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EVE University Fight Club (UFC) is a solo PvP event primarily run at the [[Main Community|Main Community campus]] in Stacmon.  
| name = EVE University Fight Club (UFC)
| description = In the EVE University Fight Club, pilots fly Tech 1 frigates in 1v1 duels. These matches aim to enrich our members' skills and provide an outlet for competitive engagement. The goal of Uni Fight Club is to cultivate piloting and PvP abilities within a controlled, supportive, and enjoyable environment. It's a cherished tradition within EVE University, with its origins dating back to the days when EVE Uni resided in Aldrat. Back then, the Libold system served as a dedicated [[Archive:Frigate FFA System|frigate free-for-all system]] for Unistas. The modern iteration of Uni Fight Club honors and continues this esteemed tradition.
=== The what ===
* All fights are 1v1 in empire frigates (Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar). Specifically, UFC-eligible ships must be
** Tech 1 empire frigates with Tech 1 modules (meta 4 or below)
** Using base Tech 1 ammunition, drones, and charges
** T2 Damage Control modules are allowed and represent the one exception to the rules
* While EVE University provides properly fitted ships free on contract for the event, you are welcome to bring fits of your own design as long as they are compliant with the rules.
What is Fight Club? We take tech 1 frigates and mash them against each other in 1v1, Unista vs. Unista sanctioned duels for the enrichment and blood-sating of our members. Fight Club is a long-standing traditional event in EVE University that finds its roots in EVE University history. At one time, when EVE Uni was based in Aldrat, the Libold system was dedicated as a [[Archive:Frigate FFA System|frigate free-for-all system]] for Unistas. Contemporary Uni Fight Club descends from that tradition.  
This is intended to be a live-fire exercise that is as realistic as possible. Fight Club offers the opportunity to learn weapons systems, manual piloting techniques, tackling, and other practical PvP skills.
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=== The rules ===
===Rules and Procedure===
* EVE Uni Fight Club (UFC) employs a set of bookmarks to mark out its fighting arenas, which should be stored in a shared folder like corporate bookmarks for universal access.
* Each arena consists of three bookmarks: Blue, Center, and Red. Red and Blue are positioned opposite each other, each 10km from the Center bookmark. Arenas must be at least 600km away from the Bleachers.
* The Bleachers bookmark serves as both a ready room and a spectator area.
* The number of arenas should match the desired number of simultaneous fights. Traditionally, UFC employs four arenas with the Bleachers at the center and each arena positioned equidistantly more than 600km away in one of the "compass directions" provided by the tactical overlay.
* If multiple arenas are in use, naming them is recommended. UFC often uses names of past hosts or significant locations in Uni history.
* The host starts a fleet for Fight Club for both participants and spectators as well as ensuring all fleet members have access to the bookmark folder.
* Participants and spectators warp to the Bleachers bookmark at the event's start.
* The host outlines the rules and procedures for everyone and addresses any questions.
* Pilots must use a clean clone, with implants or drugs prohibited.
* Fights are typically to 25% of structure, though pilots may agree to fight to ship destruction prior to combat starting.
* Podding is strictly forbidden.
* Pilots may warp off to end engagements, resulting in a draw. Therefore, tackle mods are crucial components of a UFC fit.
* At the start of each round, pilots wishing to compete x-up. The host then pairs contestants and assigns them to an arena, for instance, "<span style="color:#80BF00;">'''Zolpidemz, Cryptic Sharvas'''</span> '''CLOVER'''".
* Once assigned an arena, participants start approaching its center bookmark, such as <span style="color:#80BF00">UFC 1 CION - Center</span> bookmark. However, once the fight begins, pilots are free to warp to any of the three bookmarks.
* After confirming that everyone is approaching their designated bookmark, the host counts down the fight (5, 4, 3, 2, 1...FIGHT).
* Participants then warp to one of the three bookmarks (Red, Center, or Blue) at 0km. Warping at range is prohibited. This results in opponents randomly starting at around 20km, 10km, or 0km apart—revealed only upon landing. Combat commences immediately after exiting warp.
* Combat comms should be called for by the host during fights to ensure combatants can communicate clearly and freely.
* Following the completion of all fights, contestants discuss the match, sharing their perspectives, strengths, and areas for improvement. Other players are welcome to offer insights and suggestions.
| scheduling = Allow at least two hours for UFC.
| recommendations = Do not keep score. UFC is not about winning or losing. It is about having fun while learning how to become a better pilot in EVE Online. Everyone wins by undocking.
| additional information = Sample Host Script for Uni Fight Club/New friend Speech Checklist<br>
* All fights are 1v1 in empire frigates (Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar). You may bring your own dueling fit, but you are quite welcome to use free UFC-fitted frigates on contract in Stacmon.
NOTE: This is a script that Élan Vital used for UFC in 2022-2023. It should only serve as an example and should be updated to reflect current EVE University policy and game mechanics
* Fights are to 25% of structure, but a pilot may concede the fight at any time. Fights may be to the death of the ship by prior agreement.
* No podding!
* If you feel you are losing, try to warp off! If someone succeeds in escaping, the duel is a draw.
* Since people are allowed to escape, bring tackle mods if you want to kill anything!
* Fights will randomly start at 20km or 0km - nobody knows the starting range until you get there!
This is intended to be a live-fire exercise that is as realistic as possible. Learn what it takes to PvP like a low-sec hero!
