Nimpor Fatimar

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Revision as of 04:53, 11 October 2020 by Kelon Darklight (talk | contribs)
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Political Conflict (1 of 2)

Mission briefing I'll start from the beginning. I joined Frolo's crew many years ago, when I was a young lad, and served under him right up to his death. Those were some good times, and we made a fortune from harvesting gas clouds in this area and neighboring constellations. Dorim, Frolo's second son, also served under his father and we became the best of friends.

Now life here was simple, until Frolo died. He was a great man, a remarkable leader. The pioneers out here all looked up to him and followed the rules while he was around. But soon after his death that was about to change.

A few months after Frolo passed away, his firstborn, Jamur Fatimar, arrived in Fatimar Outpost. He had lived all his life with his mother in Amarr space, far away from the grueling life we have here in no-man's-land. Basically he was fed with a silver spoon his entire life, and that rubbed off on him.

As soon as he arrived he claimed ownership of the Outpost. We decided to play along with his little game, as neither I nor Dorim had any real ambition to take on the leadership role. But people quickly started to despise him. He was much harsher than Frolo ever was, and was very detached from the local miners and harvesters here who Frolo used to work along-side. He was a strict, traditional Amarrian ruler who had zero tolerance for any difference of opinion from his own. He implemented a hefty tax which was largely used to pay for his extravagant lifestyle. Needless to say, things got hairy around here. Some of pioneers split away from Fatimar Outpost and founded their own colonies elsewhere, and there were rumors of a rebellion.

When I saw everything that we had built virtually crumbling beneath us, I was forced to intervene. I claimed leadership over Fatimar Outpost. A power struggle ensued, which I eventually won. As you might expect, Jamur was not very fond of losing his title and decided to split away from us, forming his own colony elsewhere in MY-W1V. But I've always had the impression that he was out for revenge, and therefore I've had his little colony under surveillance for quite some time. And that's what alerted me to an extremely worrying turn of events. Jamur had been in contact with someone from outside MY-W1V, who my sources tell me has promised to help him in 'his war with Fatimar Outpost'. I can't imagine what a bitter, power hungry man like Jamur would do to reclaim his title. I want you to find out for me. I will upload the coordinates of the meeting point into your NeoCom, all you have to do is warp there and disrupt the meeting. Bring this 'agent' to me for questioning.

This offer expires at 2020.10.18 03:36

Political Conflict (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	-0.1 MY-W1V (Low Sec Warning!)	
		Item	10 x Amarr Light Marines (20.0 m³)	

Objective Eradicate the hostiles you find at the scene, bring any survivors back to your agent. Location -0.1 MY-W1V (Low Sec Warning!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Nosferatu

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours: 8,000,000 ISK

Political Conflict (1 of 2)

Mission briefing I'll start from the beginning. I joined Frolo's crew many years ago, when I was a young lad, and served under him right up to his death. Those were some good times, and we made a fortune from harvesting gas clouds in this area and neighboring constellations. Dorim, Frolo's second son, also served under his father and we became the best of friends.

Now life here was simple, until Frolo died. He was a great man, a remarkable leader. The pioneers out here all looked up to him and followed the rules while he was around. But soon after his death that was about to change.

A few months after Frolo passed away, his firstborn, Jamur Fatimar, arrived in Fatimar Outpost. He had lived all his life with his mother in Amarr space, far away from the grueling life we have here in no-man's-land. Basically he was fed with a silver spoon his entire life, and that rubbed off on him.

As soon as he arrived he claimed ownership of the Outpost. We decided to play along with his little game, as neither I nor Dorim had any real ambition to take on the leadership role. But people quickly started to despise him. He was much harsher than Frolo ever was, and was very detached from the local miners and harvesters here who Frolo used to work along-side. He was a strict, traditional Amarrian ruler who had zero tolerance for any difference of opinion from his own. He implemented a hefty tax which was largely used to pay for his extravagant lifestyle. Needless to say, things got hairy around here. Some of pioneers split away from Fatimar Outpost and founded their own colonies elsewhere, and there were rumors of a rebellion.

