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Test page for fits
Testing how the wiki handles it when I link to a section which got removed:
= references =
Balance Report T1 Frigates January 2018
Fightclub link:
= Fits =
Test for an anchor:
The idea is to create better fits than the forum post. The fits there only use T1 modules while meta are allowed and often even cheaper at the same time. The presentation that is linked above is meant as a starting point for that.
==General Notes==
[[Industrials#Comparison Table for EVE Industrial Ships]]
Make sure you have enough and the right ammunition. Not only for the guns and missile launchers but also for ancilliary repairs and cap boosters. It may happen that the amounts in the fits are wrong and it would be a lot of work to ensure it for every fit.
Many fits use a Damage Control. As the T2 Damage Control is not allowed the IFFA Compact Damage Control is the second best choice. But it is relatively expensive compared to the overall price of those fits. If you want to save some isk you might downgrade to T1.
Especially if and how it shows up in https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Special:WhatLinksHere/Industrials
Many fits use ancillary rapairs. For nearly all fits auto reload should be turned off for those modules. In the time they reload you will otherwise most likely die.
== Tristan ==
According to the report the Tristan is the most popular T1 frigate for solo FW PvP. Thus I start with it. It can be very fitted for kiting, brawling, and last but not least neuting. This amount different roles the Tristan can take makes it probably so popular. If you are in the according counter you can take it. But you won't know before. Thus more people in FW will try to engage.
Besides the Nano Tristan all fits are with armor repairers. Most of them might be changed to armor or hull buffer. But because I already gave so many Tristan fitsI won't add them. Their obvious advantage is that they do not need any cap (for the tank). If the fight is short they are superior to an armor repper. You might calculate yourself how many rep circles are necessary so that the armor repair fit has more tank.
===Scram kiting Tristan===
| ship=Tristan
| shipTypeID=593
| fitName=Fight Club - Scram kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Scram-kiting
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x1
| charge1typeID=28668
| low3name=AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier
| low3typeID=41034
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| high1name=125mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=10694
| charge2name=Antimatter Charge S x1001
| charge2typeID=222
| high2name=125mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=10694
| rig1name=Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
| rig1typeID=31009
| rig2name=Small Anti-Kinetic Pump I
| rig2typeID=31021
| rig3name=Small Anti-Thermal Pump I
| rig3typeID=31033
| drone1name=Warrior I x8
| drone1typeID=2486
| charge3name=Plutonium Charge S x1000
| charge3typeID=221
| high3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=593:5839;1:33076;1:28668;1:41034;1:6003;1:5443;1:4025;1:10694;2:222;1001:31009;1:31021;1:31033;1:2486;8:221;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=Y
How to fly it:
As the name already suggests, the fit is a scram kiter. So keep your opponent just under scram range. The web and AB should make sure that you are able to do so. The Warriors are chosen because they are the fastest and thus easiest to recall if the opponent tries to defang. Remember to turn off auto reload on the ancilliarry repper and overheat it as this does not only result in shorter circles but also in 10% more repair per circle.
Possible changes to the fit:
If you want to be frugal you might change the compact damage control to the T1 version. Fitting space is probably no issue here but if so chose compact versions for everything. The warp scrambler is the last module you want to change to compact. If you have spare fitting space on the other hand you can add a Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer to the high. Note that you should usually not be in an engagement range where it is helpful. And be careful not to cap yourself out.
===Brawling Tristan===
| ship=Tristan
| shipTypeID=593
| fitName=Fight Club - Brawling
| fitID=Fight-Club---Brawling
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x17
| charge1typeID=28668
| low3name=AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier
| low3typeID=41034
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| high1name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=7579
| charge2name=Antimatter Charge S x1001
| charge2typeID=222
| high2name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=7579
| high3name=Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
| high3typeID=4471
| rig1name=Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
| rig1typeID=31526
| rig2name=Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
| rig2typeID=31538
| drone1name=Hobgoblin I x8
| drone1typeID=2454
| charge3name=Plutonium Charge S x1000
| charge3typeID=221
| rig3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=593:5839;1:33076;1:28668;17:41034;1:6003;1:5443;1:4025;1:7579;2:222;1001:4471;1:31526;1:31538;1:2454;8:221;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=Y
How to fly it:
Go in close and orbit close. Your optimal even with perfect skills is only 1.12 km. Remember to turn off auto reload on the ancilliarry repper and overheat it as this does not only result in shorter circles but also in 10% more repair per circle.
