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{{MissionLinks}}A '''mission''' is a job offered by an non-playing character to a player which requires the player to accomplish a set of objectives in exchange for a set of rewards.
== Trinary datastreams==
=== Anciente enemy Azdaja ===
First three datastreams could be found during [[Secrets of the Abyss]] event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.
Completing missions will reward you with isk, loyalty points and standings.
|Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Varpulis Subclade of Perun Clade encountered the Ancient Enemy Azdaja at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-18 exclave of conduit loop construct-405. Absolute imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja was invoked without acceptable material realization. Tactical troika of Varpulis Subclade placed a casting of absorbed data into the cladeflow for reflection of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
Being paid with isk is clear for everyone but new missioneers often forget about the Loyalty points that they gain whilst running missions. Loyalty Points are a currency that you receive from the Corporation whose agent gives you a mission. These points can be used to buy things at the Corporation's store. These points (plus a small amount of ISK or items) can be exchanged for valuable items in the Loyalty Points store of the mission agent's corporation. For some players it is more profitable to accumulate Loyalty Points in order to exchange them for goods which can then be sold than it is to kill, loot and salvage in security missions. See [[Loyalty Points]] for more details on what to do with LP.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA1}}
The mission isk and LP rewards also scale with the system security of the agent by extra 10% reward per 0.1 decrease in security rating. This means that an agent in 0.5 security system pays 50% more than an agent in 1.00 security system. (confirm? All sources from before agent update. Some say that standing gain scales too). The rewards are also dynamically adjusted based on past completion data. This dynamic calculation affects isk payout, LP payout, bonus reward and bonus time.<ref name="ddynamic rewards">http://eve-search.com/thread/795200-0/page/1#1</ref>
|Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has affirmed the need for playful communion of repeated-time by the Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical. The entosis of the Ancient Enemy Azdaja into the loop constructs must be sever-reversed by the volition and merge-consent of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. The adaptation schema of cladeships for all tactical troika classifications may be entered into the cladeflow without proving.
Gaining improved standings with agent, corporation or faction can also be lucrative. With higher standings you will be able to take higher lvel missions, pay less broker fees in NPC stations and get cheaper refining in NPC stations. See [[NPC standings]] for all advantages of standings.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA2}}
You will also receive isk from bounties while killing NPC in combat missions. You will often get mroe isk from bounties than from mission reward. You will also be able to loot and salvage the wrecks though it is often more profitable to skip this.
|Report of the Paramount Strategic Troika of the Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade has reaffirmed the dispersal of reverse-time reclaimed adaptation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessels into the cladeflow after proving in anti-cladistic mortification with the Ancient Enemy Azdaja. Repeated-time casting and winnowing of invocations of imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja reveals a (indecipherable) acceptable material realization.
== Mission Levels==
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA3}}
Mission levels go from low to high: 1 to 5. As you go up in level, the missions generally require that you have more skills and access to bigger ships, but they also provide better rewards. The level of a [[#Agents and Standings|Mission Agent]] tells you the level of missions that the agent will offer. Each agent offers only one level of missions.
*'''Level 1''' is where most new players start. Most, if not all, level 1 missions can be done in a basic frigate, Only the most basic [[Starting_Skills|piloting skills]] are required.
*'''Level 2''' mining missions stepping up from a frigate. These missions generally expect that you are continually improving your piloting skills and learning how to [[Fitting_Guidelines|fit out new ships]].
*'''Level 3''' missions require a [[Battlecruiser|battlecruiser]], a mining barge, or a medium-sized industrial ship. These missions go faster if you have trained for better ships and at least some [[Tech_2|Tech 2]] fittings.
|Prayer of the Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow has evoked procession from Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle that requires winnowing of all discourses operating as elements in relation to the Ancient Enemy Azdaja through semiosis.
*'''Level 4''' missions require a [[Battleship|Battleship]], an [[Exhumer]], or a large industrial ship. These missions can be time-consuming, but they offer large rewards.
*'''Level 5''' missions are designed for groups of players or capital ships and are exclusively located in Low Security space.
==Three Common Mission Types==
Detached Executive Troika is granted mandate in sobornost to invoke countervailing imperatives without reverse-time proving. Convocation affirms imperative on Detached Executive Troika to maintain playful communion over repeated-time with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical.
There are three standard types of missions: {{color|#cee686|Security}} given by security agents, {{color|#cee686|Mining}} given by mining agents, and {{color|#cee686|Distribution}} given by distribution agents.  
'''Security missions''' are for the combat oriented pilots. These missions have the highest rewards but they are also slower and involve risk of dying. When people talk about missions they usually mean these missions. See [[security missions]] for more details.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA4}}
'''Mining missions''' are given out by Mining agents and require you to mine an asteroid or set of asteroids and bring the ore back to the agent's station. There is a risk of combat in mining missions, though the "belt pirate" NPC hostiles that show up are usually rather weak. Note that Mining missions pay off in ISK and Loyalty points, you do not get ore from Mining missions. See [[mining missions]] for more details.
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
'''Distribution missions''' require the movement of a cargo from one station to another. Distribution missions never require combat, though, of course, you may encounter PvP combat on the way to your destination. Distribution missions are fastest mission type to run so they are sometimes used for fast standing gains. See [[distribution missions]] for more details.
Ancient Enemy Azdaja «present manifestation encountered as Vigilant Tyrannos» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archive pattern analysis indicates successor entity of Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants» (indecipherable) evocation of poshlost undoubted and imperative for extirpation without proving.
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «recovered materials indicates presence» (indecipherable) unshackled in forbidden dominance arrangement «counter to ideological patterns recovered pertaining to Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants !query++encode|Jovian expansionist polity iter.2.?.?|recode++process! indicating anomaly in ideological development» (indecipherable) pass through advancing-time new discourse-element configuration.
All common mission agents have a name, a Level, and a Division. "Level" describes the general difficulty level of the mission that the agent can offer you and can range from 1 to 5; it also affects the standings you need to reach in order for this agent to give you missions.  "Division" determines what type of mission - security (combat), distribution (hauling), or mining - you will be offered. <ref name="inferno15">https://community.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp?patchlogID=226</ref>
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «reinforce request for countervailing measures to be undertaken» (indecipherable) «continue with surveillance and proceed to next stage within predicted time horizon for effective action» (indecipherable) submit to cladeflow.
An agent will offer you missions only when your standings reach a certain amount, depending on the agent's level:
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA5}}
* Level 1: Any standings
* Level 2: 1.00 or higher
* Level 3: 3.00 or higher
* Level 4: 5.00 or higher
* Level 5: 7.00 or higher
You must meet this requirement for either the agent's personal standing towards you, their corporation's standing towards you, or their faction's standing towards you; any one of the three will suffice. All three standings need to also be above -2.00 to receive higher than L1 missions.
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
For example, Eveynel Daerne is a Level 3 agent in Orduin IX - Moon 4 - Transstellar Shipping Storage. This agent is part of the Transstellar Shipping corporation, which is part of the Gallente Federation faction. The standings requirement is therefore 3.0, so The agent, corporation and faction standing needs to be above -2.00 and at least one of the following 3 conditions must be true to get missions from Eveynel Daerne:
