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==Gladiators - Saving Grace (2 of 2)==
==Gladiators - Saving Grace (2 of 2)==
{{:Gladiators - Saving Grace (2 of 2)}}
{{:Gladiators - Saving Grace (2 of 2)}}

Revision as of 12:14, 4 September 2017

Kraimir Mork is a level 1 mission agent in Minmatar COSMOS located at Nakugard in The Glass Edge . This agent offers two courier missions.

Gladiators - Breathing Space (1 of 2)

Level 1
Type Trade
Objective Acquire 150x Oxygen (57 m3)
Rewards ISK
Mission briefing
I own and operate a portable arena of cyboerians, cybernetically augmented gladiators who fight each other for show, demonstrating a wide range of Matari martial arts. I was having problems generating revenue in my old home, so I relocated to Nakugard.

Shortly after I got here, though, a problem reared its head. Obviously I'd underestimated the extend of influence wielded by the criminal element in this area. Within weeks, most of my fighters were strung out on various illicit drugs, and I've since had to close up shop. Can't have a show if you don't have performers. And to make matters worse, my contract with the Leisure Group is still in full effect; if I'm nit generating my revenue they're not going to be happy, and we most definitely do not want the Leisure Group unhappy.

There are a few things I need to be able to get mu arena up and running again. Among these is oxygen; I can't very well run the place if no one can breath, you understand, if you can go out and find me 150 units of oxygen, I'd be much obliged.

The agent asks you retrieve 150 units of oxygen. You can find this item on the market.

Gladiators - Saving Grace (2 of 2)

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Acquire 1x Grace Tarsis (1 m3)
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Ship size limit Battleship
Rewards ISK + faction standings
Mission briefing
I have three fighters on hand right now, but I need more to be able to run my show. I just received word, that one of my best, Grace Tarsis, is being held by a group of Cartel thugs in a deadspace location here in Nakugard, on account of some unsettled debts. If you can find her and bring her back to me in one piece, I'll be a step closer to re-opening my arena and evading the Leisure Group's wrath.

They're keeping her in a brothel in their lair. one that's not really that heavily guarded. If you kill the guards and blow up the brothel, you should be able to get her out and bring her back. If you can do that you will have my heartfelt thanks.


Structure 1 x Brothel Grace Tarsis
Frigate 3 x Frigate COSMOS Minmatar Nomad/Ruffian