{{ code |
<br />
Uni Fight Club/New Friend Speech
- welcome (can be theatrical, with references to Fight Club / Wrestling / Robot Wars / etc.)
- check to see how many attendees have never attended a Fight Club (get a sense of how deep you need to go into the rules)
- run-down of event, goals of Fight Club
- attendees free to arrive when they want, leave when they had enough
- arena setup: bookmarks for center, blue/red starting point, bleachers
- arena available outside of scheduled Fight Club sessions also, everybody encouraged to find sparring partner for individual practice
=== What can I bring? ===
- default procedure for combat:
* Only Tech 1 empire frigates are allowed
  -> 1v1 in any allowed ship
* The ship may be outfitted with Tech 1 modules (meta 4 or below), and base Tech 1 drones, ammunition, and charges; the one exception being T2 Damage Control modules are allowed.
  -> always changing opponents (definitely keep notes)
* No boosters
  -> start at bleachers
  -> ask for x'ups, then pair up pilots with their arena in fleet chat (example: pilot A, pilot B CION)
  -> pilots should start approaching center bookmark upon getting their arena assigned
  -> each pilot individually decides on red, center, or blue bookmark without mentioning it aloud
  -> at the start signal, immediately initiate warp to the chosen bookmark at 0km (no warping at range!)
  -> combat then commences with no further countdown
  -> IMPORTANT: call for combat comms during fights. It is distracting if people are talking and you can't hear a pilot surrender if people are talking
  -> grid not limited, but fly away from bleachers if kiting (host note: if a fight is running long, ships are far apart, not really a fight/no damage being exchanged, it is your prerogative to end the fight as a draw)
  -> combat stops when one ship is down to 25% hull
  -> each pilot can freely choose to concede before that and end the fighting
  -> if not tackled, pilots are free to warp off to bring fight to a draw. no shame in leaving a fight you can't win.
  -> respect when a pilot concedes
  -> no podding/no drugs/no implants
  -> after fight, warp back to Dairek's Chateau for repairs and/or new ship
  -> debrief: fits, fighting strategy, result, areas for improvement
  -> remind everyone that there is a supply container in Dairek's Chateau with ammo, charges, drones if pilots need to top off their ship
- options to deviate from default: pilots can agree to
  -> show each other their fits ahead of time
  -> decide on initial warp-in bookmarks openly
  -> continue fighting until one ship is destroyed
- UFC fits available for 0 isk on contract at Slays - Dairek's Chateau
- SRP for personal ships that get destroyed (limit of 2)
- have Stacmon shared BM folder online
- join UFC fleet, use Watch List to make it easy to follow the fights
We're keeping things cheap to encourage participation, and evenly matched because the more even-handed the ships, the more your decisions and piloting matter, and the more you learn!
=== Stacmon Bookmarks ===
MOTD for Fight Club Fleet:
EVE Uni Fight Club uses a collection of bookmarks in Slays that are stored in the <span style="color:#80BF00">Stacmon - 08 Fight Club</span> corp bookmarks folder.
* Participants and Spectators warp to <span style="color:#80BF00">UFC The Octagon - Bleachers</span> at the beginning of the event.
* There are two separate sets of four arenas, so that up to eight 1v1 contests may take place at the same time. One set of arenas are named after Unistas who ran Fight Club in the past and the others being named after named systems in null sec.
* The host pairs contestants for each round.
* At the beginning of each round, the two participants align to the center bookmark of the arena they have been told to fight in, for example <span style="color:#80BF00">Kopobo Fight Club - Center</span> bookmark. After the host counts down the fight (5, 4, 3, 2, 1...FIGHT), each participant must warp to one of the three bookmarks in the arena and engage upon exiting warp.
=== SRP ===
- Stacmon BM folder - 08 Fight Club
Fight Club T1 frigate losses are fully reimbursable through the uni's [[Ship Replacement Program]]. You can use this form[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ikcn4r8U4FKu2s6AOooPckKcZP1NqrXWWKTcRRJfPEc/viewform] to apply for SRP. Specifics are listed [[SRP#Special_Events|here]].
- name of UFC bookmarks for reference
<br />
- link to consolidated info post with UFC fits
- UI pointer to the Contracts window
- links to SRP form and wiki page
- Check the UFC contracts at least one day before your event. Make sure that you have at least 5 contracts for each ship:
    -UFC Kestrel Armor
    -UFC Condor LML Kiter
    -UFC Incursus Brawl
    -UFC Rifter 200mm AC
    -UFC Tormenter Pulse
    -UFC Breacher DualRep
    -UFC Tristan Neuts
- If you see that the stocks are low, you should ping <proper Uni role for refreshing UFC contracts>
- Ping on Discord at least once 3 hours beforehand. Typically, a ping an hour before and at the start are good, too.  
- Using the in-game notepad to track who has fought whom is quite helpful
It’s <day> and in just three hours at <time>EVE in Slays is this week’s edition of EVE Uni Fight Club (UFC). Ships are available free on contract at Dairek’s Chateau. Get to know your fellow Unistas while fighting them 1v1. Fighting, fun, and learning—is there anything better, @everyone? More details here: <forum post link> }}
=== Want to run FC? ===
* Get in touch with a [[EVE University Management|campus manager or coordinator]] and offer to run this week's Fight Club.
* Pick a time that sees a lot of activity, like 19:00 EVE time on a Friday for the EUTZ crowd or 01:00 EVE time on a Saturday for the USTZ crowd.
* Some event hosts also have a bowhead on an OOC alt stocked with T1 frigate fits to give out to participants who want them.
* The [https://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=266&p=905940 Fleet Support Program] is a great way to help you get fitted ships on contract. They also have a nice form[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeTrpXQQLnb46Pi4WArs1HkYBRiiIkJJ7NnYtMJjBhi4KwWg/viewform].