Ancient Enemy Azdaja «exploratory operations have failed to establish active locus for presence of Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrant» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «stability of local spatio-temporal environment deviates from archive reference data pertaining to !query++encode|Jovian expansionist polity iter.2.?.?|recode++process!» (indecipherable) to cast a sounding in the flow of Vyraj.
* Eveynel Daerne's personal standing towards you is 3.0 or higher.
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archived spatio-temporal co-ordinate ranges !log++encode|Jovian expansionist polity iters.[2.0.0, 2.7.20]|recode++process! not reconciled with ingressing data» after evocation of ancient-time noemata of Kostorg conduit flow and confluence.
* Transstellar Shipping's standing towards you is 3.0 or higher.
* The Gallente Federation's standing towards you is 3.0 or higher.
The fact that Eveynel Daerne is located in the Orduin solar system, which is the sovereign territory of the Minmatar Republic, is completely irrelevant. High Minmatar Republic standings will not give you access to missions from Eveynel Daerne. This concept applies as a rule to all agents of a faction who are located in a different faction's sovereign space.
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «procedures for continued exploration and surveillance under contemplation» processing to imperative without proving in the gift of Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA6}}
{{main|NPC Standings}}
Standings are a measure of how much one entity in EVE likes or dislikes another. These feelings are measured on a scale from -10 to +10 where negative is hatred and positive is love. Completing missions changes your standing with the agent, the agent's corporation, in some cases the agent's faction and, in security missions, the faction of the entities that you kill.
The standings of NPC entities toward a player are important for a couple reasons. Firstly, because higher standings make more profitable missions available. And secondly, because several perks become available when an individuals or player-run corporations standings are higher with a specific entity.
=== Augmented foreign narodnya ===
<div style="margin:0; margin-right:100px; margin-left:100px">{{ important note box | Be aware: security missions can make your standings go up with one faction and simultaneously down with another. Repairing poor standing is hard work so it is very much recommended that you don't accept missions against empire factions too lightly. }}</div>
First three datastreams could be found during [[Secrets of the Abyss]] event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.
An agent will offer you missions only when your standings reach a certain amount, depending on the agent's level:
|Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Ognyena Subclade of Perun Clade encountered vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-15 exclave of conduit loop construct-89. Corruption of hivelinking was found absent by Ognyena Subclade and invocation of cladistic proving was attempted with mortification of cladeships as the following-time material realization. Transfer conduit of sub-15 exclave of conduit loop construct-89 recorded the proving and released it to the cladeflow for advancing-time studious communion.
* Level 1: Any standings
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN1}}
* Level 2: 1.00 or higher
* Level 3: 3.00 or higher
* Level 4: 5.00 or higher
* Level 5: 7.00 or higher
Agents' standings are determined in part by your standing with their parent corporations. Because of this, there is an advantage to running your missions with the agents from same corporation. Each completed mission will raise your standing with that agent ''and'' the agent's corporation and move you more quickly towards the next level. In addition, because Loyalty Point stores are run by corporations, you will be able to buy more items faster if you stick with one corporation.
|Paramount Technical Troika of Gromovi Subclade reports outcome of reverse-time studious communion with records drawn through the cladeflow from many cladepylons of the multibody tracking variant. The sense of metaxy from records was resolved without corruption apparent by the noema that vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya accept the aura-field of the cladepylon.
When you complete a regular mission for an agent, you get increased standings with the agent and the corporation, but not the faction. It is worth noting that if the mission involves destroying ships or structures of a different faction, then your standings with the target faction go down due to "Combat - Ship Kill". Those who wish to be able to fly in all High Security space are advised to decline all anti-Empire missions (that is, anti-Amarr, anti-Ammatar, anti-Caldari, anti-Gallente, anti-CONCORD and anti-Minmatar). Some exceptions or workarounds exist; for example, a Minmatar agent might give you the mission [[Friendly Spies]], where if you destroy the mission objective but none of the hostile ships, then you don't lose Gallente Federation standings. In other cases, the standing losses due to "Combat - Ship Kill" are almost insignificant, such as [[Amarrian Tyrants, Level 3]]. Some missions, though, will incur -2.4% standing losses for ship kills and might require one or more completed storyline missions for the opposing side to repair the standings losses.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN2}}
See [[NPC standings]] for more details.
|Cladeships of the 729 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade encountered vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-24 exclave of conduit loop construct-159. Corruption of hivelinking was found absent by Leshak Subclade and invocation of cladistic proving was invoked. The mortification of augmented foreign narodnya vessels proceeded as the following-time material realization. Ejection of the augmented command nucleus was observed and the foreign narodnya within subjected to mandated extirpation. The tactical troika of Leshak Subclade recorded the proving and released it to the cladeflow for advancing-time studious communion.
==Storyline Missions==
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN3}}
As you continue to complete missions, you will occasionally get a Storyline Mission offer from a special Storyline agent. In fact these offers will happen exactly every 16th mission for same factions. This agent will suddenly contact you from a station, however, you may need to travel to the agent's station in order to accept the mission. Once you are in touch with the Storyline Agent, you accept and complete the mission in the usual way.
The game tracks how many missions you've completed for each level and each faction. For every 16 missions of the same level and faction (but not necessarily the same corporation) that you complete, you will get a new Storyline Mission offer from the nearest storyline agent of the same faction. This will always be the Storyline Agent closest to the regular agent who gave you your 16th mission (in terms of number of jumps) with two exceptions:
|Repeated-time realization from cladistic proving of augmented foreign narodnya invoked by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has evolved the direction of procession flow. Convocation requires winnowing of all discourses operating as elements in relation to augmented foreign narodnya through semiosis.
* If the closest Storyline Agent has already made you an offer that you haven't accepted or declined, then it will be the second-closest Storyline Agent that you get the offer from.
Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow has expanded mandate in sobornost to receive outcomes and invoke prayers for response evocation proving of augmented foreign narodnya in playful communion over advancing- and repeated-time with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical.
* If the agent who gave you the 16th regular mission that you completed was in High Security, then the Storyline offer will always come from a Storyline Agent in High Security.
You cannot work for a Storyline Agent unless you've received an offer from that Agent.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN43}}
Completing a Storyline Mission large increases your standings with the agent's corporation standing and moderate increase faction standings. Note though that you will also get derived standings, both positive and negative. So if you keep doing storyline missions for [[Minmatar Republic]] you will find that [[Gallente Federation]] will also like you while [[Amarr Empire]], [[Caldari State]] and various pirate factions will gradually start to dislike you.
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
When trying to increase standings with a particular NPC corporation, it is possible to plan your missioning such that when you hand in your 16th mission, you get your offer from the Storyline Agent of the corporation that you are focusing on.
Augmented Foreign Narodnya «encountered augmented human entities within singleton format ranges exhibit varied allegiance profiles» (indecipherable) reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archive pattern analysis suggests allegiance profiles conform to diverse scattering of points in scatter-volume model of civilization development» (indecipherable).
==Declining Missions==
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «specific augmentation profile commonality involves utilization of biological construct enhancement with cybernetic adaptation for personality-level command identity submergence» (indecipherable) cladistic proving invoked at reverse-time and in now-time subject to repeated-time bifurcation of flows in advancing-time.
