Difference between revisions of "Talk:Skills and learning"

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(Created page with "== Update recommended skills == :"At the beginning of the game, almost all players will need skills from: :* Navigation (Intelligence / Perception) :* Electronics, Engineerin...")
m (Djavin novienta moved page Talk:Skills and Learning to Talk:Skills and learning)

Latest revision as of 17:35, 11 May 2017

Update recommended skills

"At the beginning of the game, almost all players will need skills from:
  • Navigation (Intelligence / Perception)
  • Electronics, Engineering and Mechanics (Intelligence / Memory)
  • Spaceship Command (Perception / Willpower)"

Mechanics skill group was removed in Odyssey [1.1], shouldn't we update the recommendations? --Ae zathras (talk) 08:24, 30 June 2016 (CDT)