Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Uniwiki.js"

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Line 37: Line 37:
     tokens = text.split(' ');
     tokens = text.split(' ');
     result = '';
     result = '';
     for (var token of tokens) {
     for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
    if (token.trim() === '') {
        if (tokens[i].trim() === '') {
    const shouldAddStyle = ratio > Math.random();
        const shouldAddStyle = ratio > Math.random();
    if (shouldAddStyle) {
        if (shouldAddStyle) {
        token = `<span class="${className}" data-timestamp="${Date.now()}">${token}</span>`           
            tokens[i] = `<span class="${className}" data-timestamp="${Date.now()}">${tokens[i]}</span>`           
    result += `${token} `;
        result += `${tokens[i]} `;
     return result;
     return result;

Revision as of 23:18, 31 March 2020

//April Fools 4/1/2020 Code =======================================
opts = {
    pageSelector: ".page-Main_Page",
    AprilFoolEnable: true,
    className: 'april-fools',
    frequency: 0.1,
    expiryThresholdMs: 2000,
    addStyleIntvl: null,
    clearStyleIntvl: null,
    maxFlicks: 18,
    minFlicks: 6,

// The "oh dear gods my eyes, turn it off" Button
    var r = $('<input type="checkbox" name="chkAprilFoolEnable" value="3" class="lcs_check lcs_tt1" checked="checked" autocomplete="off" />');
    var AprilFoolText = '<div style="margin-bottom:1em; padding:0em; font-size: 20px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; border:1px solid #f43e29; background: #060606; width:auto; color: #ffffff;">The UniWiki is being invaded by the Triglavians!!!</div>';
    $(opts.pageSelector +  " .mw-parser-output").prepend(AprilFoolText, 'Triglavian Invasion' , r);

function startUpAprilFools(){
    opts.addStyleIntvl = setInterval(function() {addStyleToRandomWordsInJQueryObject($(opts.pageSelector +  ' .mw-parser-output'), opts)}, 2000);
    addStyleToRandomWordsInJQueryObject($(opts.pageSelector +  " .mw-parser-output"), opts);
    opts.clearStyleIntvl = setInterval(function() {removeExpiredStyles(opts)}, 2000);
    opts.AprilFoolEnable = true;

function shutDownAprilFools(){
    opts.AprilFoolEnable = false;

function addStyleToText(text, className, ratio) {
    tokens = text.split(' ');
    result = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        if (tokens[i].trim() === '') {
        const shouldAddStyle = ratio > Math.random();
        if (shouldAddStyle) {
            tokens[i] = `<span class="${className}" data-timestamp="${Date.now()}">${tokens[i]}</span>`          
        result += `${tokens[i]} `;
    return result;
function addStyleToRandomWordsInJQueryObject(jqueryObject, opts) {
    if (opts.AprilFoolEnable === false) { return };
    cur_time = Date.now()
    var objects = [jqueryObject];
    while (objects.length > 0) {
        const object = objects.pop();
        var $object = $(object);
        if (object.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
            if (object.textContent.trim() !== ''){
                const result = addStyleToText(object.textContent, opts.className, opts.frequency);
        else {
            const contents = $object.contents();
            objects = objects.concat(contents.toArray());
function removeExpiredStyles(opts) {
    const spans = $('span.april-fools').filter(function(_, s) {
        const timestamp = s.attributes['data-timestamp'].value;
        return (Date.now() - timestamp) > opts.expiryThresholdMs;
function flicker_text(cur_time){
    var amount =  Math.round(Math.random() * (opts.maxFlicks-opts.minFlicks) + opts.minFlicks);
    const spans = $('span.april-fools').filter(function(_, s) {
        const timestamp = s.attributes['data-timestamp'].value;
        return timestamp > cur_time;
    if (amount %2 === 1) { amount++}
    for(var iter = 0; iter < amount; iter++)
        sleep = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
        //await sleep(Math.round(Math.random() * 100));
        setTimeout(function() {spans.toggleClass('april-fools');}, sleep )
    spans.toggleClass('april-fools', true);

function flicker_images(){
    if (opts.frequency < Math.random()) { return };
    var amount =  Math.round(Math.random() * (opts.maxFlicks-opts.minFlicks) + opts.minFlicks);
    const trigs = $('.AF2020_trig')
    const origs = $('.AF2020_orig')
    for(var iter = 0; iter < amount; iter++)
        sleep = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
        setTimeout(function() {trigs.toggle(); origs.toggle();}, sleep )