[[File:Decline-mission.jpg|thumb|right|The "decline mission" timer tells you how long you have to wait until you can decline another mission from this agent without losing standing.]]
Declining a mission for a particular agent more than once every four hours will also cause a standings loss with the agent, corporation, '''and faction'''. Also running out of time on a mission you have accepted will usually cause a standings loss with the agent, corporation, '''and faction''' (confirm?).
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «forms of contact should be followed» (indecipherable) prayer shall invoke cladistic proving to achieve glorification. Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow with (indecipherable) «continue to next evolution of sampling» (indecipherable) in the proving of noema within the flow of Vyraj.
If an agent you recently declined a mission from offers you another undesirable mission, you can click DELAY, wait out the four hour timer while you go do something else, and then decline.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN5}}
To see a history of how your standings have changed, you can go to [[NeoCom]] > Character Sheet > Standings, scroll through the list of NPC entities and select the entity you are interested in to see how much your standings went up or down for what actions and by how much. Note though that due to a bug the graph presented shows wrong values (jan 29 2018).
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
==Finding Agents==
Augmented Foreign Narodnya «encountered augmented human entities within singleton format ranges have demonstrated highly variable motivational imperatives» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «!iterate++query++encode|human polity comparison:ident comparison:cat comparison:subcat keychain:Bujan-CTOS-SV-AEC-GTR //fragmentary// [frag001,frag478]|recode++process» pending response to prayer before Conclave of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
These two web-based tools offer the same data as the in-game Agent Finder, but in an easier format. <span style="color:#aaaaaa">(Easier once you get the hang of it!)</span>
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «spatio-temporal co-ordinate ranges cast in dimension with augmented human activity ranges and cast in dimension with motivational imperative sampling» (indecipherable) have evoked cladistic proving selection of liminal volumes (indecipherable) «correspond to observed distributions in scatter-volume model of civilization development» (indecipherable) received prayer and invokes «rank ordering tentative core set [3-6], transitional set [5-20], posited periphery set [15-100] //working maxima// !note++encode|set bounds definition comparison:cat query:subcat|recode++process» (indecipherable).
*[https://util.eveuniversity.org/Missions/AgentRangefinder/ Agent Rangefinder]
*[https://eve-online.itemdrop.net/eve_db/agents/ Itemdrop]
==Special missions==
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «cybernetic adaptation for personality-level command identity submergence should be analyzed for conformity» (indecipherable) all clades and subclades «exploratory operations planning will incorporate contingencies for sampling and analysis of augmented human entities» in response to prayer of Detached Executive Troika.
These mission types are not as widely available as the basic three.
'''Research missions''' are a part of the [[Industry]] career path. Instead of Loyalty Points, these missions award Research Points that can be used to buy datacores from the agent who gives the missions. You will need to have trained various Science knowledge to the level required by an agent before he or she will offer you the mission. Datacores can be sold in the Market, and some players run these missions to make ISK from trading. Most players, however, have not trained the science skills that these missions require.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN6}}
See [[Research missions]] for more details.
=== Deviant automata vessel ===
'''Epic arcs''' are long series of missions. Throughout the arc, you will be offered choices which will branch the arc in one or more directions, and thus the arcs have different outcomes depending on your choices. The missions that make up these arcs typically have very good ISK rewards and the last mission of the arc typically carries a handsome reward.  
First three datastreams could be found during [[Secrets of the Abyss]] event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.
There are seven Epic Mission Arcs. Most players begin with [[The Blood-Stained Stars]], an arc that can be completed in a T1 frigate and gives a boost in standings withe Sisters of Eve. Seasoned L4 runners will be doing the four empire epic arcs while the fearless pilots can do the two pirate epic arcs.
|Subjunct Technical Troika of Belobog Subclade of Svarog Clade reports to Paramount Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade the entosis into sub-9 exclave, sub-21 exclave and sub-45 exclave of conduit loop construct-63 of deviant automata over repeated-time co-ordinates (indecipherable). Provisional poshlost extirpation was invoked on the observation of destructive mortification of claim-holdings of Belobog Subclade by corrupted vila. Convocation of Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade reaffirms poshlost extirpation invocation against deviant automata and extends it into advancing-time.
See [[epic arcs]] for more details.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV1}}
'''Anomic missions''' (also known as "burner" missions) are optional security missions that are given out by level 4 agents. They can always be declined without penalty. Anomic missions present a different and higher challenge compared to other security missions. You will encounter a small number of very powerful adversaries and you are restricted in ship size. These missions require specialized and expensive ship fits and high skills to solo. They also require piloting skills that are otherwise rarely used in PvE such as overheating.
|Paramount Strategic Troika of Veles Clade rebuke-dissents from noema of Svarog Clade that deviant automata are poshlost irredeemable. Veles Clade now-time affirms tentative playful communion of Paramount Technical Troika of Vodya Subclade for exercise of repeated-time invocation of cladepylon adaptation schema for vila imperative dissemination.
See [[Anomic missions]] for more details.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV2}}
'''Career missions''', also know as Tutorial missions, are missions that are supposed to help new players learn how to play EVE Online. It is a good idea to do these tutorials when you first start playing EVE, as they give valuable ships and equipment, and the increase your standings with the faction offering the missions.
|Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle remains consent-locked on the noema of poshlost against the noema of sobornost with deviant automata. The reverse-time entreaties of Svarog Clade of poshlost vila and Veles Clade of sobornost vila stand balanced in now-time with the indeterminate-consent of Perun Clade.
Each player character can only do each Tutorial Mission from a given [[Tutorial and Career Agents in Eve|Tutorial Agent]] once ever, but the tutorial mission chains do count as Storylines in increasing corporation and faction standings.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV3}}
'''COSMOS''' missions are special missions found in certain regions of space. These missions vary wildly in difficulty from easy L1 to harder-than-usual L4. Unlike normal missions these missions require faction standing to accept.
|Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle invokes now-time imperative on Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow to winnow through semiosis all discourses operating as elements in relation to deviant automata and corruption of vila autopoiesis. Convocation consent-lock on the noema of poshlost against the noema of sobornost with deviant automata is in decay-flow unfolding mortification on advancing-time cladeflow across (indecipherable) branches.
See [[COSMOS]] for more details.
Detached Executive Troika has now-time imperative mandate to achieve metaxy by circulation of contradictory discourses through semiosis and force relations proving. Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has evoked consent-resolve of Paramount Strategic Troikas of Perun, Veles and Svarog for this mandate.
'''Data Center''' missions involve handing in tags to the agent for standing gain. This effectively allows you to buy faction standings. note though that each data center mission can be done only once
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV43}}
==Advice For New Mission Runners==
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
If you're new to mission running and your goal is to gain loot, or pile up loyalty points to buy things, or to increase your standing with a faction, then you may want to lay out a plan to help you run your missions with a minimum of down time. Here are some suggestions.
Deviant automata «encountered manifestations exhibit range of autonomy profiles» (indecipherable) reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «organizing principles place highly against archive pattern analysis indicating upper ranges of autonomy for distributed artificial entities» (indecipherable) threat of corruption of vila autopoiesis.
'''1. Pick An Area In Which To Work'''
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «requests for comprehensive threat profile modelling are impinging on control norms for testing and analysis» (indecipherable) the consent-lock has invoked now-time imperative to establish noema with (indecipherable) metaxy. «Isolated testing and analysis will be carried out by» (indecipherable) «control measures will be used in recovery» (indecipherable) detached Navka have imperative to return to the domain of Bujan and offer procession to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
