Difference between revisions of "User:Cassiel Seraphim/Sandbox3"

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Sandbox is open for business!
<div style="float:right; margin-left:1em; margin-bottom:1em;">__TOC__</div>
</noinclude>[[image:{{#switch: {{{1|}}}
| w
| web
| webifier
| stasis web
| stasis webifier = icon_stasis_webifier_i.png
| s
| sc
| scram
| scramble
| scrambler
| ws
| warp scram
| warp scrambler = icon_warp_scrambler_i.png
| d
| disruptor
| wd
| warp disruptor
| point = icon_warp_disruptor_i.png
| rr
| remrep
| remote rep
| remote repair
| remote repairs
| remote armor rep
| remote armor reps
| remote armor repair
| remote armor repairs
| remote armour
| remote armour rep
| remote armour reps
| remote armour repair
| remote armour repairs = icon_remote_armor_repair_i.png
| st
| shield transfer
| shield transfers
| shield transporter
| shield transporters = icon_shield_transporter_i.png
| p
| painter
| painters
| tp
| target painter
| target painters = icon_target_painter_i.png
| v
| vamp
| vampire
| energy vampire = Vamp.png
| n
| neut
| neuts
| neutralizer
| en
| energy neutralizer = icon_energy_neutralizer_i.png
| wl
| warfare
| warfare link
| warfare links = Warfare-links.png
| small
| small target
| frigate = icon_target_frigate.png
| medium
| medium target
| cruiser = icon_target_cruiser.png
| large
| large target
| battleship = icon_target_battleship.png
| fb
| fighter
| fighters
| bomber
| bombers
| fighter bombers = icon_drone_bandwith.png
| burst
| ecm burst
| recm
| remote ecm
| remote ecm burst = icon_remote_ecm_burst_i.png
| j
| jam
| jamming
| ecm = icon_multispectral_ecm_i.png
| em resist
| em resists
| electromagnetic resists = icon_resist_em.png
| th resist
| th resists
| thermal resist
| thermal resists
| thermic resist
| thermic resists = icon_resist_therm.png
| ex resist
| ex resists
| explosive resist
| explosive resists = icon_resist_exp.png
| ki resist
| ki resists
| kinetic resist
| kinetic resists = icon_resist_kin.png
| #default = {{{1}}}
}}|{{#switch: {{{2|}}} | = 32 | #default = {{{2}}}}}px|{{#switch: {{{3|}}} |  =  | #default = {{{3}}}}}]]<noinclude>
= Syntax =
The function takes up to three parameters. Each of the parameters are optional, while still allowing for some customization if need be.
* <nowiki>{{icon|parameter1|parameter2|parameter3}}</nowiki>
===== Parameters =====
The ''first parameter'' is which icon to show and it will default back to the webifier icon if no parameters are given. Remember to use lower-case letters.
The ''second parameter'' is the size of the image, in pure numbers. It defaults to 32 (the ''px'' part of the size is omitted from the parameter as it is included in the template).
The ''third parameter'' is the mouse-over hint. Add this if you want custom text to be displayed when you hover over the icon. This parameter will accept codes like '''bold''' or ''italic'' or wiki-links, but will simply strip any link-coding or formatting from them and presents the unmodified plain text.
===== Examples =====
* <nowiki>{{icon|point}}</nowiki> &rarr; {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|point}} ''(it'll use the default size and no mouse-over tooltip)''
* <nowiki>{{icon|||Stay put with a web!</nowiki> &rarr; {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|||Stay put with a web!}} ''(default icon and size was used since no first argument was given)''
* <nowiki>{{icon|warp scrambler|16|No MWD for you!}}</nowiki> &rarr; {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|warp scrambler|16|No MWD for you!}} ''(smaller icon, could be used inside a paragraph without breaking the line height)''
= List of icons =
Below is a list of icons sorted by type.
== Electronic Warfare ==
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:90%;"
! style="background:#222222;" | Name
! style="background:#222222;" | Syntax
! style="background:#222222;" | Icon
! style="background:#222222;" | Size
| Warp scrambler
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|warp scrambler}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|warp scrambler}}
| 64px
| Warp disruptor
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|warp disruptor}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|warp disruptor}}
| 64px
| Stasis webifier
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|stasis webifier}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|stasis webifier}}
| 64px
| ECM / Jamming
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|ecm}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|ecm|}}
| 64px
| Remote ECM burst
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|remote ecm burst}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|remote ecm burst}}
| 64px
| Target painter
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|target painter}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|target painter}}
| 64px
== Assistance ==
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:90%;"
! style="background:#222222;" | Name
! style="background:#222222;" | Syntax
! style="background:#222222;" | Icon
! style="background:#222222;" | Size
| Remote armor repair
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|remote armor repair}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|remote armor repair}}
| 64px
| Shield transporter
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|shield transporter}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|shield transporter}}
| 64px
== Ships ==
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:90%;"
! style="background:#222222;" | Name
! style="background:#222222;" | Syntax
! style="background:#222222;" | Icon
! style="background:#222222;" | Size
| Small target
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|small target|16}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|small target|16}}
| 16px
| Medium target
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|medium target|16}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|medium target|16}}
| 16px
| Large target
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|large target|16}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|large target|16}}
| 16px
== Resists ==
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:90%;"
! style="background:#222222;" | Name
! style="background:#222222;" | Syntax
! style="background:#222222;" | Icon
! style="background:#222222;" | Size
| Electromagnetic
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|em resist}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|em resist}}
| 32px
| Thermal
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|th resist}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|th resist}}
| 32px
| Explosive
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|ex resist}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|ex resist}}
| 32px
| Kinetic
| style="background:#333333;" | <nowiki>{{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|ki resist}}</nowiki>
| {{User:Cassiel_seraphim/Sandbox3|ki resist}}
| 32px

Revision as of 23:16, 6 April 2013

Sandbox is open for business!