Possible changes to the fit:
As the neut is already fitted the fit relatively tight on fitting space. If necessary drop the neut maybe change some more modules to compact. If you want to be frugal you might change the compact damage control to the T1 version.
===Neuting Tristan===
| ship=Tristan
| shipTypeID=593
| fitName=Fight Club - Neuting Tristan
| fitID=Fight-Club---Neuting-Tristan
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x1
| charge1typeID=28668
| low3name=Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
| low3typeID=16391
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 200
| mid3typeID=5011
| charge2name=Cap Booster 200 x18
| charge2typeID=11285
| high1name=Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
| high1typeID=4471
| high2name=Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
| high2typeID=4471
| high3name=Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
| high3typeID=4471
| rig1name=Small Ancillary Current Router I
| rig1typeID=31358
| rig2name=Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
| rig2typeID=31009
| rig3name=Small Egress Port Maximizer I
| rig3typeID=31382
| drone1name=Hobgoblin I x8
| drone1typeID=2454
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=593:5839;1:33076;1:28668;1:16391;1:6003;1:5443;1:5011;1:11285;18:4471;3:31358;1:31009;1:31382;1:2454;8::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=Y
How to fly it:
You have to go in close enough to neut the opponent. Turn in the beginning all three neuts on with heat for 3 circles. This will neut 3*3*50 GJ = 450 GJ which should be enough to significantly neut any frigate. After that keep one neut running. Use the cap booster when you run low on cap. As always turn auto reload on the acnillary repper off.
Many think that fits with capless tank and guns are the counter to this. But as the prop mod and the warp control (warp scrambler or disruptor) always use cap you should at least be able to disengage those opponents. The real threat lies in kiting opponents when you start out of neut range. Another threat are opponents who have a cap booster fitted too because you will have trouble to neut them out.
Possible changes to the fit:
As always, if you don't have enough fitting space change to compact variants.
=== Nano Tristan ===
| ship=Tristan
| shipTypeID=593
| fitName=Fight Club – Nano Tristan
| fitID=Fight-Club-–-Nano-Tristan
| low1name=Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure
| low1typeID=5599
| low2name=AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier
| low2typeID=41034
| low3name=AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier
| low3typeID=41034
| mid1name=Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
| mid1typeID=5403
| mid2name=Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
| mid2typeID=8433
| mid3name=5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
| mid3typeID=5971
| rig1name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig1typeID=31716
| rig2name=Small Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig2typeID=31788
| rig3name=Small Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig3typeID=31788
| drone1name=Warrior I x8
| drone1typeID=2486
| high1name=open
| high2name=open
| high3name=open
| charge1name=open
| charge2name=open
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=593:5599;1:41034;2:5403;1:8433;1:5971;1:31716;1:31788;2:2486;8::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=Y
How to fly it:
The nano Tristan is a kiter. Stay outsite of scram range. As only meta modules are allowed the scram with the longest range is the Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler wich has a range of 8.25 km pre heat and just under 10 km with heat. Thus make sure you always stay at least 10 km away. If you fight a brawling fit and you cannot leave scram range before you are targeted you can expect to die. Besides range control managing your drones is important. Your opponent will most likely try to defang you. For that reason Warriors were chosen because they are the fastest. Acolytes might be a viable option too.
Possible changes to the fit: Choice of drones pretty much as you wish. Other things should proabably be kept the same.
The Tormentor has a hull bonus to energy turrets damage and activation cost. With those bonuses it is the obvious choice to to fit it with energy turrets. Because of the activation cost bonus it is kind of important to have good Amarr frigate skills. As the Tormentor relies heavily on cap it is very vulnerable to neuting.