// On/Off switch code==========================
	"use strict";
	if(typeof($.fn.lc_switch) != 'undefined') {return false;} // prevent multiple script inits	
	$.fn.lc_switch = function(on_text, off_text) {
		// destruct
		$.fn.lcs_destroy = function() {			
			$(this).each(function() {
                var $wrap = $(this).parents('.lcs_wrap');				
			return true;

		// set to ON
		$.fn.lcs_on = function() {
			$(this).each(function(i, v) {
                var $wrap 	= $(this).parents('.lcs_wrap'),
					$input 	= $wrap.find('input');				
				// if is already on - skip
				if($wrap.find('.lcs_on').length) {
					return true;	
				(typeof($.fn.prop) == 'function') ? $input.prop('checked', true) : $input.attr('checked', true);				
				// if radio - disable other ones 
				if( $wrap.find('.lcs_switch').hasClass('lcs_radio_switch') ) {					
					var f_name = $input.attr('name');
			return true;
		// set to OFF
		$.fn.lcs_off = function() {			
			$(this).each(function() {
                var $wrap 	= $(this).parents('.lcs_wrap'),
					$input 	= $wrap.find('input');
				// if is already off - skip
				if(!$wrap.find('.lcs_on').length) {
					return true;	
				// uncheck
				(typeof($.fn.prop) == 'function') ? $input.prop('checked', false) : $input.attr('checked', false);
			return true;
		// toggle status
		$.fn.lcs_toggle = function() {
			$(this).each(function() {

				// not for radios
				if( $(this).hasClass('lcs_radio_switch')) {
					return true;	   
				($(this).is(':checked')) ? $(this).lcs_off() : $(this).lcs_on();
			return true;
		// construct
		return this.each(function(){			
			// check against double init
			if( !$(this).parent().hasClass('lcs_wrap') ) {			
				// default texts
				var ckd_on_txt 	= (typeof(on_text) == 'undefined') ? 'ON' : on_text,
					ckd_off_txt = (typeof(off_text) == 'undefined') ? 'OFF' : off_text;			   
			   // labels structure
				var on_label 	= (ckd_on_txt) ? '<div class="lcs_label lcs_label_on">'+ ckd_on_txt +'</div>' : '',
					off_label 	= (ckd_off_txt) ? '<div class="lcs_label lcs_label_off">'+ ckd_off_txt +'</div>' : '';				
				// default states
				var disabled 	= ($(this).is(':disabled')) ? true : false,
					active 		= ($(this).is(':checked'))  ? true : false;				
				var status_classes = '';
				status_classes += (active) ? ' lcs_on' : ' lcs_off'; 
				if(disabled) {
					status_classes += ' lcs_disabled';
				// wrap and append
				var structure = 
				'<div class="lcs_switch '+status_classes+'">' +
					'<div class="lcs_cursor"></div>' +
					on_label + off_label +
				if( $(this).is(':input') && ($(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox' || $(this).attr('type') == 'radio') ) {					
					$(this).wrap('<div class="lcs_wrap"></div>');
					$(this).parent().find('.lcs_switch').addClass('lcs_'+ $(this).attr('type') +'_switch');

	// handlers
	$(document).ready(function() {		
		// on click
		$(document).on('click tap', '.lcs_switch:not(.lcs_disabled)', function(e) {
			if( $(this).hasClass('lcs_on') ) {
				if( !$(this).hasClass('lcs_radio_switch') ) { // not for radio
			} else {
		// on checkbox status change
		$(document).on('change', '.lcs_wrap input', function() {
			( $(this).is(':checked') ) ? $(this).lcs_on() : $(this).lcs_off();	

$(document).ready(function(e) {
    $('input').lc_switch("Enabled", "Disabled");
    // triggered each time a field is checked
    $(document).on('lcs-on', '.lcs_check', function() {
        //handle chkSysMineable
        if($(this).attr("name") == 'chkAprilFoolEnable') {
            opts.AprilFoolEnable = true;
    // triggered each time a field is unchecked
    $(document).on('lcs-off', '.lcs_check', function() {
        //handle chkSysMineable
        if($(this).attr("name") == 'chkAprilFoolEnable') {
            opts.AprilFoolEnable = false;
//END April Fools 4/1/2020 Code =======================================