POS Refining
POS Refining
A POS Refinery Array will only handle a single ore at a time, so it is best to create batches of ores and only run complete batches.
A Refinery takes 40k m3 and 60 minutes per cycle, but the yield is only 35%.
A Medium Intensive Refinery takes 20k m3 and 90 minutes per cycle, at 75% yield.
An Intensive Refinery takes 200k m3 and 180 minutes per cycle, at 75% yield.
The Intensive Refinery is best for serious miners, but the powergrid and CPU use requires that you have a Large POS Tower to support it. The regular Refinery should be avoided as 65% of the value of the ore is lost by using it.
Refinery Input
This is a list of the various ores and details of their volume and how many units will fit into a Intensive Refining Array.
Low End Ores
Ore | Volume (m3) | Batch Quantity |
Veldspar | 0.1 | 2,000,000 |
Scordite | 0.15 | 1,333,333 |
Pyroxeres | 0.3 | 666,666 |
Plagioclase | 0.35 | 571,428 |
Omber | 0.6 | 333,333 |
Kernite | 1.2 | 166,666 |
Jaspet | 2 | 100,000 |
Hemorphite | 3 | 66,666 |
Hedbergite | 3 | 66,666 |
High-End Ores
Ore | Volume (m3) | Batch Quantity |
Gneiss | 5 | 40,000 |
Dark Ochre | 8 | 25,000 |
Spodumain | 16 | 12,500 |
Crokite | 16 | 12,500 |
Bistot | 16 | 12,500 |
Arkonor | 16 | 12,500 |
Mercoxit | 40 | 5,000 |
Refinery Output
This is a break down of the output from refining a single batch (This assumes efficiency is capped out at 75%)