===Scram kiting beam Tormentor===
| ship=Tormentor
| shipTypeID=591
| fitName=Fight Club - Scram kiting beam Tormentor
| fitID=Fight-Club---Scram-kiting-beam-Tormentor
| low1name='Refuge' Adaptive Nano Plating I
| low1typeID=16311
| low2name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low2typeID=5839
| low3name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low3typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x17
| charge1typeID=28668
| low4name=Extruded Compact Heat Sink
| low4typeID=5849
| mid1name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid1typeID=5443
| mid2name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid2typeID=6003
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| high1name=Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high1typeID=6719
| charge2name=Multifrequency S x4
| charge2typeID=246
| high2name=Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high2typeID=6719
| high3name=Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high3typeID=6719
| rig1name=Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
| rig1typeID=31045
| rig2name=Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
| rig2typeID=31045
| rig3name=Small Energy Collision Accelerator I
| rig3typeID=31454
| drone1name=Acolyte I x1
| drone1typeID=2203
| charge3name=Radio S x3
| charge3typeID=239
| charge4name=Microwave S x3
| charge4typeID=240
| charge5name=Infrared S x3
| charge5typeID=241
| charge6name=Standard S x3
| charge6typeID=242
| charge7name=Ultraviolet S x3
| charge7typeID=243
| charge8name=Xray S x3
| charge8typeID=244
| charge9name=Gamma S x3
| charge9typeID=245
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=591:16311;1:5839;1:33076;1:28668;17:5849;1:5443;1:6003;1:4025;1:6719;3:246;4:31045;2:31454;1:2203;1:239;3:240;3:241;3:242;3:243;3:244;3:245;3::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
How to fly it:
As the name already suggests, the fit is a scram kiter. So keep your opponent just under scram range. The web and AB should make sure that you are able to do so. Multifrequency has the highest dps (and lowest range). Its optimal range is still the same of the scram thus you would usually only use that. Nevertheless all ammunitions are in the cargo so that you can switch to the optimal ammunition for you range. (Ammunition switches are very fast for energy turrets.) In case a opponent can successfully kite you, you could then still apply good damage to him and maybe at least get him to warp off thus achieveing a draw.
Possible changes to the fit:
The meta 4 guns on this fit are relatively expensive. If you want to save isk change to meta 3. Same for the DC as always. And as always change modules to compact if you do not have enough fitting space.
===Scram kiting pulse Tormentor===
| ship=Tormentor
| shipTypeID=591
| fitName=Fight Club - Scram kiting pulse Tormentor
| fitID=Fight-Club---Scram-kiting-pulse-Tormentor
| low1name='Refuge' Adaptive Nano Plating I
| low1typeID=16311
| low2name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low2typeID=5839
| low3name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low3typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x16
| charge1typeID=28668
| low4name=200mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
| low4typeID=11351
| mid1name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid1typeID=5443
| mid2name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid2typeID=6003
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| high1name=Small Focused Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high1typeID=6675
| charge2name=Multifrequency S x4
| charge2typeID=246
| high2name=Small Focused Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high2typeID=6675
| high3name=Small Focused Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high3typeID=6675
| rig1name=Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
| rig1typeID=31045
| rig2name=Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
| rig2typeID=31045
| rig3name=Small Energy Collision Accelerator I
| rig3typeID=31454
| drone1name=Acolyte I x1
| drone1typeID=2203
| charge3name=Radio S x3
| charge3typeID=239
| charge4name=Microwave S x3
| charge4typeID=240
| charge5name=Infrared S x3
| charge5typeID=241
| charge6name=Standard S x3
| charge6typeID=242
| charge7name=Ultraviolet S x3
| charge7typeID=243
| charge8name=Xray S x3
| charge8typeID=244
| charge9name=Gamma S x3
| charge9typeID=245
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=591:16311;1:5839;1:33076;1:28668;16:11351;1:5443;1:6003;1:4025;1:6675;3:246;4:31045;2:31454;1:2203;1:239;3:240;3:241;3:242;3:243;3:244;3:245;3::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
How to fly it: This fit is very similar to the above. The guns are changed for the lower range better tracking guns. This means you should make more use of your different ammunitions. If you fight a brawler keep him at scram range to minimize his applied dps. If you fight a kiter or scram kiter try to orbit close. The other change is the plate in the low slot. This gives a nice buffer bonus. Usually buffer and active should not be mixed and I am not too sure about it; but in the frigate balancing report suggests it like this. So I guess this is the exception from the rule? :shrug:
For a change a ship that uses missiles. As missiles can chose one specific damage type think what might be the weakest resist of your opponent and load the appropiate ammunition.