Latest revision as of 06:37, 7 March 2024

Crimson Harvest Spooky Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

EVE University Fight Club (UFC)

In the EVE University Fight Club, pilots fly Tech 1 frigates in 1v1 duels. These matches aim to enrich our members' skills and provide an outlet for competitive engagement. The goal of Uni Fight Club is to cultivate piloting and PvP abilities within a controlled, supportive, and enjoyable environment. It's a cherished tradition within EVE University, with its origins dating back to the days when EVE Uni resided in Aldrat. Back then, the Libold system served as a dedicated frigate free-for-all system for Unistas. The modern iteration of Uni Fight Club honors and continues this esteemed tradition.


  • All fights are 1v1 in empire frigates (Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar). Specifically, UFC-eligible ships must be
    • Tech 1 empire frigates with Tech 1 modules (meta 4 or below)
    • Using base Tech 1 ammunition, drones, and charges
    • T2 Damage Control modules are allowed and represent the one exception to the rules
  • While EVE University provides properly fitted ships free on contract for the event, you are welcome to bring fits of your own design as long as they are compliant with the rules.

This is intended to be a live-fire exercise that is as realistic as possible. Fight Club offers the opportunity to learn weapons systems, manual piloting techniques, tackling, and other practical PvP skills.

Rules and Procedure

  • EVE Uni Fight Club (UFC) employs a set of bookmarks to mark out its fighting arenas, which should be stored in a shared folder like corporate bookmarks for universal access.
  • Each arena consists of three bookmarks: Blue, Center, and Red. Red and Blue are positioned opposite each other, each 10km from the Center bookmark. Arenas must be at least 600km away from the Bleachers.
  • The Bleachers bookmark serves as both a ready room and a spectator area.
  • The number of arenas should match the desired number of simultaneous fights. Traditionally, UFC employs four arenas with the Bleachers at the center and each arena positioned equidistantly more than 600km away in one of the "compass directions" provided by the tactical overlay.
  • If multiple arenas are in use, naming them is recommended. UFC often uses names of past hosts or significant locations in Uni history.
  • The host starts a fleet for Fight Club for both participants and spectators as well as ensuring all fleet members have access to the bookmark folder.
  • Participants and spectators warp to the Bleachers bookmark at the event's start.
  • The host outlines the rules and procedures for everyone and addresses any questions.
  • Pilots must use a clean clone, with implants or drugs prohibited.
  • Fights are typically to 25% of structure, though pilots may agree to fight to ship destruction prior to combat starting.
  • Podding is strictly forbidden.
  • Pilots may warp off to end engagements, resulting in a draw. Therefore, tackle mods are crucial components of a UFC fit.
  • At the start of each round, pilots wishing to compete x-up. The host then pairs contestants and assigns them to an arena, for instance, "Zolpidemz, Cryptic Sharvas CLOVER".
  • Once assigned an arena, participants start approaching its center bookmark, such as UFC 1 CION - Center bookmark. However, once the fight begins, pilots are free to warp to any of the three bookmarks.
  • After confirming that everyone is approaching their designated bookmark, the host counts down the fight (5, 4, 3, 2, 1...FIGHT).
  • Participants then warp to one of the three bookmarks (Red, Center, or Blue) at 0km. Warping at range is prohibited. This results in opponents randomly starting at around 20km, 10km, or 0km apart—revealed only upon landing. Combat commences immediately after exiting warp.
  • Combat comms should be called for by the host during fights to ensure combatants can communicate clearly and freely.
  • Following the completion of all fights, contestants discuss the match, sharing their perspectives, strengths, and areas for improvement. Other players are welcome to offer insights and suggestions.


