Patient Zero

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name=Patient Zero, Level 4 Template:Survival copy

Faction: Rogue Drones
Mission type: Encounter
Web/Scramble: None
Extras: Constant AoE damage: 1000 EM damage every 10 seconds. Hits any players** AND their **drones within the pocket.
Damage dealt: 100 EM dps, Thermal/Explosive/Kinetic (in that order)
Recommended damage dealing: EM/Therm
Video: [Raven (1080p60)]

Mission briefing
A rogue drone virus has gone live at a mining colony. The machinery is malfunctioning and the problem spreading throughout the entire network. We sent a small rescue crew and it took over their systems. The crews are still alive but they're held hostage by their own ships. Unfortunately, we can't let that cloud our judgment. The infection must be destroyed… completely.

We have reason to believe your capsuleer vessel will be able to withstand infection long enough to eradicate the problem.

Rogue Drones
Rogue drones and wild drones are the terms used over advanced drones that mutated out of control. A few years ago some ingenious Gallente inventor had the idea of creating super-advanced drones that could think and act on their own - in essence acting in every sense like a regular space ship except being unmanned and computer controlled. First prototypes were encouraging, but then disaster struck. The drones became unruly, then unmanageable. Some of these were huge - the largest drones ever constructed, these drones were even equipped with warp drives and equipped with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. These mother drones, as they were called, along with several lesser drones soon managed to spread out, not only within the same system as the research facility that birthed them, but also to other systems. Only later men discovered exactly how - the drones attacked and took over space ships, then used them to jump to other systems, the drones themselves safely hidden within the ship. Needless to say the super-drone research was soon abandoned by the Gallente.

Auto-aggro on initial group and spawns. Watch out for continuous AoE damage while in the pocket . Enemy ships at roughly 40km from warp-in.

3x Battleship (Infected Battleship)
3x Cruiser (Infected Cruiser)
2x Frigate (Infected Frigate)

Spawn 1:
Triggered by attacking Patient Zero.

5x Battleship (2x Spearhead Alvus/3x Domination Alvus)
2x Cruiser (Nuker Alvum)
2x Frigate (Devilfish Alvi)

Spawn 2:
Triggered by destroying one of the battleships of Spawn 1 (one of the Domination Alvus)

3x Battleship (Spearhead Alvus/Domination Alvus)
3x Cruiser (Disintegrator Alvum)

Spawn 3 (Final):
Triggered by the destruction of spawn 2.

2x Battleship (Spearhead Alvus/Domination Alvus)
3x Battlecruiser (Enforcer Alvatis/Striker Alvatis)

Mission complete on Spawn 3 and "Patient Zero" building's destruction. (Mission completes also when Patient Zero is destroyed and spawn 2 and 3 have not yet been spawned - just leave some ships from spawn 1 alive)

The destruction of the "Patient Zero" structure is the mission objective. No loot.

Destruction of Patient ends the AoE damage, enabling e.g. salvaging with an alt in a fragile ship or deploying drones to destroy frigate NPCs.

16 roids of Veldspar: 861 000 units of Veldspar
16 roids of Scordite: 1 100 000 units of Scordite