===Scram Kiting Shield===
| ship=Kestrel
| shipTypeID=602
| fitName=Fight Club - Scram Kiting Shield
| fitID=Fight-Club---Scram-Kiting-Shield
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Ballistic Control System I
| low2typeID=12274
| mid1name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid1typeID=5443
| mid2name=Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
| mid2typeID=8433
| mid3name=5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
| mid3typeID=5971
| mid4name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid4typeID=4025
| high1name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high1typeID=16527
| charge1name=Inferno Rocket x1001
| charge1typeID=2514
| high2name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high2typeID=16527
| high3name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high3typeID=16527
| high4name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high4typeID=16527
| rig1name=Small Bay Loading Accelerator I
| rig1typeID=31586
| rig2name=Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
| rig2typeID=31620
| charge2name=Scourge Rocket x1000
| charge2typeID=266
| charge3name=Mjolnir Rocket x1000
| charge3typeID=2512
| charge4name=Nova Rocket x1000
| charge4typeID=2516
| rig3name=open
| charge5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=602:5839;1:12274;1:5443;1:8433;1:5971;1:4025;1:16527;4:2514;1001:31586;1:31620;1:266;1000:2512;1000:2516;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Scram Kiting armor===
| ship=Kestrel
| shipTypeID=602
| fitName=Fight Club - Scram Kiting armor
| fitID=Fight-Club---Scram-Kiting-armor
| low1name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low1typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x16
| charge1typeID=28668
| low2name=400mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
| low2typeID=11311
| mid1name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid1typeID=5443
| mid2name=1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
| mid2typeID=6001
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| mid4name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid4typeID=4025
| high1name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high1typeID=16527
| charge2name=Inferno Rocket x541
| charge2typeID=2514
| high2name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high2typeID=16527
| high3name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high3typeID=16527
| high4name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high4typeID=16527
| rig1name=Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
| rig1typeID=31009
| rig2name=Small Anti-Kinetic Pump I
| rig2typeID=31021
| rig3name=Small Ancillary Current Router I
| rig3typeID=31358
| charge3name=Scourge Rocket x720
| charge3typeID=266
| charge4name=Mjolnir Rocket x540
| charge4typeID=2512
| charge5name=Nova Rocket x540
| charge5typeID=2516
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=602:33076;1:28668;16:11311;1:5443;1:6001;1:4025;2:16527;4:2514;541:31009;1:31021;1:31358;1:266;720:2512;540:2516;540::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
Slasher uses projectile weapon. As projectiles have a pretty big fall off it is common to fight outsite of optimal but below optimal + fall off. Further you can choose your damage type within limits. So think about the best ammo against your opponent beforehand.
===Standard low sec===
| ship=Slasher
| shipTypeID=585
| fitName=Fight Club - Standard low sec
| fitID=Fight-Club---Standard-low-sec
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x16
| charge1typeID=28668
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| mid4name=Balmer Series Compact Tracking Disruptor I, Tracking Speed Disruption Script
| mid4typeID=5320
| charge2name=Tracking Speed Disruption Script x2
| charge2typeID=29007
| high1name=200mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S
| high1typeID=8863
| charge3name=Phased Plasma S x1001
| charge3typeID=184
| high2name=200mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S
| high2typeID=8863
| high3name=200mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S
| high3typeID=8863
| high4name=Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
| high4typeID=4471
| rig1name=Small Projectile Collision Accelerator I
| rig1typeID=31680
| rig2name=Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
| rig2typeID=31105
| rig3name=Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
| rig3typeID=31177
| charge4name=Carbonized Lead S x1000
| charge4typeID=178
| charge5name=Nuclear S x1000
| charge5typeID=179
| charge6name=Proton S x1000
| charge6typeID=180
| charge7name=Depleted Uranium S x1000
| charge7typeID=181
| charge8name=Titanium Sabot S x1000
| charge8typeID=182
| charge9name=Fusion S x1000
| charge9typeID=183
| charge10name=EMP S x1000
| charge10typeID=185
| charge11name=Optimal Range Disruption Script x1
| charge11typeID=29005
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=585:5839;1:33076;1:28668;16:6003;1:5443;1:4025;1:5320;1:29007;2:8863;3:184;1001:4471;1:31680;1:31105;1:31177;1:178;1000:179;1000:180;1000:181;1000:182;1000:183;1000:185;1000:29005;1::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
Your relatively big speed in scram range should enable you to control range. If your opponent is short ranged scram kite him. And use the Optimal Range Disruption Script. If your oppenent is longer range go in and orbit close and unse the Tracking Speed Disruption Script. Note that the tracking disruptor does not work on missiles though.
