Template:ISK Dataplate

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Task Information
ISK per run N/A Initial Investment N/A
ISK per hour N/A Risk N/A
Player Skill N/A Character Skill N/A
Solo Friendly N/A Alpha Friendly N/A

A dataplate designed for at-a-glance comparisons of ISK making activities.

Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
A dataplate designed for at-a-glance comparisons of ISK making activities.
{{ISK Dataplate|<Subject= subject>|<ISK= ISK per run>|<Invest= Initial investment>|<Hour= ISK per hour>|<Risk= High|Med|Low>|<PSkill= Player skill>|<CSkill= character skill>|<Solo= Yes|No>|<Alpha= Yes|No>}}
Using following arguments. Any not supplied will read N/A.
Subject = Subject of the dataplate (defaults to "Task Information")
ISK = ISK per run
Invest = Initial Investment in ISK
Hour = ISK per hour
Risk = Risk (High|Med|Low)
PSkill = Player Skill (High|Med|Low)
CSkill = Character Skill, general training required ((High|Med|Low) or UNI/other training programs)
Solo = Solo Friendly (Yes|No)
Alpha = Alpha Friendly (Yes|No)
Sample output
{{ISK Dataplate|Subject= Example|ISK= 10 mil|Invest= 20 mil|Hour= 5 mil|Risk= Med|PSkill= Low|CSkill= [[Short Skill Plan|Short]]|Solo= No|Alpha= Yes}}
ISK per run 10 mil Initial Investment 20 mil
ISK per hour 5 mil Risk Med
Player Skill Low Character Skill Short
Solo Friendly No Alpha Friendly Yes
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