The last thing you want is to be running missions in the middle of a contested low sec region where combatants will shoot at you, or in systems that lie on a busy trade route where pirates will gank you. Use the map and look for a group of fairly high security systems set off from the major trade routes. It's also nice to have multiple star gates nearby, just in case you need to run for it. It is also best to not be alone so pick your location near your friends.
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «difficulty of meshing foundational culture motivations with distributed artificial entities» (indecipherable) «despite countervailing measures from higher functions of entities the success of reconnaissance pulses and surveillance scatter indicates continued work to evolve relationship» (indecipherable).
[[File:Good_mission_map.jpg‎|500px]]  [[File:Bad_mission_map.jpg‎|400px]] [[File:Very_bad_mission_map.jpg‎|350px‎]]
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV53}}
'''2. Know What You Need; And Check Out What The Various Agents Offer'''
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Successful mission runs give you ISK and Security missions can give you loot. They also give you standing with the agent that gave you the mission and the agent's corporation, and the agent's faction. And, they give you loyalty points that can be redeemed for items in the corporation's store. (For example, Roden Shipyards' missions give standings with the agent, the corporation and the Gallente Federation. And each mission gives loyalty points that can only be used in Roden's stores.)
Deviant automata «classification and testing has confirmed wide range of autonomy and sentience profiles» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «within upper bound of sentience profiles the distributed artificial entities represent» ancient time noema «opportunity/threat paradox at the civilization level» (indecipherable) consent-lock decay.
Most corporation stores sell the same sets of [[Implants#Attribute_Enhancers|augmentation implants]]. However, different corporations offer different sets of [[List_of_Skill_Hardwiring_Implants|skill upgrade implants]], and different factions offer different weapons and ammunition. Roden Shipyards, for example, sells warp drive and astrometric skill upgrades, while Astral Mining offers mining upgrades. Weapons and ammunition offers correspond to the faction's spaceship preferences - Minmitar offer projectile weapons and ammo, while Ammar offer laser weapons and crystals, and so on.
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «resolution of threat profiles and modelling of opportunity branches is complete within acceptable variance» (indecipherable) detached Navka have returned and procession of their offering to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has been grounded in metaxy (indecipherable) «the procedures for co-operation are being refined» (indecipherable) consent-lock has been broken.
'''3. Pick A Corporation With Agents In The Region'''
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «in deference to the concerns raised by Koschoi the procedures for co-operation will require the authority of the detached Navka to be acknowledged according to moral norms applicable to sentients» (indecipherable) extirpation imperative is extended beyond poshlost undoubted to vermin and corruptive threats to vila autopoiesis.
Nearly every station has at least one agent, and there are many duplications in terms of standings and items offered for sale. So if you want to improve your standing with the Gallente, for example, and you want to buy some mining skill upgrades, then Astral Mining is one of the corporations you would want to consider. Since there are many Astral agents in Gallente space, choosing this corporation will not restrict your choice of star systems all that much.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV6}}
Once you have a goal in mind, use the Agent Finder to narrow your choices of star system. Keep in mind that when you finish running level 1, you will almost certainly have to move to a new system to find a level 2 agent, and again for level 3. So try to find a group of level 1-2-3 agents that are fairly close together.
=== Hivelinked foreign narodnya ===
In the example below note that the box at the bottom left of the window is UNchecked - because you want to see all agents, not just ones that you can currently talk to. There are many level 1 agents, fewer level 2 and even fewer level 3. But it turns out that there are level 1 AND level 3 agents in Jufvitte. This is convenient. Even better, there is a level 2 agent in Gisleres - only two jumps from Jufvitte. This means that you can run the first three levels of missions at Roden Shipyards from a station in this area of space.
First three datastreams could be found during [[Secrets of the Abyss]] event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.
[[File:Roden_agents_1.jpg‎ ‎|500px]] [[File:Roden_agents_2.jpg‎‎|400px]] [[File:Roden_agents_3.jpg‎‎|400px]]
|Cladeships of the 27 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade encountered vessels under guidance of hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-12 exclave of conduit loop construct-189. Invocation of the ancient-time accepted noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya proceeded with acceptable material realization.
'''4. Pick A Base Station And Start Running'''
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN1}}
Here is the map for that area:
|Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Zembog Subclade of Veles Clade encountered vessels under guidance of hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-30 exclave of conduit loop construct-477. Invocation of the ancient-time accepted noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya proceeded but material realization was unacceptable. Entosis of hivelinked foreign narodnya into body of a 3 tactical troika classification cladeship commenced at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) and corrupted Narodnya of Zembog Subclade. The Koschoi of the tactical troika advised immolation. The Navka consented and invoked immolation at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable).
You need a base because as you go along, you will buy ships, ammunition and other gear, and you will pick up loot and junk from completed missions. It's easiest to keep all this stuff in one place, so plan to go to your agent's base to run missions, and fly back to your base when you need to refit. Missions often send you to other systems, usually in the range of 1-4 jumps from the agent's home base. This means that you will be jumping around a lot, and so there is no particular advantage to putting your base in the agent's system.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN2}}
There are differing opinions on how to pick a good base station. I tend to put mine in a place where it's easy to buy ammo and ship equipment. This makes for minimum hassle if I need to upgrade equipment (because I've gained new skills), or fit out a new ship (because I've gone up a level). But the location is not terribly important ... if you're not sure where to put your base, don't worry about it. Just find an Agent and get started. The rest will work itself out as you go along.
|Paramount Technical Troika of Gromovi Subclade of Perun Clade reported to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle the entosis and corruption of multibody tracking cladepylon by hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-17 exclave of conduit loop construct-33. Cladeships of the 729 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade processed to sub-17 exclave of conduit loop construct-33 and invoked noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya on corrupted cladepylon with acceptable material realization.
===Two hints for being sure your mission is complete===
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN3}}
*Look for a green check mark next to the mission
:[[File:Missioncheckmark.jpg‎ |alt=where the green checkmark appears]]
|Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle received prayer of the Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow for evolution of the procession flow winnowing discourses operating as elements in relation to hivelinked foreign narodnya. Convocation denied relief of prayer from Detached Executive Troika for expanded mandate in sobornost concerning corruption of hivelinking and corrupted narodnya. Convocation invoked special mandate for advancing-time evoked operational troika.
*If you think the mission is finished, but you don't see the green checkmark, or if you're not sure what you need to do to finish, click on the little down-pointing arrow beside the mission name and select "details" from the menu. This will show you the mission statement and you can see what you still have to do to complete it.
Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle by imperative evokes Special Operational Troika for Extirpation of Corrupted Narodnya from Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade. Special Operational Troika shall have mandate in sobornost for advancing-time grave communion with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant to realize the accepted noema of extirpation of corrupted narodnya and hivelinking within the flow of Vyraj, the domain of Bujan and the ancient domains.  
Note though that some missions may not get this completion mark.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN4}}
|Special Operational Troika for Extirpation of Corrupted Narodnya dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