===Fight Club - Artillery===
| ship=Slasher
| shipTypeID=585
| fitName=Fight Club - Artillery
| fitID=Fight-Club---Artillery
| low1name=Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
| low1typeID=11563
| low2name=Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer
| low2typeID=5933
| mid1name=5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=5971
| mid2name=Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
| mid2typeID=5403
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| mid4name=Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
| mid4typeID=8427
| high1name=280mm 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
| high1typeID=9411
| charge1name=Phased Plasma S x1001
| charge1typeID=184
| high2name=280mm 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
| high2typeID=9411
| high3name=280mm 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
| high3typeID=9411
| rig1name=Small Projectile Ambit Extension I
| rig1typeID=31656
| rig2name=Small Processor Overclocking Unit I
| rig2typeID=26929
| rig3name=Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
| rig3typeID=31177
| charge2name=Carbonized Lead S x1000
| charge2typeID=178
| charge3name=Nuclear S x1000
| charge3typeID=179
| charge4name=Proton S x1000
| charge4typeID=180
| charge5name=Depleted Uranium S x1000
| charge5typeID=181
| charge6name=Titanium Sabot S x1000
| charge6typeID=182
| charge7name=Fusion S x1000
| charge7typeID=183
| charge8name=EMP S x1000
| charge8typeID=185
| charge9name=Optimal Range Disruption Script x1
| charge9typeID=29005
| charge10name=Tracking Speed Disruption Script x1
| charge10typeID=29007
| high4name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=585:11563;1:5933;1:5971;1:5403;1:4025;1:8427;1:9411;3:184;1001:31656;1:26929;1:31177;1:178;1000:179;1000:180;1000:181;1000:182;1000:183;1000:185;1000:29005;1:29007;1::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
This is pure kiting fit. Stay out of scram range. Use the web defensively to keep the opponent away if he ever comes close. Alternatively you could fit a tracking disruptor instead of the web.
Possible changes to the fit: The meta 4 guns are very expensive for a T1 frigate. Consider to meta down to meta 3. If you do not have enough CPU change the Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I rig to Small Processor Overclocking Unit I.
===Brawly Tanky===
| ship=Slasher
| shipTypeID=585
| fitName=Fight Club - Brawly Tanky
| fitID=Fight-Club---Brawly-Tanky
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x41
| charge1typeID=28668
| mid1name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid1typeID=5443
| mid2name=Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50
| mid2typeID=32772
| charge2name=Cap Booster 50 x36
| charge2typeID=264
| mid3name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid3typeID=6003
| mid4name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid4typeID=4025
| high1name=Small Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu
| high1typeID=5137
| high2name=150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S
| high2typeID=8815
| charge3name=Phased Plasma S x1001
| charge3typeID=184
| high3name=150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S
| high3typeID=8815
| high4name=150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma S
| high4typeID=8815
| rig1name=Small Transverse Bulkhead I
| rig1typeID=33890
| rig2name=Small Transverse Bulkhead I
| rig2typeID=33890
| rig3name=Small Transverse Bulkhead I
| rig3typeID=33890
| charge4name=Carbonized Lead S x1000
| charge4typeID=178
| charge5name=Nuclear S x1000
| charge5typeID=179
| charge6name=Proton S x1000
| charge6typeID=180
| charge7name=Depleted Uranium S x1000
| charge7typeID=181
| charge8name=Titanium Sabot S x1000
| charge8typeID=182
| charge9name=Fusion S x1000
| charge9typeID=183
| charge10name=EMP S x1000
| charge10typeID=185
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=585:5839;1:33076;1:28668;41:5443;1:32772;1:264;36:6003;1:4025;1:5137;1:8815;3:184;1001:33890;3:178;1000:179;1000:180;1000:181;1000:182;1000:183;1000:185;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
An unusual fit intended to brawl. (Usually you do not mix armor and shield repairs.) With the two ancillary reppers the repair amount is relatively high. Pay attention that you do not reload both ancillary at the same time. The fitting room is relatively tight and you don't have a lot of options to make the fit work for lower skills.
