EVE University Consolidated Information

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The following post is aimed at providing a new member with resources and information to make the most of their time here (and for existing members who have forgotten!)

Introduction to Eve University

By Acacia Incana Podcast by Melissa Dawn - Eve University Consolidation Information - June 2008

Ivy League Policies

Please make sure you are familiar with the alliance policies,available here out of game, or here in game.

Links and Communication Information

In Game Board

http://www.eve-ivy.com/ please Bookmark this link to your in game browser, or make this link your in game home page. This link has of loads of helpful information, from Eve Uni's Policy, Who you can shoot, Who pays the Uni Bills, What the Rats are going to hit you for a six with = Damage Resists, Mission Survial Guide, Skill planning information, plus lots lots more. . .

The killboard

http://killboard.eve-ivy.com/ - the password is killer (case sensitive)

The Teamspeak Server

Teamspeak is essential to uni fleet operations - you will be expected to have it. For details on setting up please see here http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3870

Alliance mail and Corp mail

Please do not spam Alliance and Corp mail. If you are replying to something - please make sure you reply directly to the poster (right click their portrait and send them a message), not the entire alliance/corporation. Right-click on the person you want to mail and choose "Send Message". Do not use the "Reply" button on corp or alliance mail, as you will be replying to the corp or the alliance.

Alliance and Corp mail may also have temporary amendments to Ivy League policies, these amendments are in force only for as long as the post is up on the in game mailing lists, Alliance overrides Corp and corp overrides General Policy, but only when issued by a Director.

EVE-Online Forums

Please do not post in the "Corporation, Alliance and Organization Discussions" or "Corporations and Alliances Summit" forums

In-Game Channels

Eve University communication channels are listed here http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6847

  • Eve University - the public channel, used for recruiting, general help and staying in contact with old members

Uni Mining - The mining channel. Ask here if you're looking for a buddy or, an op to join.

  • Eu Amarr Space - Amarr channel
  • Eu Gallente Space - Gallente channel
  • Eu Minmatar Space - Minmatar channel

How to join a Channel. Go to Channels and Mailing Lists, in the neocom, select Channels, type in the name of the channel you want and select JOIN

Mailing Lists

  • EU TITLES - this list is for titles and hanger privileges.
  • Euni Market - this list is for buying and selling within the IVY alliance.
  • Ivy Intel - only used while at war - this list is for posting information about targets.
  • ILN Ships - For ordering ships and replacement. See this link http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11579

How to join a Mailing List. Go to Channels and Mailing Lists, in the neocom, select Mailing List, type in the name of the mail list you want and select JOIN

Remember, unless a message is intended for the entire corp - keep any correspondence in personal mail to whomever it concerns.

The Staff

The leadership of Eve Uni is listed on the external site at: www.eve-ivy.com/oog/ivy/index.php?file=staff.html (also available in-game).

Learning and Teaching

EVE University offers a selection of classes, a great resource of guides and also a corp chat full of helpfull people.

The Calendar

To find out what classes are coming up, check the calendar: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/calendar.php If you want to know how to make a calendar post for an event or a class, check here: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1317

The How To section

Has a lot of great guides: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=33

Rhomble's Overview Class

available in the How To section, we highly recommend you check it out as your first class.

Audio Files

The Eve University Audio Class Library

Information on the The Eve University Audio Class Library

Of recorded classes can be found collected here: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2771

Class Requests

If there is a class you'd like to see then post a here: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=28853

How to Get a Mentor

A mentor is a player assigned to you to help you one on one, matched to your playstyle and timezone. To apply, please read here. http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11009

Mentoring and Teaching

If you think you are interested in teaching check this thread http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8503 If you are interestied in mentoring check this thread http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11009

All the instructors are happy to spend time chatting over various topics so if you have a question you want answering or there isn't a class or guide covering what you want then please talk to someone.

Services and Hangar Access

For all details please follow this link: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7702


The 'Titles' = 'Roles' are awarded for your time in Eve University, for participation and attendance of classes and ops.

Freshman Title

Requires: At least 3 weeks old with 1 week in E-UNI and introduction post made the 'Hi & Bye' section of the forums. Provides: Freshman hangar access.

Student Title

Requires: At least 6 weeks in E-UNI or associated corps, constructive posts to the forum. Provides: Access to both Freshman and Student hangars. Access to 'Skillbook' wallet.

Graduate Title

Requires: At least 12 weeks in E-UNI or associated corps while demonstrating a significant understanding of mechanics and exemplifying the Uni spirit by assisting fellow members. Provides: As Student, but also with Graduate hangar Research & Production access. Optional 'Graduate' Medal.

To claim your title, join the new 'EU TITLES' maling list, and post at least one example of you fulfilling the requirements for Freshman and Student, or three in the case of Graduate.

Taking from the Hangar

Unlock the stack, take what you need, then relock the stack. Failure to relock the stacks will lead to loss of privileges, or if a corp theft occurs, you may be blamed for that and graduated with extreme prejudice. You do not need to enter any passwords to unlock the stacks, attempting to do so will look a bit suspicious. Only those with Freshman or above can access the hangars.

Please note that the uni actively encourages members to make use of the hangar resources, especially for fitting out for PvP operations. You are permitted to ask other members to get things for you from the hangar if you do not have access.

Eve Uni's Research POS

that is open to Students or above. For details of this, please see: http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7487 and http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42

The Skillbook Program

The Uni provides skillbooks for free up to the value of 1 million ISK if you need them.

There are a selection of the more commonly requested skillbooks provided free in the Hangar skill cans. If you do not have access simply ask a Uni member to grab one for you. If the skill you are looking for is not in there then any euni pilot with the 'Student' title has access to the corporate wallet skillbook division. They can transfer the money to you from the corporate wallet. Always ask politely! http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=147669#147669 for directions on how to use the Wallet.

Mining Ship Loan Program

Fully fitted Mining Ships available for a 2 week period to help you get a head start. Program currently being updated by Mrs Industry. Please check the mining forum for more information.

Refining and Manufacturing

There are a lot of people with perfect refine and good manufacturing skills in the Uni (me, for one!) who will be happy to refine for you or manufacture items if you wish. Just ask in corp chat.

BYO Minerals for Ships Program

So you have been hoarding up those minerals and need/want a new ship. This link has the ships and minerals listed for your to supply the Minerals and Eskona Runningstar will build you ship for you. Please follow the instruction on this link http://www.eve-ivy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5026

Jump Clones

We have enough standing with one of the Khanid corps, Khanid Innovation and one of the Caldari corps, Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. Do not do any missions for Khanid Innovation OR Wiyrkomi Peace Corps as we will lose these facilities.

Jump Clone Stations

  • Lonetrek/Okunda/Ossa/Ossa VII - Moon 11 - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support
  • Lonetrek/Haurala/Erenta/Erenta V - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support
  • Lonetrek/Kaala/Akonoinen/Akonoinen VI - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support
  • Lonetrek/Makiriemi/Isikano/Isikano IX - Moon 11 - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Logistic Support
  • Khanid / Nohshayess / Khanid Prime / Khanid Prime V - Moon 1 - Khanid Innovation Factory

Students Relations

To resolve personal problems please contact Chks. We all do our best to get along, some personalities, cultures, will clash with others, to assist you to mediate any problems that you have with another member, director, teacher or player outside of the Uni please contact the Student Relation Staff for assistance.

Finally - if there is any info that you think would be helpful to have here, post in this thread


We will try to keep this resource up to date

All the best

Finraer Training Director

Last checked up to date 15/2/09 by Cazzah