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== Log of events ==
== Log of events ==
06.02.2024 - Intro to Abyss Class - 5/5<br>
13.02.2024 - T3 Stream - 5/5<br>
20.02.2024 - Missions Core Class - 4/5<br>
27.02.2024 - TAG presentation + T3 runs - 4/5<br>
05.03.2024 - Pyfa Practical - 4/5<br>
12.03.2024 - Abyss shared Can - 5/5<br>
20.03.2024 - L4 mission fleet - 1/5<br>
26.03.2024 - T1 runs in AFs - 2/5<br>
02.04.2024 - Intro to Fitting + Pyfa Practical - 5/5<br>
09.04.2024 - Intro to Abyss + Stream - 4/5<br>
16.04.2024 - T4 Abyss Stream - 3/5<br>
23.04.2024 - Intro to Abyss on Monday + Intro to Fitting + Pyfa practical - 4/5<br>
30.04.2024 - Abyss Stream at 19:00 (2/5) + Intro to Abyss at 21:00 + Intro to Abyss at 23:00 (5/5)<br>
07.05.2024 - Intro to Missions + 1h of missions chat - 5/5<br>
14.05.2024 - Intro to Abyss + couple of runs - 4/5<br>
21.05.2024 - Intro to Fitting - 4/5<br>
28.05.2024 - Big in Japan - AlphaGila presentation + runs - 4/5<br>
04.06.2024 - AlphaGila + Cerberus - 4/5<br>
11.06.2024 - Standings, with guest star JPNS - 5/5 <br>
18.06.2024 - AlphaGila again! - 4/5<br>
25.06.2024 - Class, picked by crowd - Pimp My Ship! - 5/5<br>
02.07.2024 - Cooking with Chris - Pyfa practical - 4/5<br>
09.07.2024 - Sacrilege, fit presentation + stream - 4/5<br>
16.07.2024 - Intro to Abyss Class (after StatOp) - 5/5<br>
23.07.2024 - Pyfa Practical - 1 person, but 4/5<br>
30.07.2024 - Abyss Stream. Did some fun stuff, but no people - 1/5<br>
06.08.2024 - Intro to Missions + Quick Fleet + Strat OP - 4/5<br>
13.08.2024 - Abyss Stream + Starting of Shared can - 3/5<br>
20.08.2024 - Intro to Abyss + last hour of Shared can - 4/5<br>
26.08.2024 - L4s in Azhgabid - 3/5<br>
03.09.2024 - Intro to Fitting + Pyfa practical - 4/5<br>
10.09.2024 - Abyss T0s and T4s - 3/5<br>
17.09.2024 - Intro to Abyss - 4/5<br>
24.09.2024 - Abyss T4 stream, 1 person but I had to decompress - 3/5<br>
01.10.2024 - Pyfa Practical + Muninn - 4/5<br>
08.10.2024 - Chilling in T1 Abyss - 4/5<br>
15.10.2024 - Intro to Fitting - 5/5<br>
22.10.2024 - Intro to Standings - ?/5<br>
29.10.2024 - AlphaGila T4s - 3/5<br>
05.11.2024 - Intro to Abyss + HICcup - 4/5<br>
12.11.2024 - Sacrilege T4s - 3/5<br>
19.11.2024 - T3 runs in Onyx - 3/5<br>
26.11.2024 - Intro to Abyss - 4/5<br>
03.12.2024 - Intro to Standings + AlphaGila T4s - 4/5<br>
10.12.2024 - Abyss Stream: Retri, Muninn, Zealot - 5/5<br>
17.12.2024 - Intro to Abyss + Shared Can Q&A + T4HAC - 4/5<br>
23.12.2024 - Monday before X-Mas, Muninn T4s, cheap one. Good runs, bad Stream. Blame Amfion. - 3/5<br>
28.12.2024 - Saturday - Intro to Abyss + AlphaGila T4. Low numbers due to bash - 2/5<br>
30.12.2024 - Pinged but cancelled, RL happened - 0/5<br>
02.01.2025 - Intro to Missions + Hyasyoda L4s - 3/5<br>
07.01.2025 - Intro to Abyss + Cerberus - 4/5<br>
14.01.2025 - Intro to Standings + Phatasm (Argh!) - 3/5<br>
21.01.2025 - Pyfa Pactical + Phatasm - ?/5<br>
28.01.2025 - Was sick on Tuesday, on Thursday we did Intro to Abyss + Hawks - 4/5<br>
04.02.2025 - Last Halsky Tuesday. Fireside chat and Farewell - 5/5<br>
06.02.2024 - Intro to Abyss Class
13.02.2024 - T3 Stream
== Posters ==
20.02.2024 - Missions Core Class
27.02.2024 - TAG presentation + T3 runs
05.03.2024 - Pyfa Practical
12.03.2024 - Abyss shared Can
20.03.2024 - L4 mission fleet
== POLL-Ping ==
@everyone POLL Ping!
@everyone POLL Ping!

