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==Capacitor equipment==
{|class=wikitable style="width: 900px;background:#111111"
|[[File:Icon remote capacitor transmitter i.png|link=|]]
|'''{{co|wheat|Remote Capacitor Transmitter}}'''
|'''{{co|wheat|Energy Nosferatu}}'''
|[[File:Icon energy neutralizer i.png|link=|]]
|'''{{co|wheat|Energy Neutralizer}}'''
|[[File:Icon cap battery.png|link=|]]
|'''{{co|wheat|Cap Battery}}'''
|[[File:Icon capacitor booster.png|link=|]]
|'''{{co|wheat|Capacitor Booster}}'''
|[[File:Icon capacitor recharger.png|link=|]]
|'''{{co|wheat|Cap Recharger}}'''
|[[File:Icon capacitor recharger.png|link=|]]
|'''{{co|wheat|Capacitor Flux Coil}}'''
|[[File:Icon capacitor recharger.png|link=|]]
|'''{{co|wheat|Capacitor Power Relay}}'''
|[[File:Icon powergrid.png|link=|]]
|* '''{{co|wheat|Reactor Control Unit}}'''
|[[File:Module icon engineering rig tech.png|link=|]]
|[[File:Icon implant hardwiring.png|link=|]]
|* '''{{co|wheat|Implants}}'''
|[[File:Icon mindflood.png|link=|]]
|* '''{{co|wheat|Mindflood Booster }}'''
==Capacitor recharge rate==
* '''Your capacitor will recharge faster the closer you are to (approximately) 25% of your maximum.'''
* '''The recharge rate drops of very quickly once you go below this.'''
== Specifics ==
[[File:Capacitor Recharge.png|400px|thumb|Experimental data on capacitor recharge. The blue points are data points from Kivena's experiments.  The black line is an equation based on Dust Puppy's research which you can see at the top left corner of the image. The smaller inset graph (orange) shows a percentage of average recharge rate over current capacitor percentage. You can clearly see that maximum recharge is 2.5x the average recharge and occurs at 25%. Click to enlarge]]
The '''capacitor recharge rate''' is a non-linear function—the rate at any given moment depends on how much energy is stored at that moment. Near zero and near full capacity, the recharge rate is very low, and it peaks around 25 percent.
A player by the name of “Dust Puppy” investigated the recharge rate in-depth and published his findings in [http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=116993 this thread] (dead link). Based on his experiments, he suggests that the formula for calculating recharge rate is:
[[File:EVE Cap Recharge Rate Diff Formula.png|center]]<!-- TeX: {\color{White}{dC\over dt}={2C_\mathrm{max}\over\tau}\left(\sqrt{C\over C_{\mathrm{max}}}-{C\over C_\mathrm{max}}\right)} -->
...where:<br />
''C'' is your current capacitor level in GJ.<br />
''C<sub>max</sub>'' is your maximum capacitor level in GJ.<br />
''dC''/''dt'' is your current capacitor recharge rate in GJ/s. (Formally: The instantaneous rate of change of the capacitor charge ''C'' with respect to time.)<br />
''T'' is capacitor recharge time.
Capacitor recharge, therefore, peaks at 25%, and the advertised “Capacitor Recharge Time” is actually the time for the capacitor to go from dead empty to 98.7%, assuming no drains or boosts.
Experimenting with this formula,<ref>https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnYZ5Ix967m9dGR1YTY2emRGaXgyR3k4QlBnYng3SlE&hl=en</ref> it has been found that the peak recharge rate, without any effect of boosters or energy draining weapons, is indeed at 25% of capacitor capacity.
The formula can be also used to write capacitor level as function of time
[[File:EVE_Cap_Recharge_Rate_Formula.png‎‎|center]]<!-- TeX: {\color{White}C_1=C_\mathrm{max}\left(1+e^{t_0-t_1\over\tau}\left(\sqrt{C_0\over C_\mathrm{max}}-1\right)\right)^2} -->
where C<sub>0</sub> is capacitor level at starting time t<sub>0</sub> and C<sub>1</sub> is capacitor level at time t<sub>1</sub>
The full derivation may be found at http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=222&t=30652 (dead link).
Bottom line for EVE capsuleers: remember that the recharge rate declines dramatically once it falls below 25% of capacity.  Therefore, if in a fight, leave yourself a margin of safety and consider escaping if it appears that you will soon fall below this amount.
For more on maximizing your capacitor performance, see this UNI class syllabus: [[Capacitor Management 101]]
<references />
[[Category:Game mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 18:07, 13 October 2022