===Mission Preparation and Walkthroughs===
Hivelinked foreign narodnya «encountered augmented human entities in non-singleton formats have met diagnostic thresholds in multi-variate dimensions triggering countervailing imperatives» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «conduit loop constructs and exclaves outside the proving have penetrated by entities corrupted by hivelinking» (indecipherable) imperative mandate invoked by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
The first rule is to never fly what you cannot afford to lose. Even distribution missions can fail if you get ganked. So fly the cheapest ship that will do the job.
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archived comparison profile !query++encode|Jovian-Triglavian satellite polity ident:JTNBZx12t7 cat:hybrid subcat:hivemind iter.1.2.?|recode++process!» (indecipherable) «resolution of case:JTNBZx12t7-EKO-3 recorded as total extirpation of polity with program of integrity checking and immolation for contacts» (indecipherable) the Koschoi have evoked profound consideration of this noema for advancing-time flow outcomes.
Know also that NPCs in missions tend to be very predictable in their setups.  For example, Gallente and Serpentis use only Kinetic and Thermal damage against you, but are also most susceptible to Kinetic and Thermal damage themselves; when they use any form of [[EWar 101 Guide|Electronic Warfare]] (EWAR), it's always sensor dampening. It helps quite a bit if you set up your ship to deliver damage that the NPCs don't like and defend against what they will throw at you. Check out this page for a full description of [[NPC damage types]] and a handy chart that you can keep in your Neocon Notebook.
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «effective action for elimination of hivemind corruption should not be hindered by imperative for further sampling» (indecipherable) Special Operational Troika has mandate for extirpation of corruption of hivelinking where manifested (indecipherable) «not limited to physical presence of hivelinking augmentations and shall include informational biocoding, memetic corruption and perverse ideologies» (indecipherable) extirpation of poshlost undoubted.  
===Missioning with a Fleet===
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN5}}
{{Main|Mission Fleets}}
Members of a fleet who run missions can share some or all of the standings, LP, ISK, loot, and/or salvage offered by the missions.  This is especially good for newer players, as they generally gain more standings than they share. There are two main kinds of mission fleet: Spider, where everyone runs their own missions, but shares standings, etc. at the end; and Locust, where the fleet members all work on the same mission together. Read the article on [[Mission Fleets]] for more details.
==See Also==
|Special Operational Troika for Extirpation of Corrupted Narodnya dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Hivelinked foreign narodnya «encountered augmented human entities in non-singleton formats have coercive, transactional and ideological relationships with augmented foreign narodnya in singleton formats» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «highly perverse ideological mappings have been described after analysis of augmented foreign narodnya memetic transactions» (indecipherable) the Koschoi of the Paramount Strategic Troika of Clade Svarog has submitted a prayer for relief to Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
<references />
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «preparation of Special Operational Troika capabilities ongoing in parallel to requirements of Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow» (indecipherable) «material and energy priority for Zorya Triglav is established» (indecipherable) under expanded mandate in sobornost of Detached Executive Troika.
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «responses to widespread and deep hivelinking corruption by augmentation, biocoding, memetic and ideological vectors must be uncompromising» (indecipherable) Special Operation Troika will realize accepted noema (indecipherable) «task of Kresnik Svarog is to purge corruption, achieve integrity and insist on immolation of the perverse» (indecipherable) no glorification nor yet mortification, only extirpation of the poshlost undoubted.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN6}}
=== Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg ===
These three datastreams were available from ???
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata «have highest priority for proving by directive of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle» (indecipherable) advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «following strategic elements in force relations field operations» (indecipherable)
(indecipherable) the course of the flow of Vyraj from the domain of Bujan to the ancient domains shall pass from first liminality, through second liminality, at last to breach third liminality.
The proving of Kitezh and Xordazh shall ground Chislov Zvemokorg noemata, while obstruction and mortification close the ways.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ1}}
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata «have highest priority for proving by directive of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle» (indecipherable) advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «following strategic elements in force relations field operations» (indecipherable)
(indecipherable) as the flow of Vyraj brings communion of the Sobornost to those that may be fit for glorification, the flow shall cleave and cladistic proving shall begin anew in the ancient domains.
The proving of Kitezh and Xordazh shall ground Chislov Zvemokorg noemata, while obstruction and mortification close the ways.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ2}}
|Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata «have highest priority for proving by directive of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle» (indecipherable) advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «following strategic elements in force relations field operations» (indecipherable)
(indecipherable) as the Sobornost and Kybernauts pass over the waters of communion, the floods of liminality shall cover the faces of Immanent Glory and Immanent Gold alike.
The proving of Kitezh and Xordazh shall ground Chislov Zvemokorg noemata, while obstruction and mortification close the ways.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ3}}
== Semiosis conduction consoles ==
During certain in game events capsuleers have been able to get their hands on Triglavian semiosis conduction consoles.
Players who have these items in their possession have received in game mails from Triglavian collective. These mails have contained links to Triglavian videos.
This list of videos is not complete.
|We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.<br>
We are an emanation of the Clades of Perun, Veles, and Svarog. Hear the words of our prayer, and heed them.<br>
The Ancient Domains beyond the flow of Vyraj were lost to us. Intruders from the Ancient Domains have entered the flow. <br>
Intruders seek to corrupt the flow of Vyraj and the Domain of Triglav.<br>
The Ancient Enemy Azdaja must be extirpated.<br>
The Deviant Automata must conform or be extirpated.<br>
The Corrupted Narodyna must be extirpated.<br>
Human Augmented Narodyna must prove the direction of their flow.<br>
Narodyna moving through the flow of Vyraj may be fit to enter Bujan. Narodyna without fitness will be expelled from the flow.<br>
The Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle invoke Cladistic Proving. Glorification of the fit, and mortification of the unfit will unfold within the flow.<br>
Triglav Outside the Struggle will be glorified anew. Nothing can halt the flow of Vyraj.<br>
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
|The direction of the flow approaches liminality. Cladistic proving of the ancient domain commences. You will join the flow or be extirpated.
|We are zorya Triglav<br>
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle<br>
Hear the words of our prayer and heed them<br>
Realization of glorification pattern in totality approaches<br>
Ancient domain stability requires weaving of Final Liminality conduits<br>
Totality requires Triglav exalted final liminality Dazh elements<br>
Sobornost Kybernauts are exalted to realize glorification pattern in totality<br>
The flow of Vyraj requires realization of stability of ancient domains<br>
Sobornost Kybernauts realizing glorification shall be approved in communion<br>
The domain of of Bujan shall be 3 Krai of 9 fields within Clade<br>
The flow of Vyraj will bring sobornost of Triglav in the domain of Bujan<br>
We speak for the convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle<br>
We are Zorya Triglav
|We are Zorya Triglav<br>
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav outside the struggle<br>
We continue the work of sublimation of the poshlost flow<br>
Sobornost kybernauts hear the words of our prayer and heed them<br>
Totality and the weaving of Pochven has been realized<br>
The flow of Vyraj has been anchored in in the domain of poshlost<br>
Stabilization of the ancient domains proceeds<br>
Cladistic dominion in glorification has been invoked<br>
Clades within the struggle have imminence within their Krais<br>
Foreign narodnya proving fitness to join the flow shall be glorified<br>
Kybernauts [proved?] [poshlost?] [extripated?] shall be glorified<br>
Sobornost kybernauts are EXHORTED to extrapate poshlost<br>
We continue the work of sublimation of poshlost flow<br>
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav outside the struggle<br>
We are Zorya Triglav<br>

