User:Sʹbu Zithembe
S'bu Zithembe
Trader Extraordinaire
Purveyor of aphrodisiac vitroc to the active Amarr Noble, avant garde Minmatar engine room recordings for the discerning Gallante critic, shares of Jovian corporations for the successful Caldari businessman, and a Shroud of Khumaak to connected Minmatar industrialists. Discretion has a price. The wonders hidden even in the black markets can be yours if you have the true coins of trade.
A strong back and rebellious nature was all the Amarr saw before I traded on those traits for a ship off their slave world. Many may now see me as some irrelevant greedy merchant, but they are only walking in the custom officials footsteps. As my skills grow I hope trade for more than a couple of isk and a crate of Tritanium.
Interests and Goals
I am enjoying my time with Eve University. The University and this wiki are helping me learn many things in Eve. In the long term I am hoping those skills will help me find a group of friends to explore all the way into wormholes and null sector. In the short term I would like to work on this wiki adding additional learning methods and helping organize the materials.
Wiki Issues
I am extremely frustrated trying to organize the wiki. I would love to be able to find all of the interesting things in the wiki, but the organization is rather random. There are other things I would like to fix but are problematic.
Alt - The Lexicon alt tag should reference the E-Uni alt acceptance policy. Of course at the moment I cannot find that policy.
Skills - The skills page looks great, but I would have never found it. The person who showed me it said it needed lots of work. It looks good to me, and their is no discussion describing the work needed.
Category:JenLooMiningTaleContest - Nice Fiction! To bad it is hidden. Could there be a Fiction category off of the main wiki structure?