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Good morning!
'''[https://www.mumble.info/ Mumble]''' is a third-party VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) application that allows people to communicate verbally both in- and out-of-game.
If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a Discord PM
== EVE University staff positions: ==
* [[Communications Department|Communications Manager]] (10/2023-02/2024)
* [[Communications Department|Communications Officer]] (08/2023-01/2025)
* [[Quartermaster's Department|Quartermaster Officer]] (06/2023-09/2024)
Our Mumble authentication for Members and Guests is handled through Alliance Auth. 
== [[EVE University Medals|EVE University Medal Awards:]] ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
== Accessing Mumble ==
! style="background:#222222;" colspan=4 | The EVE University Star of Unity
Navigate to https://auth.eveuniversity.org/ and sign in using EVE Online SSO - For access to base systems you will only be asked for public scopes:
# Select Services from the toolbar on the left hand side of the screen
! style="background:#222222;" rowspan=2 | [[File:EVE_University_Star_of_Unity.png]] || ''Awarded for helping to organize the 20th anniversary of EVE University in 2024.''
# Select the amber tick at the end of the mumble row and you will see you username and password
First awarded to the organisers and logistics support of Summer Camp 2020 which unified the communities through quality content. Awarded to those members who organise or make a significant contribution to corporation-wide events which promote the unity of EVE University members and communities.  Its inscription reads:  Unitas virium debilitas divisio - 'Unity is strength, division is weakness'
# Select continue
# Click on the Green arrow ''Connect'' button to automatically connect to Mumble
| style="text-align: center;" | {{co|cyan|This medal is awarded very rarely. It must be approved by the CEO}}
# Enter your Mumble password if prompted
After you've successfully connected, you can easily save the server settings in your Mumble Desktop client to reconnect easily in the future.
! style="background:#222222;" colspan=4 | The Star of Outstanding Service (on Shaemus O'Conaught)
'''Using the Mumble Desktop Client:'''
! style="background:#222222;" rowspan=2 | [[File:UNIStarOutsandingSvcMedal.PNG]] || This medal is presented to those who have and put the benefit of EVE University and its membership before their own in the execution of their duties as a member. It signifies that they have acted selflessly and with great resolve, utilising countless hours of their own time for the corporation and all its members, demonstrating an outstanding commitment to their fellow capsuleers. Its inscription reads: Concordia res parvae crescent - 'Work together to accomplish more'
# Click on ''Server'' > ''Connect'' > ''Add New''
# Click on the ''Fill'' button to automatically fill in the server details
| style="text-align: center;" | {{co|cyan|This medal is awarded for exceptional efforts for the benefit of EVE University. It must be approved by the CEO and is only awarded rarely}}
# You can modify the Label to anything you like, or just leave it as the default
'''If you are still having problems getting connected, try following the [[#Manual Connection Instructions|manual instructions]] below setup the connection.'''
! style="background:#222222;" colspan=4 | The Star of Dedicated Service
=== Manual Connection Instructions ===
! style="background:#222222;" rowspan=2 | [[File:UNIStarDedSvcMedal.PNG]] || ''Awarded for time spent as the [[Communications Department|Communications Department Manager]]''
After setting up your Mumble account through Alliance Auth in the steps above. You can try using these steps to setup a connection to the '''EVE University Mumble''' server if the Green '''Connect''' button isn't working for you.
This medal is awarded to EVE University members who have selflessly dedicated their time to assist in the management of the University. Their work is of great benefit to all students who pass through the University's halls. It will be awarded to managers who serve for an extended amount of time, usually around six months. Its inscription reads: Unitas per Servitiam - 'Unity Through Service'
'''Using the Mumble Desktop Client:'''
| style="text-align: center;" | {{co|cyan|This medal is awarded for consistent high performance in a Management position. It can be approved by any Director}}
# Click on ''Server'' > ''Connect'' > ''Add New''
# Enter the '''EVE University Mumble''' details below then click ''OK''
# Select ''EVE University Mumble'' in the list then click ''Connect''
! style="background:#222222;" colspan=4 | The Service Medal of Excellence
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
! style="background:#222222;" rowspan=2 | [[File:ServiceMedalof Excellence.png]] || ''Awarded for helping to organize the 20th anniversary of EVE University in 2024.''
|- style="background: #222222;"
This medal is awarded to those members of EVE University who have selflessly devoted their personal time towards those staff positions responsible for the day to day operations of the corporation. Without their tireless efforts, the University could not function.
! style="width: 120px;" colspan="2" | EVE University Mumble
| style="text-align: center;" | {{co|cyan|This medal is awarded for consistent high performance in any staff position. Managers can nominate their staff for the medal and it can be approved by any Director}}
! style="background:#222222;" colspan=4 | Content Creator (on Shaemus O'Conaught)
! style="background:#222222;" rowspan=2 | [[File:ContentCreator.png]] || ''Awarded for running NSC evacuation fleets from PC9 to the temporary staging in 2024.''
This medal is presented to members of EVE University who have consistently provided content for other members. With this medal we recognise their efforts in making EVE University a better place for members.
| style="text-align: center;" | {{co|cyan|This medal is awarded to members who consistently provide content for others, not limited to any particular game style. It can be awarded by any Director, and any Manager or Assistant Manager is able to nominate a member for this award}}
| Address || '''mumble.eveuniversity.org'''
| Port || '''64738''' ''(default)''
! style="background:#222222;" colspan=4 | EVE University Graduate
| Username || ''<Your Alliance Auth username, i.e: Example_Member>''
! style="background:#222222;" rowspan=2 | [[File:UNIGradMedal.PNG]] || This medal is presented to those who have demonstrated detailed understanding of the nuances and mechanics of capsule piloting. It denotes that the holder has spent a term of not less than three months within EVE University and is able to embark competently on their own adventures in New Eden, as well as signifying they have demonstrated a commitment to their fellow pilots. Its inscription reads: Per Eruditio, Vis - 'Through Knowledge, Power'
