Difference between revisions of "User:Antei thantonne"

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| 179,000,000
| 179,000,000
| 217,000,000
| 217,000,000
! Time to Warp (s)
| 13.9
| 18.3
| 24.7
| 13.9
| 18.3
| 24.7

Revision as of 00:25, 30 March 2014

Mining Doctrine: Mining During Wartime ("Procs on Rocks")

Mining vessels are vulnerable to war targets (WTs), and so Unistas sometimes hesitate to mine with their UNI characters during wartime. To be sure, mining barges and exhumers are slow to warp, have less capacitor than other ships, have little room for weapons, and spend most of their time at asteroid belts that WTs can directly warp to. But this doesn't mean that it's unsafe to mine at AMC with your UNI character! Unistas can mine safely, especially in an Orca-boosted Shared-Can op. The purpose of this page is to propose a fleet doctrine that provides maximum safety to AMC miners when E-UNI is at war.

The doctrine boils down to a few simple rules:

Unistas should mine in Procurers.

Procurer Retriever Covetor Skiff Mackinaw Hulk
Relative Mining Efficiency* 86% 94% 100% 93% 102% 116%
Effective Hit Points** 60,000 14,000 11,000 67,000 30,000 23,000
Price (isk)*** 16,000,000 26,500,000 30,000,000 124,000,000 179,000,000 217,000,000
Time to Warp (s) 13.9 18.3 24.7 13.9 18.3 24.7

The Procurer mines about 92% as efficiently as a Retriever, and about 86% as efficiently as a Covetor

Orca and Hauler support should be provided by out-of-corp characters.

Unistas should have combat ships—including tackle, EWAR, and/or damage-dealers—in system.

Out-of-corp miners should have a logistics cruiser in system.

Unista combat vessels (preferably tackle) should be loaded in the Orca's Ship Maintenance Bay.