II
| high3typeID=3082
| high4name=250mm Railgun II
| high4typeID=3082
| high5name=250mm Railgun II
| high5typeID=3082
| high6name=250mm Railgun II
| high6typeID=3082
| rig1name=Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
| rig1typeID=33896
| rig2name=Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
| rig2typeID=33896
| rig3name=Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
| rig3typeID=33896
| drone1name=Hornet EC-300 x5
| drone1typeID=23707
| drone2name=Valkyrie II x5
| drone2typeID=21640
| charge1name=Javelin M x960
| charge1typeID=12801
| charge2name=Spike M x960
| charge2typeID=12805
| charge3name=Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M x960
| charge3typeID=22977
| charge4name=Federation Navy Plutonium Charge M x960
| charge4typeID=22979
| charge5name=Federation Navy Uranium Charge M x960
| charge5typeID=22981
| charge6name=Federation Navy Thorium Charge M x960
| charge6typeID=22983
| charge7name=Federation Navy Lead Charge M x960
| charge7typeID=22985
| charge8name=Federation Navy Tungsten Charge M x960
| charge8typeID=22989
| charge9name=Optimal Range Script x1
| charge9typeID=28999
| charge10name=Tracking Speed Script x1
| charge10typeID=29001
| charge11name=Targeting Range Script x1
| charge11typeID=29009
| charge12name=Navy Cap Booster 200 x30
| charge12typeID=31998
| charge13name=ECCM Script x1
| charge13typeID=41155
| high7name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=16229:2048;1:10190;2:1335;3:33915;1:6160;1:5011;1:1978;1:3082;6:33896;3:23707;5:21640;5:12801;960:12805;960:22977;960:22979;960:22981;960:22983;960:22985;960:22989;960:28999;1:29001;1:29009;1:31998;30:41155;1::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
This fleet does not fly with Logi, as there is no efficient way to perform Hull logistics support
Logistics ships are of little use here – limited tank and terrible resists means you’re almost always going to benefit more from additional DPS than Logistics support
====Support Ships====
====Support Ships====
The focus here is on having the mainline ships be self-sufficient, so as to let the fleet work as a flexible QRF which can scale with as many members as are available. There are no “essential” support ships for this doctrine – however Interceptors and Interdictors for tackle are always useful for Null Sec
T1 Frigate scouts can be useful to watch for incoming targets on either side of a gate, and watch for possible response fleets, and if gate guns aren’t an issue, then ECM ships can help keep a larger target from firing back while the Thrashers take a few more volleys to finish them off. Otherwise, support ships are minimal

Latest revision as of 08:51, 22 May 2022

Artillery Thrashers

Logo faction minmatar republic.png
Gate-camping Artillery Thrashers are the bane of many solo Low Sec and Null Sec pilots. Fitted for insta-locking, and delivering up to 1.5k volleys of damage, a couple of these ships can remove a frigate from the field in seconds. A small fleet of them can remove even Cruisers in the same way

It is possible, if generally sub-optimal, to add tank to an Artillery Thrasher and fly this doctrine with Logi support, however the most common and effective way to fly the Thrasher remains as a roaming gate camp – similar to Longbow Cormorants – catching and devastating single ships moving through gates. It’s low effort PvP, but it’s a fun casual fleet because of that, and it can rapidly get more interesting if you can annoy nearby residents sufficiently to provoke a response fleet for a proper fight


Like all Destroyers, the Thrasher is designed for pure damage dealing. Bonuses to tracking, damage and range make it a deadly force with Artillery – able to hit for 1.5k volleys up to 30km away

Impressive as that is though, it doesn’t quite match the exceptional ranges of BLAP Talwars or Longbow Cormorants which make them the preferred option for skirmishing with other fleets. What the Thrasher does excel at however, is in having the joint-highest scan resolution of any T1 destroyer, and in delivering its damage in an instantaneous volley of damage. The Talwar’s missiles need time to deliver their volley, and Comorants deliver sustained rather than volley damage. A Thrasher however can simply delete an opponent as soon as it can lock it. And with such a high base scan resolution, combined with modules and rigs designed to maximize this, a Thrasher can lock and fire almost faster than your fingers can move on the keyboard

With these advantages, Gate Camping for individual unsuspecting targets is the name of the game. A full gate camping Thrasher in Low Sec will maximize its scan resolution, and usually not fit a propulsion module. Pre-aligned out, it can lock, tackle and fire within a single server tick. Assuming sufficient numbers to instantly kill an opponent on that first volley, the Thrasher can hit warp and leave the grid on the next server tick - before gate guns even lock them

To do this effectively, pre-cycling modules is essential. Make sure fleet members are familiar with this technique (click an offensive module with no target locked and it will start flashing – once you lock a target, those flashing modules will now activate immediately and automatically as soon as you have a target locked that they can apply to)

Pilots should fly independently on this fleet – waiting for a fleet warp or command will likely get you killed. Thrashers should be pre-aligned and hit warp themselves as soon as they unleash their first volley

If fighting on a gate in Null, or if engaging flashy suspect targets on Low Sec gates, where Gate Guns aren’t a concern, the pre-alignment tactics don’t apply, and the Thrashers can remain on grid and usually deliver several volleys before an opponent has time to react

If you cannot kill an opponent rapidly in a couple of volleys, then you will want to avoid the fight – the Thrashers are extreme glass cannons due to their focus on maximizing scan resolution and damage and as soon as an opponent starts fighting back, it is likely you will rapidly lose ships. For the same reason, engaging a fleet or small gang is inadvisable unless you have overwhelming numbers. This is a true ganking fleet

It is unlikely that you will be allowed to gate camp a single site indefinitely. Eventually, nearby residents will usually form a response fleet, either due to irritation, or hoping for some cheap Thrasher kills. Be aware of this and keep your eyes and scouts watching both sides of the gate for such a threat. If you are close to a home station, then this may be a good chance to re-ship into a more combat efficient fleet to take the fight they bring

If you get chased off a gate and don’t want/cant re-ship to fight them off, then simply re-position your Thrashers to another gate with high traffic (look on Dotlan for systems with high numbers of jumps)

Fleet Composition and Fits

Primary DD Fit

The full insta-locking Thrasher reaches 2k signature strength, letting it insta-lock almost anything – including Interceptors. However this does leave the Thrasher with a tissue paper tank. Depending on the purpose (and location) of the fleet, FC’s may wish to go full insta-locking, or to mix a few insta-lockers with a main fleet of more robust ships which can survive at least one volley of gate guns if a pilot is slow to warp off


Logistics ships are of little use here – limited tank and terrible resists means you’re almost always going to benefit more from additional DPS than Logistics support

Support Ships

T1 Frigate scouts can be useful to watch for incoming targets on either side of a gate, and watch for possible response fleets, and if gate guns aren’t an issue, then ECM ships can help keep a larger target from firing back while the Thrashers take a few more volleys to finish them off. Otherwise, support ships are minimal