| Password (only when prompted) || ''<Your Mumble password>''
| style="text-align: center;" | {{co|cyan|This medal is awarded to all members who successfully apply for the}} [[Titles within EVE University#Graduate |Graduate progression title]]
| Label || EVE University Mumble
Your Alliance Auth username is normally your character name with spaces replaced by underscores. (i.e. Example Member is Example_Member) If you're uncertain, you can see your current username for Mumble on the Alliance Auth [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/services Services] page.
If you cannot remember your Mumble password, go back to the [https://auth.eveuniversity.org/services Services] page where you can set a new password using the amber pencil icon or create a new random password using the gray refresh, or circular arrows, icon.
If you're still unable to connect to our Mumble server after trying these steps, feel free to reach out for support in '''#alliance-auth''' channel on the [[Discord|EVE University Discord]].
== Initial Configuration ==
=== Push to talk ===
There is nothing more annoying than hearing other people type or breathe into their microphone constantly. If you leave push-to-talk off during a fleet op then you are likely to have some very frustrated Corp mates. This is why push to talk is mandatory. To turn on push to talk for Mumble, follow these steps.
# Open up Mumble
# Click the “Configure” option at the top, then click settings
# You should now be in the Audio Input settings area, under the Transmission area make sure the Transmit drop down box is set to “Push to Talk”
# Now you need to assign a key that you will need to press so others can hear you. To do this click the “Shortcuts” button on the left hand side of the Settings dialog box.
# There should be a listing there labeled “Push-to-Talk”, click on the Shortcut column and press the key that you wish to be your push to talk key.
=== Whisper Key ===
Some of our mumble rooms, most notably the fleet and general lounge channels are linked to other channels. The purpose of these sub channels is to give the group within the option to talk to each other without all of the linked channels being able to hear it.
For example the commander of the logistics group can now talk to only the Logistic pilots without confusing everyone else.
A whisper key allows you to talk to just your current channel instead of broadcasting your voice to all of the linked channels.
You should already see your existing push-to-talk key set up.  It's a good idea to check the Suppress box on any shortcuts, as that will prevent other applications from recognizing your key and performing unforeseen tasks you had not expected (e.g. warp scrambling stargates). 
==== Setting up your whisper key ====
# Click the Add button in the bottom left, which will bring up a new Unassigned shortcut in the window.
# Click the word Unassigned and select Whisper/Shout from the drop-down list.
# Click the word Empty next to it, which should cause a [...] button to appear next to that - click that [...] button to open a new Whisper Target window.
# Select the Shout to Channel box, and check that “Current channel” is highlighted, and then click OK.
# Finally click the Shortcut column of your new shortcut and press the key you wish to use.
You now have your Whisper chat key setup!
By default you should always use a Whisper Key to chat in EVE University Mumble channels.
=== Notifications ===
Go to Configure > Settings... > Messages. From there you can disable popup and sound notifications about events you don't care about.  By default Mumble makes a loud PING and gives you a notification popup for almost any event on the server - this gets annoying pretty fast.
Mac version: From the Mumble --> Preferences window (make sure the 'Advanced' checkbox in the upper right is checked), select the 'Messages' tab. The only way to eliminate audio notifications is to uncheck items in the 'Soundfile' column.
=== Overlay ===
It can be useful to have the Mumble Overlay set up for fleet operations. It gives you an overlay in your game client which shows who is currently talking so you do not have to look at the Mumble client on a second screen while the game is running.
#In order to get it to work you first have to disable DirectX 12 in the game client settings of your EVE launcher as the Overlay currently (as of May 2023) does not support it on PC.
#Next go to '''''Settings''''' in Mumble and select '''''Overlay'''''.
#The first important step is to reduce the clutter on screen so you only see who is currently talking or was talking a short while ago: Right-click one of the items in the layout screen (e.g. ''Whisper''), select '''''Filter''''' and select '''''Talking and recently active'''''.
#Next move the position of the overlay by dragging the red dot around (for example to the top middle of the screen) and use your mousewheel to resize how large the names will appear.
#Play around with those settings to get the overlay positioned and sized so you can at a glance get all the information you need without it obstructing crucial elements of the game itself.
Congratulations, you now have a way to see who it was who screamed "HELP! I am tackled at the gate!" or "Point! Warp to me!".
== Chat Policies ==
Please remember that our [[Communications Policy]] applies in the Uni Mumble. Moderation can include muting and/or banning. Note that this can severely affect your participation in fleets, classes, and other activities.
== Channel Rules & Access ==
Mumble is currently set up in the following configuration:
* '''General Lounges''' - Two channels,  one for members and one for the public.  A general hangout space for everyone
* '''Classrooms''' - Open to everyone who joins mumble and used by the Teachers to run classes
* '''Public Fleets''' - Open to everyone for public roams and fleets (EVE Uni Comms Policy still applies)
* '''Uni Fleets''' - Restricted to Uni Members for Uni only roams/fleets or QRF’s
* '''Standing Fleets''' - Be in standing fleet and in here if your just hanging out around our staging areas
* '''Special Interest Groups''' - Rooms to allow members to connect your content and interests no matter which area of space the operate in
* '''On Demand Channels''' - Anyone in EVE Uni can create temporary channels here if there is no suitable channel for their needs.
* '''Staff Offices''' - Restricted to EVE University Officers and Management
* '''AFK & Idle Room''' - If you're muting your speakers anyways, idle here
== Moderation ==
Any of our officers, managers or directors are able to moderate our mumble server.
[[Category:Getting Started]]
[[Category:EVE University Services]]

