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{{:Clean Hands – Corpse Cauldron (5 of 5)}}
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[[Category:COSMOS agents]]
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Latest revision as of 19:26, 29 August 2022

Hetras Dakumon is a level 2 agent in Amarr COSMOS.

This agent gives two missions to retrieve items from COSMOS sites, two combat missions and one courier mission.

Clean Hands – Blood Trail (1 of 5)

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve 1x Blood Fund (0.1 m3)
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Ship size limit Battlecruisers and below
Rewards Random faction laser crystal

Mission briefing
I assume the smell of battle drew you here to Araz. This constellation may be a backwater of the Empire, yet interesting things are taking place here. I will not try to deceive you, so let me come clean right from the start. I'm here as a supporter of Lord Methros. Not as an official of Imperial Armaments, but as more of a personal friend; though Lord Methros has been a cherished customer of Imperial Armaments for years.

I do not know how much you know about the situation here in Araz, or what you think you know. Things are a bit complicated here at the moment, and the rumor mill is spinning like crazy. I'd advise you to take any information you get with a grain of salt. The hottest topic is the presence of the Blood Raiders in the constellation, or more precisely, why are they here and what are they up to? Idle tongues have spewed forth the rumor that Lord Methros invited the Raiders here, but heed not the black lies of these mouths. Lord Methros is just as anxious to rid Araz of the Blood Raider plague as everyone else. He even asked me personally to aid him in the matter.

Which finally allows me to answer your question regarding whether I have a job for you. Indeed I do. The Blood Raiders have taken over the ancient imperial fortresses that litter the night sky here in Araz. One of these fortresses lies close by, in the system of Koona. Travel there and enter the forsaken ruins. A group of Blood Raider cultists resides somewhere in there, taking blood from innocent travelers. We must put a stop to this vile practice. Locate the cultists in the fortress and retrieve the blood fund they've accumulated. Return with it to me, and we'll be one step closer to purging Araz of the Raiders' foul presence.

The Blood Fund can be found in the the first pocket of Contested Amarr Bastion of Blood.

Clean Hands – Rampart Cyst (2 of 5)

Type Encounter
Objective Destroy alchemist tower and retrieve 1x Plague Spores (2 m3)
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Rewards Random faction laser crystal

Mission briefing
I'm still trying to find out what the Blood Raiders are up to here in Araz. All I can say with certainty is that they're putting in a lot of effort into causing havoc here, presumably to further their own gains. Their agenda may be as simple as taking over the constellation. Simple, if megalomaniacal. But it may be that they're searching for something. We can't be sure. Whatever it is they're after, the Blood Raiders are out in force.

Moreover, I just recently discovered that they've sent some of their top scholars here, hiding them in a long-forgotten mining station in the middle of nowhere. These scientists are up to no good, and God knows what they're brewing in that alchemist's tower of theirs. We must put a stop to this operation before their plan unfolds. You took good care of those cultists, so there's no doubt in my mind that a few alchemists shouldn't pose too much of a problem for you. Blow up their tower and bring me back whatever concoctions they were making there.

Single ungated pocket. Even though the agent tells you to kill the alchemists you don't need to shoot anything except the tower.


Destroyer 7 x Destroyer Alchemist Novice/Journeyman
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Alchemist Apperentice


Structure 1 x Alchemist Tower 4x Plague Spores

Clean Hands – Iron Lady (3 of 5)

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 1x Truthteller (2 m3)
Rewards Random faction laser crystal

Mission briefing
We have to divert our attention away from the Blood Raiders for a moment, <Character>. I've been perhaps overly eager to help out my friend Lord Methros and as a result have been neglecting my duties here in Araz. The constellation is seeing a lot of black market activity, mainly in the guise of the so-called Giraka merchant guild. The Girakas have been attempting to undermine my business deals here, and my superiors are getting restless.

One of my most important clients is Lady Eroza Arachnan, sister of the despicable Lord Arachnan. Lady Eroza is an important political figure, and we must ensure that she remains a loyal client of Imperial Armaments. She's requested a rather curious item from our catalogue to be brought to her, called the Truthteller. While I won't go into details on how it works ― trade secrets and all that ― I will say that it's a torture device of the most ingenious sort, guaranteed to make anyone spill his beans, and probably his guts too. I've no idea what exactly the good lady intends to do with it, but let's just assume it's for a good cause. I need someone fast and reliable to deliver the device to the ACN station over in Aphi, where a representative of Lady Eroza is waiting for it.

Simple courier mission.

Clean Hands – Rust in Peace (4 of 5)

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve Foreman's Head
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Rewards Random small storyline BPC

Mission briefing
Now we can get back to taking care of those damned Blood Raiders. You've already visited one of their outposts here in Araz, the old imperial fortress over in Koona, the Bastion of Blood. The Blood Raiders are refurbishing the old keep and intend to make it into an impregnable stronghold. Needless to say, that won't do. We must foil their efforts now before the fortress's defenses come online. Mind you, the Blood Raiders are as hard to get rid of as cockroaches, so I don't intend for you to wipe them out for good. But if we strike them enough times, they might give up eventually.

There's a foreman overseeing the reconstruction of the old keep. If we can take him out, we'll at least delay them until a new foreman has been appointed. Bring me back that foreman's head.

The head is found in Contested Amarr Bastion of Blood third room.

Clean Hands – Corpse Cauldron (5 of 5)

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve House Methros Coat of Arms
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Rewards Random +2 implant + Blood Reel

Mission briefing
I've been in contact with Lord Methros, keeping him up to date on what I've been doing to aid his cause. He's happy with your efforts and would have you take care of an important matter for him. This a personal request from Lord Methros himself: I don't have to tell you what an honor that is.

As you know ― better than most by now, I'm sure ― the Blood Raiders are a plague here in Araz. With so many of them nearby, it's only to be expected to find some of their more gruesome forms of entertainment here. They like blood sports, and they've set up an arena to indulge themselves. It's called "The Cauldron," and many good Amarrian souls have lost their lives there. One such soul is a cousin of Lord Methros, who was kidnapped a few weeks ago. Nothing was heard from him, or his kidnappers, for a long time, but now Lord Methros has finally learned the fate of his cousin: He died as an "entertainment" for a crowd of raucous Raiders. While Lord Methros mourns his fallen family member, he must mind the honor of his family. As do other members of House Methros, the young cousin bore the coat of arms of his noble family. Lord Methros wants that back, as the thought of some hideous Blood Raider wearing his sacred coat of arms is unbearable.

Make your way over to the Cauldron and locate the Blood Raider chapel there. The coat of arms is inside the chapel. Bring it back and you will have the eternal love of House Methros.

Single ungated pocket. The mission is completed once the chapel is destroyed. Don't forget to also grab the mission item. The Blood Reel is required for Thumal Ebotiz.


Battlecruiser 5 x Battlecruiser Blood Raider Cultist/Hunter


Structure 1 x Blood Raider Chapel Mission trigger House Methros Coat of Arms