===Scram kiting Breacher===
| ship=Breacher
| shipTypeID=598
| fitName=Fight Club - Scram kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Scram-kiting
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x1
| charge1typeID=28668
| low3name=Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control System
| low3typeID=16457
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| mid4name=Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50
| mid4typeID=32772
| charge2name=Cap Booster 50 x76
| charge2typeID=264
| high1name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high1typeID=16527
| charge3name=Inferno Rocket x1001
| charge3typeID=2514
| high2name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high2typeID=16527
| high3name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high3typeID=16527
| rig1name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig1typeID=31716
| rig2name=Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
| rig2typeID=31105
| rig3name=Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
| rig3typeID=31620
| drone1name=Hobgoblin I x2
| drone1typeID=2454
| charge4name=Scourge Rocket x1000
| charge4typeID=266
| charge5name=Mjolnir Rocket x1000
| charge5typeID=2512
| charge6name=Nova Rocket x1000
| charge6typeID=2516
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=598:5839;1:33076;1:28668;1:16457;1:6003;1:5443;1:4025;1:32772;1:264;76:16527;3:2514;1001:31716;1:31105;1:31620;1:2454;2:266;1000:2512;1000:2516;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Anti-kiting Breacher===
| ship=Breacher
| shipTypeID=598
| fitName=Fight Club - Anti kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Anti-kiting
| low1name=Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure
| low1typeID=5599
| low2name=Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector
| low2typeID=5631
| low3name=Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
| low3typeID=11563
| mid1name=5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35658
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50
| mid3typeID=32772
| charge1name=Cap Booster 50 x76
| charge1typeID=264
| mid4name=Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50
| mid4typeID=32772
| high1name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high1typeID=16527
| charge2name=Inferno Rocket x1001
| charge2typeID=2514
| high2name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high2typeID=16527
| high3name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Inferno Rocket
| high3typeID=16527
| rig1name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig1typeID=31716
| rig2name=Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
| rig2typeID=31105
| rig3name=Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
| rig3typeID=31620
| drone1name=Hobgoblin I x2
| drone1typeID=2454
| charge3name=Scourge Rocket x1000
| charge3typeID=266
| charge4name=Mjolnir Rocket x1000
| charge4typeID=2512
| charge5name=Nova Rocket x1000
| charge5typeID=2516
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=598:5599;1:5631;1:11563;1:35658;1:5443;1:32772;2:264;76:16527;3:2514;1001:31716;1:31105;1:31620;1:2454;2:266;1000:2512;1000:2516;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
The Incursus has a bonus to armor repair amount and hybrid damage. Thus it's pretty obvious to fit an armour repairer and blaster. And those fits are presented here although other fits for example with autocannons exist.
===Brawling Incursus===
| ship=Incursus
| shipTypeID=594
| fitName=Fight Club - Brawling
| fitID=Fight-Club---Brawling
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x16
| charge1typeID=28668
| low3name='Refuge' Adaptive Nano Plating I
| low3typeID=16311
| low4name=Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
| low4typeID=11105
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| high1name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=7579
| charge2name=Antimatter Charge S x1001
| charge2typeID=222
| high2name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=7579
| high3name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high3typeID=7579
| rig1name=Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
| rig1typeID=31045
| rig2name=Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
| rig2typeID=31009
| rig3name=Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
| rig3typeID=31538
| drone1name=Hobgoblin I x1
| drone1typeID=2454
| charge3name=Iron Charge S x1000
| charge3typeID=215
| charge4name=Tungsten Charge S x1000
| charge4typeID=216
| charge5name=Iridium Charge S x1000
| charge5typeID=217
| charge6name=Lead Charge S x1000
| charge6typeID=218
| charge7name=Thorium Charge S x1000
| charge7typeID=219
| charge8name=Uranium Charge S x1000
| charge8typeID=220
| charge9name=Plutonium Charge S x1000
| charge9typeID=221
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=594:5839;1:33076;1:28668;16:16311;1:11105;1:6003;1:5443;1:4025;1:7579;3:222;1001:31045;1:31009;1:31538;1:2454;1:215;1000:216;1000:217;1000:218;1000:219;1000:220;1000:221;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Anti-Kiting Incursus===
| ship=Incursus
| shipTypeID=594
| fitName=Fight Club - Anti-Kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Anti-Kiting
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x16
| charge1typeID=28668
| low3name=Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector
| low3typeID=5631
| low4name=Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
| low4typeID=11105
| mid1name=5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35658
| mid2name=1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
| mid2typeID=6001
| mid3name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid3typeID=5443