Latest revision as of 07:25, 7 February 2025

Good morning!

If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a Discord PM

EVE University staff positions:

EVE University Medal Awards:

The EVE University Star of Unity
EVE University Star of Unity.png Awarded for helping to organize the 20th anniversary of EVE University in 2024.

First awarded to the organisers and logistics support of Summer Camp 2020 which unified the communities through quality content. Awarded to those members who organise or make a significant contribution to corporation-wide events which promote the unity of EVE University members and communities. Its inscription reads: Unitas virium debilitas divisio - 'Unity is strength, division is weakness'

This medal is awarded very rarely. It must be approved by the CEO
The Star of Outstanding Service (on Shaemus O'Conaught)
UNIStarOutsandingSvcMedal.PNG This medal is presented to those who have and put the benefit of EVE University and its membership before their own in the execution of their duties as a member. It signifies that they have acted selflessly and with great resolve, utilising countless hours of their own time for the corporation and all its members, demonstrating an outstanding commitment to their fellow capsuleers. Its inscription reads: Concordia res parvae crescent - 'Work together to accomplish more'
This medal is awarded for exceptional efforts for the benefit of EVE University. It must be approved by the CEO and is only awarded rarely
The Star of Dedicated Service
UNIStarDedSvcMedal.PNG Awarded for time spent as the Communications Department Manager

This medal is awarded to EVE University members who have selflessly dedicated their time to assist in the management of the University. Their work is of great benefit to all students who pass through the University's halls. It will be awarded to managers who serve for an extended amount of time, usually around six months. Its inscription reads: Unitas per Servitiam - 'Unity Through Service'

This medal is awarded for consistent high performance in a Management position. It can be approved by any Director
The Service Medal of Excellence
ServiceMedalof Excellence.png Awarded for helping to organize the 20th anniversary of EVE University in 2024.

This medal is awarded to those members of EVE University who have selflessly devoted their personal time towards those staff positions responsible for the day to day operations of the corporation. Without their tireless efforts, the University could not function.

This medal is awarded for consistent high performance in any staff position. Managers can nominate their staff for the medal and it can be approved by any Director
Content Creator (on Shaemus O'Conaught)
ContentCreator.png Awarded for running NSC evacuation fleets from PC9 to the temporary staging in 2024.

This medal is presented to members of EVE University who have consistently provided content for other members. With this medal we recognise their efforts in making EVE University a better place for members.

This medal is awarded to members who consistently provide content for others, not limited to any particular game style. It can be awarded by any Director, and any Manager or Assistant Manager is able to nominate a member for this award
EVE University Graduate
UNIGradMedal.PNG This medal is presented to those who have demonstrated detailed understanding of the nuances and mechanics of capsule piloting. It denotes that the holder has spent a term of not less than three months within EVE University and is able to embark competently on their own adventures in New Eden, as well as signifying they have demonstrated a commitment to their fellow pilots. Its inscription reads: Per Eruditio, Vis - 'Through Knowledge, Power'
This medal is awarded to all members who successfully apply for the Graduate progression title