Fight Club

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EVE University Fight Club (UFC) is a solo PvP event primarily run at the Main Community campus in Stacmon.

The what

What is Fight Club? We take tech 1 frigates and mash them against each other in 1v1, Unista vs. Unista sanctioned duels for the enrichment and blood-sating of our members. Fight Club is a long-standing traditional event in EVE University that finds its roots in EVE University history. At one time, when EVE Uni was based in Aldrat, the Libold system was dedicated as a frigate free-for-all system for Unistas. Contemporary Uni Fight Club descends from that tradition.

The rules

  • All fights are 1v1 in empire frigates (Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar). You may bring your own dueling fit, but you are quite welcome to use free UFC-fitted frigates on contract in Stacmon.
  • Fights are to 25% of structure, but a pilot may concede the fight at any time. Fights may be to the death of the ship by prior agreement.
  • No podding!
  • If you feel you are losing, try to warp off! If someone succeeds in escaping, the duel is a draw.
  • Since people are allowed to escape, bring tackle mods if you want to kill anything!
  • Fights will randomly start at 20km or 0km - nobody knows the starting range until you get there!

This is intended to be a live-fire exercise that is as realistic as possible. Learn what it takes to PvP like a low-sec hero!

What can I bring?

  • Only Tech 1 empire frigates are allowed
  • The ship may be outfitted with Tech 1 modules (meta 4 or below), and base Tech 1 drones, ammunition, and charges; the one exception being T2 Damage Control modules are allowed.
  • No boosters

We're keeping things cheap to encourage participation, and evenly matched because the more even-handed the ships, the more your decisions and piloting matter, and the more you learn!

Stacmon Bookmarks

EVE Uni Fight Club uses a collection of bookmarks in Slays that are stored in the Stacmon - 08 Fight Club corp bookmarks folder.

  • Participants and Spectators warp to UFC The Octagon - Bleachers at the beginning of the event.
  • There are two separate sets of four arenas, so that up to eight 1v1 contests may take place at the same time. One set of arenas are named after Unistas who ran Fight Club in the past and the others being named after named systems in null sec.
  • The host pairs contestants for each round.
  • At the beginning of each round, the two participants align to the center bookmark of the arena they have been told to fight in, for example Kopobo Fight Club - Center bookmark. After the host counts down the fight (5, 4, 3, 2, 1...FIGHT), each participant must warp to one of the three bookmarks in the arena and engage upon exiting warp.


Fight Club T1 frigate losses are fully reimbursable through the uni's Ship Replacement Program. You can use this form[1] to apply for SRP. Specifics are listed here.

Want to run FC?

  • Get in touch with a campus manager or coordinator and offer to run this week's Fight Club.
  • Pick a time that sees a lot of activity, like 19:00 EVE time on a Friday for the EUTZ crowd or 01:00 EVE time on a Saturday for the USTZ crowd.
  • Some event hosts also have a bowhead on an OOC alt stocked with T1 frigate fits to give out to participants who want them.
  • The Fleet Support Program is a great way to help you get fitted ships on contract. They also have a nice form[2].