| high1name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=7579
| charge2name=Antimatter Charge S x1001
| charge2typeID=222
| high2name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=7579
| high3name=Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Antimatter Charge S
| high3typeID=7579
| rig1name=Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
| rig1typeID=31105
| rig2name=Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
| rig2typeID=31009
| rig3name=Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
| rig3typeID=31538
| drone1name=Hobgoblin I x1
| drone1typeID=2454
| charge3name=Iron Charge S x1000
| charge3typeID=215
| charge4name=Tungsten Charge S x1000
| charge4typeID=216
| charge5name=Iridium Charge S x1000
| charge5typeID=217
| charge6name=Lead Charge S x1000
| charge6typeID=218
| charge7name=Thorium Charge S x1000
| charge7typeID=219
| charge8name=Uranium Charge S x1000
| charge8typeID=220
| charge9name=Plutonium Charge S x1000
| charge9typeID=221
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=594:5839;1:33076;1:28668;16:5631;1:11105;1:35658;1:6001;1:5443;1:7579;3:222;1001:31105;1:31009;1:31538;1:2454;1:215;1000:216;1000:217;1000:218;1000:219;1000:220;1000:221;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Brawling Atron===
| ship=Atron
| shipTypeID=608
| fitName=Fight Club - Brawling
| fitID=Fight-Club---Brawling
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
| low2typeID=11105
| low3name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low3typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x9
| charge1typeID=28668
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid2typeID=4025
| mid3name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid3typeID=5443
| high1name=Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=564
| charge2name=Antimatter Charge S x1001
| charge2typeID=222
| high2name=Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=564
| high3name=Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
| high3typeID=564
| rig1name=Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
| rig1typeID=31538
| rig2name=Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
| rig2typeID=31526
| charge3name=Iron Charge S x1000
| charge3typeID=215
| charge4name=Tungsten Charge S x1000
| charge4typeID=216
| charge5name=Iridium Charge S x1000
| charge5typeID=217
| charge6name=Lead Charge S x1000
| charge6typeID=218
| charge7name=Thorium Charge S x1000
| charge7typeID=219
| charge8name=Uranium Charge S x1000
| charge8typeID=220
| charge9name=Plutonium Charge S x1000
| charge9typeID=221
| high4name=open
| rig3name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=608:5839;1:11105;1:33076;1:28668;9:6003;1:4025;1:5443;1:564;3:222;1001:31538;1:31526;1:215;1000:216;1000:217;1000:218;1000:219;1000:220;1000:221;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Anti-Kiting Atron===
| ship=Atron
| shipTypeID=608
| fitName=Fight Club - Anti-Kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Anti-Kiting
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
| low2typeID=11563
| low3name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low3typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x16
| charge1typeID=28668
| mid1name=5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35658
| mid2name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid2typeID=6003
| mid3name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid3typeID=5443
| high1name=Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=564
| charge2name=Antimatter Charge S x1001
| charge2typeID=222
| high2name=Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=564
| high3name=Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
| high3typeID=564
| rig1name=Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
| rig1typeID=31538
| rig2name=Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
| rig2typeID=31526
| charge3name=Iron Charge S x1000
| charge3typeID=215
| charge4name=Tungsten Charge S x1000
| charge4typeID=216
| charge5name=Iridium Charge S x1000
| charge5typeID=217
| charge6name=Lead Charge S x1000
| charge6typeID=218
| charge7name=Thorium Charge S x1000
| charge7typeID=219
| charge8name=Uranium Charge S x1000
| charge8typeID=220
| charge9name=Plutonium Charge S x1000
| charge9typeID=221
| high4name=open
| rig3name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=608:5839;1:11563;1:33076;1:28668;16:35658;1:6003;1:5443;1:564;3:222;1001:31538;1:31526;1:215;1000:216;1000:217;1000:218;1000:219;1000:220;1000:221;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Web Kiting Atron===
| ship=Atron
| shipTypeID=608
| fitName=Fight Club - Web Kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Web-Kiting
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
| low2typeID=11105
| low3name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low3typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x9
| charge1typeID=28668
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid2typeID=4025
| mid3name=Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
| mid3typeID=5403
| high1name=150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge S
| high1typeID=7287
| charge2name=Antimatter Charge S x1001
| charge2typeID=222
| high2name=150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge S
| high2typeID=7287
| high3name=150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge S
| high3typeID=7287
| rig1name=Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
| rig1typeID=31538
| rig2name=Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
| rig2typeID=31105
| rig3name=Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
| rig3typeID=31105
| charge3name=Iron Charge S x1000
| charge3typeID=215
| charge4name=Tungsten Charge S x1000
| charge4typeID=216
