User:Anidien Dallacort

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It's time I make a user page!

Class Scheduling Draft

Scheduling your class

  • Try to schedule your class at least one week in advance, to give people a chance to hear about your class and make time in their schedule to attend. If you are expecting support for ships/modules or other manufactured items this is a minimum requirement and not optional.
  • Check the UNI in-game calendar for available dates/times. Do not schedule a class at the same time as any other class. A Teaching Officer can check the calendar on behalf of guest lecturers from outside the University.
  • The teaching department asks that we avoid overlap of classes. Classes shall be considered a two hour block of time, reserved on a ‘first come first serve’ basis (first class to post on the calendar, or be scheduled in the forum for OOC lecturers who cannot access the Uni calendar). Classes should not be scheduled to start within less than 2 hours of an already scheduled class.
  • Please do follow the scheduling formats below - classes not following these formats may not be eligible for teaching medals and titles (our Teaching Department may not see them to record the class occurring!)

Forum announcement

  • Post an advert as a new topic in the Scheduled Classes Forum, using the standard format described below.
  • Create a new post for each class session. Please do not re-use posts for multiple class sessions. New posts are more visible to the target audience - your students!!
  • If you do lack access to this forum, please ask the Teaching Department to do this for you.

In-game calendar

Create a class announcement on the in-game EVE Uni calendar (provided you hold the Sophomore title; if not, ask a Teaching Officer).

Make sure to:

  • include "[Class]" as a title prefix, followed by the name/topic of the class.
  • set availability to "Alliance" (preferred); the default is "Private", which only you can see. Do not tick the box labelled Important.
  • set a realistic duration, leaving time for questions. We generally prefer classes to last around 60 minutes, but 45–90 minutes is perfectly acceptable.
  • ensure that your class is not colliding with other classes. Classes should not be scheduled to start within less than 2 hours of an already scheduled class.
  • include a short outline of the class and a forum link in the description.


Please ping "@everyone" in the "#ping-class" Discord channel shortly before you start, and you can ping with advance notice beforehand.

  1. (optional) "@everyone x hour preparing for Intro to XYZ"
  2. (mandatory) "@everyone Intro to XYZ starting now/in 5 minutes"

Feel free to expand on those pings by providing the forum link or additional context to the class, but keep it reasonably brief.

EVE University members can also put an announcement in the "Alliance" chat channel in-game.

Changes to Classes Draft

Changes to Scheduled Classes

Sometimes the unexpected happens, and you must change or cancel a class after it has been announced. That's ok! Real life comes first.

Please use the following guidance for how to ensure your audience knows about the changes. Generally speaking - please do not delete posts or calendar events - this leaves the audience unaware and searching for what they thought they saw before!

Changing Your Forum Announcement

  • Please do not delete the forum announcement - students may have already put the class on their own personal calendar.
  • If you are cancelling the class with no replacement time (or intend to reschedule later but do not have the rescheduled time right now):
    • Change the post title to say "[CANCELLED]" at the start of the title.
    • Modify the body of the post to make it clear the class is cancelled (some bold text at the top of the post helps!)
    • REPLY to your class post indicating that the class was cancelled - this is the important step that pushes the forum post back to the top and flags new content for the audience to see!!
      • Please do not simply edit your post - editing a post does not push it to the top and flag it as new content for people that have previously read the post.
  • If you are cancelling the date and time originally announced - but rescheduling now - please do not create a new forum post for the rescheduled date and time
    • Modify the title of the post to reflect the new date and time.
    • Modify the body of the post to reflect the new date and time.
    • REPLY to your class post indicating the reschedule - noting the old date and time - this is the important step that pushes the forum post back to the top and flags new content for the audience to see!!
      • Please do not simply edit your post - editing a post does not push it to the top and flag it as new content for people that have previously read the post.

Changing Your Calendar Event

  • Please do not delete the calendar event - students may have already put the class on their own personal calendar.
  • If you are cancelling the class with no replacement time (or intend to reschedule later but do not have the rescheduled time right now):
    • Edit the calendar event to replace the "[CLASS]" tag with "[CANCELLED]"
  • If you are cancelling the date and time originally announced - but rescheduling now:
    • Edit the ORIGINAL calendar event to replace the "[CLASS]" tag with "[RESCHEDULED]"
    • Create a new calendar event for the new class date and time, following the guidance in the Scheduling Your Class section above.

Pings: Cancelling On Short Notice

If your class is to be held in the next four hours, and you must cancel - first, don't feel terrible! Real life happens and that's ok. However, please:

  • Place a ping in the #ping-class Discord channel, to @everyone, noting that the class to be held has to be cancelled.
  • Feel free to reach out to @teachers in #teaching-general to ask if anyone wants to take over teaching that class session.
    • If someone does take the class over after the ping in the first bullet goes out - please be sure to ping again noting that the class is back on!