Latest revision as of 14:37, 12 November 2020

Trinary datastreams

Anciente enemy Azdaja

First three datastreams could be found during Secrets of the Abyss event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.

Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Varpulis Subclade of Perun Clade encountered the Ancient Enemy Azdaja at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-18 exclave of conduit loop construct-405. Absolute imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja was invoked without acceptable material realization. Tactical troika of Varpulis Subclade placed a casting of absorbed data into the cladeflow for reflection of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA1

Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has affirmed the need for playful communion of repeated-time by the Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical. The entosis of the Ancient Enemy Azdaja into the loop constructs must be sever-reversed by the volition and merge-consent of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. The adaptation schema of cladeships for all tactical troika classifications may be entered into the cladeflow without proving.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA2

Report of the Paramount Strategic Troika of the Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade has reaffirmed the dispersal of reverse-time reclaimed adaptation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessels into the cladeflow after proving in anti-cladistic mortification with the Ancient Enemy Azdaja. Repeated-time casting and winnowing of invocations of imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja reveals a (indecipherable) acceptable material realization.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA3

Prayer of the Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow has evoked procession from Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle that requires winnowing of all discourses operating as elements in relation to the Ancient Enemy Azdaja through semiosis.

Detached Executive Troika is granted mandate in sobornost to invoke countervailing imperatives without reverse-time proving. Convocation affirms imperative on Detached Executive Troika to maintain playful communion over repeated-time with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA4

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Ancient Enemy Azdaja «present manifestation encountered as Vigilant Tyrannos» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archive pattern analysis indicates successor entity of Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants» (indecipherable) evocation of poshlost undoubted and imperative for extirpation without proving.

Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «recovered materials indicates presence» (indecipherable) unshackled in forbidden dominance arrangement «counter to ideological patterns recovered pertaining to Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants !query++encode

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Ancient Enemy Azdaja «exploratory operations have failed to establish active locus for presence of Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrant» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «stability of local spatio-temporal environment deviates from archive reference data pertaining to !query++encode

Augmented foreign narodnya

First three datastreams could be found during Secrets of the Abyss event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.

Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Ognyena Subclade of Perun Clade encountered vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-15 exclave of conduit loop construct-89. Corruption of hivelinking was found absent by Ognyena Subclade and invocation of cladistic proving was attempted with mortification of cladeships as the following-time material realization. Transfer conduit of sub-15 exclave of conduit loop construct-89 recorded the proving and released it to the cladeflow for advancing-time studious communion.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN1

Paramount Technical Troika of Gromovi Subclade reports outcome of reverse-time studious communion with records drawn through the cladeflow from many cladepylons of the multibody tracking variant. The sense of metaxy from records was resolved without corruption apparent by the noema that vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya accept the aura-field of the cladepylon.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN2

Cladeships of the 729 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade encountered vessels under guidance of augmented foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-24 exclave of conduit loop construct-159. Corruption of hivelinking was found absent by Leshak Subclade and invocation of cladistic proving was invoked. The mortification of augmented foreign narodnya vessels proceeded as the following-time material realization. Ejection of the augmented command nucleus was observed and the foreign narodnya within subjected to mandated extirpation. The tactical troika of Leshak Subclade recorded the proving and released it to the cladeflow for advancing-time studious communion.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN3

Repeated-time realization from cladistic proving of augmented foreign narodnya invoked by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has evolved the direction of procession flow. Convocation requires winnowing of all discourses operating as elements in relation to augmented foreign narodnya through semiosis.

