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[[image:Qvar.jpg|thumb|Qvar Dar'zanar]]
[[image:Qvar.jpg|thumb|Qvar Dar'zanar]]
Qvar Dar'zanar is an Eve University pilot.
Qvar Dar'zanar is an Eve University graduated pilot.
He was created the 28.6.2011, and after some desert walking, he valiantly queued for a while until he was finally accepted the 2.9.2011.
He was created the 28.6.2011, and after some desert walking, he valiantly queued for a while until he was finally accepted the 2.9.2011.

Revision as of 16:50, 29 March 2012

Qvar Dar'zanar

Qvar Dar'zanar is an Eve University graduated pilot. He was created the 28.6.2011, and after some desert walking, he valiantly queued for a while until he was finally accepted the 2.9.2011.

Qvar is an Amarrian pilot, although he was born in the Kihtaled system, belonging to the Khanid Kingdom, in a family traditionally opposed to the reconciliation with the Amarr empire. He has adopted an hybrid style, adopting the Caldari/Khanid way of life, but focusing on the amarrian combat doctrine.


Personnel Officer

I'm a Personnel Officer for the Eve University. We are the people in charge of interviewing the new players who want to join E-Uni, torture then with our main tool, the dreaded queue, and chat between us in our clique channel.

If you want to know more about Personnel Officers, follow this link: Personnel Officers

My PO notes


I recently became a Eve University Mentor. Our duty is to give personalized advice for the new players that request a mentor. I focus on the Exploration, PvE, Trading, Wormholes and Fleet areas.

If you want to know more about Mentors, or how to get a mentor, follow this link: Mentorship

Mind my business


Wormhole space is one of my main interests, and together with trading, the way I pay my plexes. How, you say? I find unhabited Wormhole systems and sell them to people who is looking for a new home, and don't want to compete with other peopel or corps for the domination of the said system.

The process is quite simple: Find a wormhole (C1, C2 or C3), scan it and see if there's anybody living inside (you can tell because there will be POSes with active force fields on d-scan), and if it's clear, bookmark the entrance and sell it in the adequate channels.

Here is where I have an offer for you, if you are one of those who do exploration and curse CCP every time you find a Wormhole: Send the bookmark to me (drag&drop it into a station, rigth click, contract, item & exchange, private), and I'll do everything else. If the Wormhole is suitable, I'll send you 50 million ISK when I sell it. That's correct, you may win 50M for something you would usually not even worry to take a look at!

I don't want delusions: It's hard to find a Wormhole C1-C3 system unhabited, since they're very sougth after. But you never know when your lucky day will be, for a minimum effort!

You can see the original post here: Wormhole trading

How to send a Wormhole location:

1. Bookmark it, either from your scanner or from your overview if you're on grid with it.

2. Dock in a station and drag & drop the bookmark form your People & places folder to your station hangar.

3. Rigth click on the BM(s).

4. Click on Create contract.

5. Select Item exchange.

6. Select Private.

7. Write Qvar Dar'zanar in the text box.

8. Next, next, next.

T3 ships

Do you want to buy a T3 ship, but it's too expensive, or you're tired of the pennycutters? Fear not! Now you can buy your desired T3 ship with a 10 million discount (compared to the cheaper selling order) in either Hek or Rens stations. You just have to tell me which one and where do you want it, and I'll contract the ship to you for the reduced price. We both save time and money!

You can check if your desired ship is aviable in this link, although you can order whatever you want and I'll contract it as soon as it is aviable again: T3 ships


Bored of going back to base to get on your slow salvaging ship? Stop worrying! Qvar Enterprises offers now a full service of salvaging, thanks to a dedicated Noctis and multiple haulers. You only have to contract the Bookmarks to us and wait for the free money.

Our taxes are the 50% of the salvage and loot, calculated in base to the Eve University official prices for the minerals the loot would yield after being refined. If you prefer, just adding a message in the description, we will handle you the 50% of the loot.

Qvar's Lore Questions

QLQ has arrived, with great prizes for lore-friendly newbies! The format is simple: a QLQ will be announced 1 minute before the question is given in the e-uni public channel. The first person to answer it correctly will recive the price. The basic price is 1M ISK. Elegibility rules:

1. You must have created your char withing the last 2 months.

2. You must be the first one to answer the question.

3. If the first one giving a correct answer is a 2+ months old char, the question will become null and a new one will be given.

'Qvar's Lore Questions (QLQ) starting in 1 minute! Win 1 Million thanks to your lore knowledge. Elegibility rules here: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Qvar_Dar%27zanar#Qvar.27s_Lore_Questions'