When I saw everything that we had built virtually crumbling beneath us, I was forced to intervene. I claimed leadership over Fatimar Outpost. A power struggle ensued, which I eventually won. As you might expect, Jamur was not very fond of losing his title and decided to split away from us, forming his own colony elsewhere in MY-W1V. But I've always had the impression that he was out for revenge, and therefore I've had his little colony under surveillance for quite some time. And that's what alerted me to an extremely worrying turn of events. Jamur had been in contact with someone from outside MY-W1V, who my sources tell me has promised to help him in 'his war with Fatimar Outpost'. I can't imagine what a bitter, power hungry man like Jamur would do to reclaim his title. I want you to find out for me. I will upload the coordinates of the meeting point into your NeoCom, all you have to do is warp there and disrupt the meeting. Bring this 'agent' to me for questioning.

This offer expires at 2020.10.18 03:36

Political Conflict (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	-0.1 MY-W1V (Low Sec Warning!)	
		Item	10 x Amarr Light Marines (20.0 m³)	

Objective Eradicate the hostiles you find at the scene, bring any survivors back to your agent. Location -0.1 MY-W1V (Low Sec Warning!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Nosferatu

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours: 8,000,000 ISK

Upon warp in- [03:39:50] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>'Outsider':  Hsss, kill the intruder.  He's working for the enemy.</color>

[03:39:55] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Jamur Fatimar: Intruder alert! Keep him occupied while I make my escape!</color> I was not able to kill either before they disappeared

Tyrant is named outsider

Political Conflict (1 of 2) Wave 1.png

One of the battleships drops a container with the marines.

Jamur escaped? Too bad, but at least you got someone. I'll have them interrogated immediately.

Political Conflict (2 of 2)

Mission briefing Yes, they coughed it up immediately. Apparently they aren't very loyal to their former master. The leader of the group has been in close contact with Jamur and claims he's gone mad. His hatred of me has clouded his judgment, and he's done the unthinkable. The secret agent in your previous mission was in fact an agent of the Sansha's Nation! Talk about striking a deal with the devil ... he's gone way too far this time.

The good news is that we can trace Jamur's exact whereabouts. The bug I had implanted into his ship is still functional, and I can see his location on our scanner. I want you to find him immediately and take him out. Every minute that passes is crucial, he must not be allowed to reveal our location to the Sansha's Nation. If that happens then all may be lost.

This offer expires at 2020.10.18 03:36

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Objective Lure Jamur out of the Battletower he is hiding in, then kill him. Report back to your agent after the deed has been done. Location -0.1 YHN-3K (Low Sec Warning!)

This site contains special ship restrictions.

(The route generated by current autopilot settings contains low security systems!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Ocular Filter - Improved

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours: 1 x Gas Cloud Harvester I

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 1 Wave 1.png

Upon killing all frigates-

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 1 Wave 2.png

Upon killing all BC/Dessies-

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 1 Wave Wave 3.png

Upon killing all battleships-

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 1 Wave 4.png
Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 2 Wave 1 .png

[04:13:01] Message > <color=0xffff0000>The Blood Raider envoy sends out a distress signal in all directions in a frantic attempt to save himself from certain death! Beware, the Sansha might send in reinforcements to aid their guest.</color>

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 2 Wave 2.png

Upon killing a second envoy

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 2 Wave 3.png

Upon killing the last envoy

[04:22:03] Message > <color=0xffff0000>The Blood Raider envoy sends out a distress signal in all directions in a frantic attempt to save himself from certain death! Beware, the Sansha might send in reinforcements to aid their guest.</color>

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 2 Wave 4.png
Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 3 Wave 1.png

Attacking battlestation - Wasn't paying attention, this is 2 spawns of rats, no way to sort

[04:34:54] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>Ships emerge from the Battletower, ready to defend it.</color>

[04:35:34] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>More ships emerge from the station.</color>

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 3 Wave 2&3.png

For final wave- [04:44:44] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>Jamur Fatimar has been forced to leave the station. The Sansha command are sending him out, along with the last few ships inside, to mount the final counter-attack!</color>

Political Conflict (2 of 2) Room 3 Wave 4.png

AFter killing him- [04:46:20] Message > <color=0xff48ff00>Jamur has been destroyed. Mission completed. Return to your agent immediately.</color>

Jamur drops- Zainou 'Gnome' Weapon Upgrades WU-1005 1 Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Nosferatu 1 Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Neutralizer 1

station didn't drop any loot, neither did true centus

Amazing job, Kelon Darklight. We owe you one.