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Welcome to the Missions.E-UNI in-game channel!<br>
EVE University previously had a channel specifically for people to talk about missions. This no longer exists, as members are encouraged to use our other [[EVE University Chat Channels]] instead.
We use this channel to organise and discuss k-space PvE activities in EVE University - such as missions, incursions and ratting.&nbsp; Feel free to ask questions on any of these topic in this channel.&nbsp; Read on to find out about how we run your preferred PvE&nbsp;activity here in E-UNI...
The channel was sometimes used to run two different types of fleets: [[Mission_Fleets#Spider_Fleet_.2F_Standings_Fleet|Spider Fleets]] and [[Mission_Fleets#Locust_Fleet|Locust Fleets]]. It was also occasionally used for discussion of [[Incursions]] - we now have a dedicated [[EVE University Incursion Community]] with their own chat channel for this.
== Missions==
We run two different types of mission fleet, these are referred to as 'spider' fleets - where everyone does their own mission on their own, but is part of a fleet and thus the rewards are shared out amongst all fleet members - and 'locust' fleets - where a small group all runs the same mission together, usually followed by a salvager, making the mission faster and a greater ISK gain.&nbsp; Please ask in Missions.E-UNI if you are unsure about any of this.<br>
=== Spider Fleets===
Spider fleets are very useful for allowing new members to gain ISK, as the rewards are shared equally out between everyone.&nbsp; Level 4 missions give out lots of money!&nbsp; Spider fleets are also useful to gain standings for multiple corporations.&nbsp; You can be running any level missions in any region and for any corporation, you can still join spider fleets.<br>
#Open Fleet Finder button (on your neocom), search for 'My Corp Fleets', look for one named spider fleet or similar.&nbsp; Join fleet.<br>
#If there is no spider fleet, form one with yourself (you don't need any skills to start fleets) then Create Advert, name it something relevant and tick the My Corporation box.&nbsp; Fleet is now open to anyone in E-UNI to join.<br>
#Start running missions.<br>
#When handing in missions, choose to share rewards with the fleet.&nbsp; This splits ISK, loyalty points and corporation standing gain between fleet members.<br>
#Say "&lt;corporation&gt; $$$" or similar in Missions.E-UNI (please don't use Fleet chat for this) when you share rewards. If you run missions for Ishukone you might say "Ishukone $$" or you might say "MMC $$" if you run missions for Minmatar Mining Corporation. Use "$" if you run level 1 missions, "$$" for level 2 missions, etc.<br>
#There is no six.<br>
Rewards are only split between up to 10 fleet members.&nbsp; If the spider fleet has this many members, you won't be able to join. Maybe start a second one?<br>
<font color="red">'''Warning: suspected freeloaders will be given a single warning before being booted out the fleet and the channel, and reported as a corp thief.&nbsp; Also please use Missions.E-UNI for all chat whilst in the fleet.'''</font>
=== Locust Fleets<br>  ===
Locust fleets usually run level 4 missions.&nbsp; If you can obtain and run level 4 missions then you can start a locust fleet.&nbsp; Even if you've never run a L4 mission in your life, you can still join locust fleets.&nbsp; You'll need a suitable ship though, battlecruisers are fine.&nbsp; Some locust fleets are happy with smaller ships (cruisers, frigates) but do ask about that.&nbsp;
Normally one ship - capable of tanking all the NPC ships in the mission pocket - will warp in first, and once he has arrived on grid, will give the go for the rest of the ships to arrive.&nbsp; It would help to be on Mumble for locust fleets, although this is ''not'' usually required.
Locust fleets often salvage all the wrecks afterwards (to make even more ISK) so there is often a need for salvager pilots as well.
== Incursions  ==
{{hatnote|Details on incursions can be found on the [[Incursions]] page}}
Incursions are a group of around 10 pilots (on Vanguard sites, the ones normally run in E-UNI) in battlecruisers, battleships or Tech 3 cruisers, supported by Tech 2 logistics ships, running NPC sites in a specific area of space.&nbsp; This area changes frequently, and can be anywhere in hisec space (there are also incursions in losec and nullsec, but E-UNI&nbsp;does not run those ones).&nbsp; We use the Incursions.E-UNI channel to set up and join incursion fleets.
If you are interested in joining a fleet, you will first need a suitable ship with an incursion fit - have a look at [[Fitting principles|this wiki page]] for an idea of how to prepare and fit your ship for incursions, and please do ask in this channel if you need help with this.&nbsp; And remember that fitting a [[Full T2 Tank|Tech 2 tank]] is just part of the requirement, being able to apply your dps is equally important, if not more so.
Once you have sorted out your fitting you will need to x up in this channel with your fit (drag the ship name from your fitting window into the chat window), like this:&nbsp; "x LFSF &lt;insert fit&gt;" or "x LFAF &lt;insert fit&gt;".&nbsp; The acronym stands for ''Looking For Shield/Armor Fleet''
Hopefully you will be placed on a wait list for incursions.&nbsp; If no-one is managing a wait list, start one yourself.
Please note that although the exact fleet composition is up to the Fleet Commander, it's expected that everyone gets a fair chance at joining an fleet.&nbsp; In E-UNI&nbsp;we should NOT be prioritizing bigger and more expensive ships - we are a teaching institution and so long as members' fits are up to the task of running an incursion, everyone should be able to join in.
[[Mumble|Mumble]] is essential for joining an Incursion fleet.
<font color="red">'''Warning:'''</font> losses do happen from time to time in incursion fleets for various reasons, normally the rest of the fleet will cover your loss (depending on fault) but don't assume this will happen. Never fly something you can't afford to lose.&nbsp; Any major losses (partial/complete fleet destruction, very rare) should be reported to the ILN and/or posted on the forums for review.

Latest revision as of 05:55, 7 October 2021

Crimson Harvest Spooky Eagle Logo.png This page's intent is to provide information on the the history of EVE University. The information on this page is no longer current.

EVE University previously had a channel specifically for people to talk about missions. This no longer exists, as members are encouraged to use our other EVE University Chat Channels instead.

The channel was sometimes used to run two different types of fleets: Spider Fleets and Locust Fleets. It was also occasionally used for discussion of Incursions - we now have a dedicated EVE University Incursion Community with their own chat channel for this.