Allow at least two hours for UFC.


Do not keep score. UFC is not about winning or losing. It is about having fun while learning how to become a better pilot in EVE Online. Everyone wins by undocking.

Additional information

Sample Host Script for Uni Fight Club/New friend Speech Checklist

NOTE: This is a script that Élan Vital used for UFC in 2022-2023. It should only serve as an example and should be updated to reflect current EVE University policy and game mechanics

Uni Fight Club/New Friend Speech - welcome (can be theatrical, with references to Fight Club / Wrestling / Robot Wars / etc.) - check to see how many attendees have never attended a Fight Club (get a sense of how deep you need to go into the rules) - run-down of event, goals of Fight Club - attendees free to arrive when they want, leave when they had enough - arena setup: bookmarks for center, blue/red starting point, bleachers - arena available outside of scheduled Fight Club sessions also, everybody encouraged to find sparring partner for individual practice

- default procedure for combat:

 -> 1v1 in any allowed ship
 -> always changing opponents (definitely keep notes)
 -> start at bleachers
 -> ask for x'ups, then pair up pilots with their arena in fleet chat (example: pilot A, pilot B CION)
 -> pilots should start approaching center bookmark upon getting their arena assigned
 -> each pilot individually decides on red, center, or blue bookmark without mentioning it aloud
 -> at the start signal, immediately initiate warp to the chosen bookmark at 0km (no warping at range!)
 -> combat then commences with no further countdown
 -> IMPORTANT: call for combat comms during fights. It is distracting if people are talking and you can't hear a pilot surrender if people are talking
 -> grid not limited, but fly away from bleachers if kiting (host note: if a fight is running long, ships are far apart, not really a fight/no damage being exchanged, it is your prerogative to end the fight as a draw)
 -> combat stops when one ship is down to 25% hull
 -> each pilot can freely choose to concede before that and end the fighting
 -> if not tackled, pilots are free to warp off to bring fight to a draw. no shame in leaving a fight you can't win.
 -> respect when a pilot concedes
 -> no podding/no drugs/no implants
 -> after fight, warp back to Dairek's Chateau for repairs and/or new ship
 -> debrief: fits, fighting strategy, result, areas for improvement
 -> remind everyone that there is a supply container in Dairek's Chateau with ammo, charges, drones if pilots need to top off their ship

- options to deviate from default: pilots can agree to

 -> show each other their fits ahead of time
 -> decide on initial warp-in bookmarks openly
 -> continue fighting until one ship is destroyed

- UFC fits available for 0 isk on contract at Slays - Dairek's Chateau - SRP for personal ships that get destroyed (limit of 2) - have Stacmon shared BM folder online - join UFC fleet, use Watch List to make it easy to follow the fights

MOTD for Fight Club Fleet:

- Stacmon BM folder - 08 Fight Club - name of UFC bookmarks for reference - link to consolidated info post with UFC fits - UI pointer to the Contracts window - links to SRP form and wiki page

OTHER NOTES - Check the UFC contracts at least one day before your event. Make sure that you have at least 5 contracts for each ship:

   -UFC Kestrel Armor
   -UFC Condor LML Kiter
   -UFC Incursus Brawl
   -UFC Rifter 200mm AC
   -UFC Tormenter Pulse
   -UFC Breacher DualRep
   -UFC Tristan Neuts

- If you see that the stocks are low, you should ping <proper Uni role for refreshing UFC contracts> - Ping on Discord at least once 3 hours beforehand. Typically, a ping an hour before and at the start are good, too. - Using the in-game notepad to track who has fought whom is quite helpful


It’s <day> and in just three hours at