Angel Vigil

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Locating & Difficulty

This is a type of hidden combat site that can be scanned down with scanner probes. It's gate allows Battlecruisers or smaller to enter, and a Battlecruiser or HAC is my sugestion for what you should bring. Work In Progress

  • Warp to Acceleration Gate.
  • First pocket: 8-10 turrets, lots of BCs and smaller, no web or scram that I noticed. The 'Gistatis Smuggler Guardian' spawns a wave of reinforcements. I usually kill off the BCs and frigs/destys first, then finish the turrets. To unlock the gate, shoot the 'Smuggler's Gate' stucture. It'll spawn 3 BCs and 3 frigs, kill them. Gate unlocked. Miners: This pocket seemed to have a lot of Plag and Pyroxes, maybe 30 rocks all up. Just a note.
  • Second pocket: 4 missile turrets, 2 stasis turrets, lots of BCs and smaller. Turrets trigger large waves. First focus on lowering the number of enemys in the pocket. The incomming damage is quite substantial so something with a decent tank, or warp-outs are nessacery. You will be webbed down to ~50% velocity or less, so speed tanking isn't a good idea. After the area is cleared of most of the enemys, shoot one of the stasis turrets. You should get a spawn of a decent chunk more BCs and frigs. It seems like there's a chance for each turret (including the missile turrets) to spawn waves (stasis 1 spawned a wave, stasis 2 didn't, missile 1 did, etc). This pocket can easily become tank-melting if you target the turrets early on and kill several of them. After all the turrets are gone and everything's dead, shoot 'Pat's Shipyard' for the final spawn and kill him off.


The Big Blue (4 stages, last is low-sec).

  • First stage: Warp in on some wrecked structures and a about 10 frigs/destys. Start shooting things, and eventually a wave of 4-5 BCs and some elite frigs (web/scram) will show up. Kill the BCs to spawn the next wave of 4 BCs, 1 a Domination. Killing the faction BC of that wave gives you the next location (or a dead end if you're unlucky).
  • Stage 2: Nothing... nothing... nothing... Oh, finally some small ships and then a few seconds later some BCs. Although, odly, Angels and Drones! Also, some of the BCs web/scram. Attacking the Drones spawns another wave or frigates and destys. Another wave of mixed ships will arrive with a faction BC and 2 other BCs. Again, the faction will give you either the next location or a dead end.
  • Stage 3: Warp in to 4 elite BCs, 4 normal BCs and 4 elite frigs. TP, no web/scram. 1 of the elite BCs appears to be the trigger, spawning 4 BCs (1 Domination) and 3 more elite frigs.
  • Stage 4 LOW-SEC: A bunch of frigs/destys, then some BCs warp in. Blow them up. Add Large Colidable Strcutures to your overview if it's not disabled. Shoot the 'Angel Drug Lab-angels in the sky' (or something, I forget) untill it's in structure and an Angel Transporter will apear and try to run. At this time, more ships warp in. I suspect that I made a mistake by not engaging the other ships, as they warped out and all I got from the transport was 16 blue pills. Also, the drug lab drops generic t1 junk and some misc ammo and is -not worth killing-. And that's it. I did get a Domination BCU from the 3rd stage, but the trip into low-sec seemed like an entire waste of time.