| charge5name=Iridium Charge S x1000
| charge5typeID=217
| charge6name=Lead Charge S x1000
| charge6typeID=218
| charge7name=Thorium Charge S x1000
| charge7typeID=219
| charge8name=Uranium Charge S x1000
| charge8typeID=220
| charge9name=Plutonium Charge S x1000
| charge9typeID=221
| high4name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=608:5839;1:11105;1:33076;1:28668;9:6003;1:4025;1:5403;1:7287;3:222;1001:31538;1:31105;2:215;1000:216;1000:217;1000:218;1000:219;1000:220;1000:221;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Kiting Condor===
| ship=Condor
| shipTypeID=583
| fitName=Fight Club - Kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Kiting
| low1name=Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
| low1typeID=11563
| low2name=Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure
| low2typeID=5599
| mid1name=5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35658
| mid2name=Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
| mid2typeID=8433
| mid3name=Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
| mid3typeID=5403
| mid4name=Baker Nunn Enduring Tracking Disruptor I
| mid4typeID=5319
| high1name=TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher, Scourge Light Missile
| high1typeID=8091
| charge1name=Scourge Light Missile x1001
| charge1typeID=210
| high2name=TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher, Scourge Light Missile
| high2typeID=8091
| high3name=TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher, Scourge Light Missile
| high3typeID=8091
| rig1name=Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
| rig1typeID=31620
| rig2name=Small Bay Loading Accelerator I
| rig2typeID=31586
| charge2name=Inferno Light Missile x1000
| charge2typeID=211
| charge3name=Mjolnir Light Missile x1000
| charge3typeID=212
| charge4name=Nova Light Missile x1000
| charge4typeID=213
| high4name=open
| rig3name=open
| charge5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=583:11563;1:5599;1:35658;1:8433;1:5403;1:5319;1:8091;3:210;1001:31620;1:31586;1:211;1000:212;1000:213;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Scram Kiting===
| ship=Condor
| shipTypeID=583
| fitName=Fight Club - Scram Kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Scram-Kiting
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Ballistic Control System I
| low2typeID=12274
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50
| mid2typeID=32772
| charge1name=Cap Booster 50 x21
| charge1typeID=264
| mid3name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid3typeID=5443
| mid4name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid4typeID=4025
| high1name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Scourge Rocket
| high1typeID=16527
| charge2name=Scourge Rocket x1001
| charge2typeID=266
| high2name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Scourge Rocket
| high2typeID=16527
| high3name='Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Scourge Rocket
| high3typeID=16527
| rig1name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig1typeID=31716
| rig2name=Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
| rig2typeID=31620
| rig3name=Small Core Defense Field Extender I
| rig3typeID=31788
| charge3name=Mjolnir Rocket x1000
| charge3typeID=2512
| charge4name=Inferno Rocket x1000
| charge4typeID=2514
| charge5name=Nova Rocket x1000
| charge5typeID=2516
| high4name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=583:5839;1:12274;1:6003;1:32772;1:264;21:5443;1:4025;1:16527;3:266;1001:31716;1:31620;1:31788;1:2512;1000:2514;1000:2516;1000::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N
===Web Kiting Executioner===
| ship=Executioner
| shipTypeID=589
| fitName=Fight Club - Web Kiting
| fitID=Fight-Club---Web-Kiting
| low1name=IFFA Compact Damage Control
| low1typeID=5839
| low2name=Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
| low2typeID=33076
| charge1name=Nanite Repair Paste x16
| charge1typeID=28668
| low3name=Extruded Compact Heat Sink
| low3typeID=5849
| mid1name=1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
| mid1typeID=6003
| mid2name=Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
| mid2typeID=5403
| mid3name=X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
| mid3typeID=4025
| high1name=Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high1typeID=6719
| charge2name=Multifrequency S x4
| charge2typeID=246
| high2name=Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high2typeID=6719
| high3name=Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I, Multifrequency S
| high3typeID=6719
| rig1name=Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
| rig1typeID=31478
| rig2name=Small Auxiliary Thrusters I
| rig2typeID=31105
| rig3name=Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
| rig3typeID=31045
| charge3name=Radio S x3
| charge3typeID=239
| charge4name=Microwave S x3
| charge4typeID=240
| charge5name=Infrared S x3
| charge5typeID=241
| charge6name=Standard S x3
| charge6typeID=242
| charge7name=Ultraviolet S x3
| charge7typeID=243
| charge8name=Xray S x3
| charge8typeID=244
| charge9name=Gamma S x3
| charge9typeID=245
| high4name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=LATEST
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=589:5839;1:33076;1:28668;16:5849;1:6003;1:5403;1:4025;1:6719;3:246;4:31478;1:31105;1:31045;1:239;3:240;3:241;3:242;3:243;3:244;3:245;3::
| fleetup=
| alphacanuse=N

Latest revision as of 07:53, 2 September 2022

Testing how the wiki handles it when I link to a section which got removed:


Test for an anchor:

Industrials#Comparison Table for EVE Industrial Ships

Especially if and how it shows up in https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Special:WhatLinksHere/Industrials