Latest revision as of 08:13, 3 February 2025

Log of events

06.02.2024 - Intro to Abyss Class - 5/5
13.02.2024 - T3 Stream - 5/5
20.02.2024 - Missions Core Class - 4/5
27.02.2024 - TAG presentation + T3 runs - 4/5
05.03.2024 - Pyfa Practical - 4/5
12.03.2024 - Abyss shared Can - 5/5
20.03.2024 - L4 mission fleet - 1/5
26.03.2024 - T1 runs in AFs - 2/5
02.04.2024 - Intro to Fitting + Pyfa Practical - 5/5
09.04.2024 - Intro to Abyss + Stream - 4/5
16.04.2024 - T4 Abyss Stream - 3/5
23.04.2024 - Intro to Abyss on Monday + Intro to Fitting + Pyfa practical - 4/5
30.04.2024 - Abyss Stream at 19:00 (2/5) + Intro to Abyss at 21:00 + Intro to Abyss at 23:00 (5/5)
07.05.2024 - Intro to Missions + 1h of missions chat - 5/5
14.05.2024 - Intro to Abyss + couple of runs - 4/5
21.05.2024 - Intro to Fitting - 4/5
28.05.2024 - Big in Japan - AlphaGila presentation + runs - 4/5
04.06.2024 - AlphaGila + Cerberus - 4/5
11.06.2024 - Standings, with guest star JPNS - 5/5
18.06.2024 - AlphaGila again! - 4/5
25.06.2024 - Class, picked by crowd - Pimp My Ship! - 5/5
02.07.2024 - Cooking with Chris - Pyfa practical - 4/5
09.07.2024 - Sacrilege, fit presentation + stream - 4/5
16.07.2024 - Intro to Abyss Class (after StatOp) - 5/5
23.07.2024 - Pyfa Practical - 1 person, but 4/5
30.07.2024 - Abyss Stream. Did some fun stuff, but no people - 1/5
06.08.2024 - Intro to Missions + Quick Fleet + Strat OP - 4/5
13.08.2024 - Abyss Stream + Starting of Shared can - 3/5
20.08.2024 - Intro to Abyss + last hour of Shared can - 4/5
26.08.2024 - L4s in Azhgabid - 3/5
03.09.2024 - Intro to Fitting + Pyfa practical - 4/5
10.09.2024 - Abyss T0s and T4s - 3/5
17.09.2024 - Intro to Abyss - 4/5
24.09.2024 - Abyss T4 stream, 1 person but I had to decompress - 3/5
01.10.2024 - Pyfa Practical + Muninn - 4/5
08.10.2024 - Chilling in T1 Abyss - 4/5
15.10.2024 - Intro to Fitting - 5/5
22.10.2024 - Intro to Standings - ?/5
29.10.2024 - AlphaGila T4s - 3/5
05.11.2024 - Intro to Abyss + HICcup - 4/5
12.11.2024 - Sacrilege T4s - 3/5
19.11.2024 - T3 runs in Onyx - 3/5
26.11.2024 - Intro to Abyss - 4/5
03.12.2024 - Intro to Standings + AlphaGila T4s - 4/5
10.12.2024 - Abyss Stream: Retri, Muninn, Zealot - 5/5
17.12.2024 - Intro to Abyss + Shared Can Q&A + T4HAC - 4/5
23.12.2024 - Monday before X-Mas, Muninn T4s, cheap one. Good runs, bad Stream. Blame Amfion. - 3/5
28.12.2024 - Saturday - Intro to Abyss + AlphaGila T4. Low numbers due to bash - 2/5
30.12.2024 - Pinged but cancelled, RL happened - 0/5
02.01.2025 - Intro to Missions + Hyasyoda L4s - 3/5
07.01.2025 - Intro to Abyss + Cerberus - 4/5
14.01.2025 - Intro to Standings + Phatasm (Argh!) - 3/5
21.01.2025 - Pyfa Pactical + Phatasm - ?/5
28.01.2025 - Was sick on Tuesday, on Thursday we did Intro to Abyss + Hawks - 4/5
04.02.2025 - Last Halsky Tuesday. Fireside chat and Farewell - 5/5


Halskys Tuesday 1.png Halskys Tuesday 2.png


@everyone POLL Ping!

Tomorrow is Halsky's Tuesday!

Tomorrow at 19:30 I will do 'something' related to Abyss/Missions/Fitting, and you can pick what you want to see more :slight_smile: I have at least 1 hour from 19:30 to 20:30, to have some fun with y'all, but I'll probably be available for longer :grin:

React under this message with following, if you want me to do:

one: - Abyssal Deadspace CORE Class (basics of Abyss)
two: - Abyssal Deadspace Stream - T0s in basic fits with basic skills
three: - Abyssal Deadspace Stream - T1s in AFs of your choice
four: - Abyssal Deadspace Stream - T3s in Cerberus, as that's what I run myself now

(Note: all Streams will be accompanied by me mumbling over Abyss in general)

five: - Missions CORE Class
six: - L4 Mission fleet in Uuhulanen, for Caldari Navy
seven: - Fitting CORE Class
eight: - PvE fitting Stream, fitting in Pyfa your favourite PvE ships
nine: - Abyss fitting principles - explanation why Abyss fits (especially T0/T1s) are fit the way they are. With me showing them on stream.

(Option that won last week is not available this week, sorry!)

I will ping with winner topic tomorrow around 18:30, so you'll still have one hour to decide if you want to join 🙂