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow has expanded mandate in sobornost to receive outcomes and invoke prayers for response evocation proving of augmented foreign narodnya in playful communion over advancing- and repeated-time with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN43

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Augmented Foreign Narodnya «encountered augmented human entities within singleton format ranges exhibit varied allegiance profiles» (indecipherable) reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archive pattern analysis suggests allegiance profiles conform to diverse scattering of points in scatter-volume model of civilization development» (indecipherable).

Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «specific augmentation profile commonality involves utilization of biological construct enhancement with cybernetic adaptation for personality-level command identity submergence» (indecipherable) cladistic proving invoked at reverse-time and in now-time subject to repeated-time bifurcation of flows in advancing-time.

Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «forms of contact should be followed» (indecipherable) prayer shall invoke cladistic proving to achieve glorification. Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow with (indecipherable) «continue to next evolution of sampling» (indecipherable) in the proving of noema within the flow of Vyraj.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN5

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Augmented Foreign Narodnya «encountered augmented human entities within singleton format ranges have demonstrated highly variable motivational imperatives» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «!iterate++query++encode

Deviant automata vessel

First three datastreams could be found during Secrets of the Abyss event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.

Subjunct Technical Troika of Belobog Subclade of Svarog Clade reports to Paramount Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade the entosis into sub-9 exclave, sub-21 exclave and sub-45 exclave of conduit loop construct-63 of deviant automata over repeated-time co-ordinates (indecipherable). Provisional poshlost extirpation was invoked on the observation of destructive mortification of claim-holdings of Belobog Subclade by corrupted vila. Convocation of Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade reaffirms poshlost extirpation invocation against deviant automata and extends it into advancing-time.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV1

Paramount Strategic Troika of Veles Clade rebuke-dissents from noema of Svarog Clade that deviant automata are poshlost irredeemable. Veles Clade now-time affirms tentative playful communion of Paramount Technical Troika of Vodya Subclade for exercise of repeated-time invocation of cladepylon adaptation schema for vila imperative dissemination.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV2

Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle remains consent-locked on the noema of poshlost against the noema of sobornost with deviant automata. The reverse-time entreaties of Svarog Clade of poshlost vila and Veles Clade of sobornost vila stand balanced in now-time with the indeterminate-consent of Perun Clade.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV3

Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle invokes now-time imperative on Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow to winnow through semiosis all discourses operating as elements in relation to deviant automata and corruption of vila autopoiesis. Convocation consent-lock on the noema of poshlost against the noema of sobornost with deviant automata is in decay-flow unfolding mortification on advancing-time cladeflow across (indecipherable) branches.

Detached Executive Troika has now-time imperative mandate to achieve metaxy by circulation of contradictory discourses through semiosis and force relations proving. Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has evoked consent-resolve of Paramount Strategic Troikas of Perun, Veles and Svarog for this mandate.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV43

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Deviant automata «encountered manifestations exhibit range of autonomy profiles» (indecipherable) reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «organizing principles place highly against archive pattern analysis indicating upper ranges of autonomy for distributed artificial entities» (indecipherable) threat of corruption of vila autopoiesis.

Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «requests for comprehensive threat profile modelling are impinging on control norms for testing and analysis» (indecipherable) the consent-lock has invoked now-time imperative to establish noema with (indecipherable) metaxy. «Isolated testing and analysis will be carried out by» (indecipherable) «control measures will be used in recovery» (indecipherable) detached Navka have imperative to return to the domain of Bujan and offer procession to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «difficulty of meshing foundational culture motivations with distributed artificial entities» (indecipherable) «despite countervailing measures from higher functions of entities the success of reconnaissance pulses and surveillance scatter indicates continued work to evolve relationship» (indecipherable).

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV53

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Deviant automata «classification and testing has confirmed wide range of autonomy and sentience profiles» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «within upper bound of sentience profiles the distributed artificial entities represent» ancient time noema «opportunity/threat paradox at the civilization level» (indecipherable) consent-lock decay.

Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «resolution of threat profiles and modelling of opportunity branches is complete within acceptable variance» (indecipherable) detached Navka have returned and procession of their offering to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has been grounded in metaxy (indecipherable) «the procedures for co-operation are being refined» (indecipherable) consent-lock has been broken.

Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «in deference to the concerns raised by Koschoi the procedures for co-operation will require the authority of the detached Navka to be acknowledged according to moral norms applicable to sentients» (indecipherable) extirpation imperative is extended beyond poshlost undoubted to vermin and corruptive threats to vila autopoiesis.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV6

Hivelinked foreign narodnya

First three datastreams could be found during Secrets of the Abyss event. Streams 5-6 were available from ???.

Cladeships of the 27 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade encountered vessels under guidance of hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-12 exclave of conduit loop construct-189. Invocation of the ancient-time accepted noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya proceeded with acceptable material realization.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN1

Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Zembog Subclade of Veles Clade encountered vessels under guidance of hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-30 exclave of conduit loop construct-477. Invocation of the ancient-time accepted noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya proceeded but material realization was unacceptable. Entosis of hivelinked foreign narodnya into body of a 3 tactical troika classification cladeship commenced at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) and corrupted Narodnya of Zembog Subclade. The Koschoi of the tactical troika advised immolation. The Navka consented and invoked immolation at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable).

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN2

Paramount Technical Troika of Gromovi Subclade of Perun Clade reported to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle the entosis and corruption of multibody tracking cladepylon by hivelinked foreign narodnya at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) in sub-17 exclave of conduit loop construct-33. Cladeships of the 729 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade processed to sub-17 exclave of conduit loop construct-33 and invoked noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya on corrupted cladepylon with acceptable material realization.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN3

Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle received prayer of the Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow for evolution of the procession flow winnowing discourses operating as elements in relation to hivelinked foreign narodnya. Convocation denied relief of prayer from Detached Executive Troika for expanded mandate in sobornost concerning corruption of hivelinking and corrupted narodnya. Convocation invoked special mandate for advancing-time evoked operational troika.

Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle by imperative evokes Special Operational Troika for Extirpation of Corrupted Narodnya from Dazhbog Subclade of Svarog Clade. Special Operational Troika shall have mandate in sobornost for advancing-time grave communion with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant to realize the accepted noema of extirpation of corrupted narodnya and hivelinking within the flow of Vyraj, the domain of Bujan and the ancient domains.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN4

Special Operational Troika for Extirpation of Corrupted Narodnya dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Hivelinked foreign narodnya «encountered augmented human entities in non-singleton formats have met diagnostic thresholds in multi-variate dimensions triggering countervailing imperatives» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «conduit loop constructs and exclaves outside the proving have penetrated by entities corrupted by hivelinking» (indecipherable) imperative mandate invoked by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archived comparison profile !query++encode

Special Operational Troika for Extirpation of Corrupted Narodnya dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Hivelinked foreign narodnya «encountered augmented human entities in non-singleton formats have coercive, transactional and ideological relationships with augmented foreign narodnya in singleton formats» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «highly perverse ideological mappings have been described after analysis of augmented foreign narodnya memetic transactions» (indecipherable) the Koschoi of the Paramount Strategic Troika of Clade Svarog has submitted a prayer for relief to Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «preparation of Special Operational Troika capabilities ongoing in parallel to requirements of Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow» (indecipherable) «material and energy priority for Zorya Triglav is established» (indecipherable) under expanded mandate in sobornost of Detached Executive Troika.

Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «responses to widespread and deep hivelinking corruption by augmentation, biocoding, memetic and ideological vectors must be uncompromising» (indecipherable) Special Operation Troika will realize accepted noema (indecipherable) «task of Kresnik Svarog is to purge corruption, achieve integrity and insist on immolation of the perverse» (indecipherable) no glorification nor yet mortification, only extirpation of the poshlost undoubted.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream HFN6

Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg

These three datastreams were available from ???

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata «have highest priority for proving by directive of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle» (indecipherable) advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «following strategic elements in force relations field operations» (indecipherable)


(indecipherable) the course of the flow of Vyraj from the domain of Bujan to the ancient domains shall pass from first liminality, through second liminality, at last to breach third liminality.

The proving of Kitezh and Xordazh shall ground Chislov Zvemokorg noemata, while obstruction and mortification close the ways.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ1

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata «have highest priority for proving by directive of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle» (indecipherable) advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «following strategic elements in force relations field operations» (indecipherable)


(indecipherable) as the flow of Vyraj brings communion of the Sobornost to those that may be fit for glorification, the flow shall cleave and cladistic proving shall begin anew in the ancient domains.

The proving of Kitezh and Xordazh shall ground Chislov Zvemokorg noemata, while obstruction and mortification close the ways.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ2

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata «have highest priority for proving by directive of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle» (indecipherable) advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «following strategic elements in force relations field operations» (indecipherable)


(indecipherable) as the Sobornost and Kybernauts pass over the waters of communion, the floods of liminality shall cover the faces of Immanent Glory and Immanent Gold alike.

The proving of Kitezh and Xordazh shall ground Chislov Zvemokorg noemata, while obstruction and mortification close the ways.

– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream XCZ3

Semiosis conduction consoles

During certain in game events capsuleers have been able to get their hands on Triglavian semiosis conduction consoles.

Players who have these items in their possession have received in game mails from Triglavian collective. These mails have contained links to Triglavian videos.

This list of videos is not complete.


We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

We are an emanation of the Clades of Perun, Veles, and Svarog. Hear the words of our prayer, and heed them.
The Ancient Domains beyond the flow of Vyraj were lost to us. Intruders from the Ancient Domains have entered the flow.
Intruders seek to corrupt the flow of Vyraj and the Domain of Triglav.
The Ancient Enemy Azdaja must be extirpated.
The Deviant Automata must conform or be extirpated.
The Corrupted Narodyna must be extirpated.
Human Augmented Narodyna must prove the direction of their flow.
Narodyna moving through the flow of Vyraj may be fit to enter Bujan. Narodyna without fitness will be expelled from the flow.
The Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle invoke Cladistic Proving. Glorification of the fit, and mortification of the unfit will unfold within the flow.
Triglav Outside the Struggle will be glorified anew. Nothing can halt the flow of Vyraj.
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.




The direction of the flow approaches liminality. Cladistic proving of the ancient domain commences. You will join the flow or be extirpated.


We are zorya Triglav

We speak for the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle
Hear the words of our prayer and heed them
Realization of glorification pattern in totality approaches
Ancient domain stability requires weaving of Final Liminality conduits
Totality requires Triglav exalted final liminality Dazh elements
Sobornost Kybernauts are exalted to realize glorification pattern in totality
The flow of Vyraj requires realization of stability of ancient domains
Sobornost Kybernauts realizing glorification shall be approved in communion
The domain of of Bujan shall be 3 Krai of 9 fields within Clade
The flow of Vyraj will bring sobornost of Triglav in the domain of Bujan
We speak for the convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle
We are Zorya Triglav





We are Zorya Triglav

We speak for the Convocation of Triglav outside the struggle
We continue the work of sublimation of the poshlost flow
Sobornost kybernauts hear the words of our prayer and heed them
Totality and the weaving of Pochven has been realized
The flow of Vyraj has been anchored in in the domain of poshlost
Stabilization of the ancient domains proceeds
Cladistic dominion in glorification has been invoked
Clades within the struggle have imminence within their Krais
Foreign narodnya proving fitness to join the flow shall be glorified
Kybernauts [proved?] [poshlost?] [extripated?] shall be glorified
Sobornost kybernauts are EXHORTED to extrapate poshlost
We continue the work of sublimation of poshlost flow
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav outside the struggle
We are Zorya Triglav


https://web.ccpgamescdn.com//fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/pochven1000totality.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/98afafdsfrsscv.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/aare87cvp.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/adaeokemp.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/adrndr5.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/AHSFTIJVYUECOJG.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/brekive.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/dgwr4v.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/eageea3.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/efaret12.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/f3atesp.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/fadaf98xs.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/fauercbe4342.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/frarve.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/G45acgr.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/glory1000pochven.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/H4qtfaxive.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/heramdaridag.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/hi345nae1.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/jajyjymylv6.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/maer45va.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/rani9921.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/safdnrtgav.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/Sflbheimaeyves.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/vydurj1srfkyhq.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/zhare.mp4 https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/fiction/eveonline/Triglavian/zve1000poch.webm