Titles within EVE University

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Titles are sets of corporation roles such as hangar access, and have specific designations within EVE University. These should be distinguised from vanity titles which do not provide any specific roles, and the specific titles of staff.

PLEASE NOTE: You must re-submit your limited API via the tool each time you apply for a title - an out of date API snapshot can result in your application being rejected.

Also: You may be granted access to certain corporate functions prior to receiving your title. For example, once your freshman title application is approved you will be given access to the skillbook wallet BEFORE your title is applied.

Progression Titles

Progression titles chart a student's progress through the University, and exist as follows:


A new student (or "Fresher"), with a little experience.


A experienced student who has attended several classes and events.
  • Freshman Title
  • Minimum of six weeks (1 month and 15 days) total in E-UNI (Note that the 6 weeks is an approx.)
  • Everything a Freshman has (Skillbook Wallet).
  • [Α] Alpha level Hangar Access.
  • Access to post events to the EVE University Calendar


A fully qualified pilot, ready to leave the University and forge their destiny, or stay and teach those who follow them.
  • Everything a Sophomore has (Skillbook Wallet, Calendar Access).
  • [Θ] Theta level Hangar Access.
  • Research and production access at the University POS.
  • Ability to apply for Psi Hangar Access
  • A Graduate Medal.
A donation to EVE University to offset the 5M ISK cost is optional but appreciated. To donate to the master wallet simply type EVE University in game and auto link the corp. Then right-click and select "give money".

Hangar Access Titles

Hangar access titles provide access to the EVE University hangars, where students can find useful items and ship fittings free of charge.

Hangar access is bundled into the progression titles, with Sophomore providing Alpha access and Graduate providing Theta access (and the ability to apply for Psi access). Psi hangar access will require the completion of an interview with a member of the Personnel staff that may take anywhere up to 30 minutes to complete.

Please note that all titles are a privilege, not a right, and as such may be rescinded without notice.

[Α] Alpha Hangar access

[Α] - Alpha provides access to the basic E-UNI hangars that contain low level skillbooks and vanilla T1 fittings for new students to fit their ships with, free of charge.
  • Sophomore title.
  • Access to basic level hangars containing vanilla T1 equipment of small and some medium sizes.

[Θ] Theta Hangar access

[Θ] - Theta provides access to the mid-level E-UNI hangars, which provide skillbooks, fittings and equipment a new pilot would have no real use for.
  • Graduate title.
  • Access to mid-level level hangars containing vanilla T1 equipment of medium sizes and some large sizes.
  • Research and production access at the University POS.

[Ψ] Psi Hangar access

[Ψ] - Psi provides access to the top tier E-UNI hangars, which provide advanced skillbooks, fittings and equipment suitable for experienced pilots only.
  • Graduate Title
  • Completed interview with Personnel staff plus thorough API and background checks.
  • Access to top level hangars containing vanilla T1 equipment of large sizes and some rare, expensive or specialised items.
  • Research and production access at the University POS.

Other Titles

There are a number of other titles used, some of which are: Mentor, Teacher, Professor, and a number of Officer titles, however these are awarded by a different process.

Requesting a Title

To claim your title, ensure that you meet the requirements fully, then head to this site and log in using your current forum username and password. Once logged in, please ensure you submit your Limited API key via the "Update API" tab, or your request will not be actioned.

Please apply only for the most senior title you have yet to claim. For example, if you are eligible for Graduate but currently have no titles, please apply only for the Graduate title. This will save us a great deal of time. Also, you MUST meet the requirements for any title you apply for. If you apply for a title you are not eligible for, you create unnecessary work for titles staff and your application may be delayed or ignored as a result. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!

If you are applying for a hangar access title (Alpha, Theta or Psi), please don't forget to join this queue when online. You will be contacted by an SPO as soon as possible.

Please be aware that whilst it can take some time for a title to be applied due to various checks are required for each applicant, it is possible that certain elements of a title will be applied to you before the full title itself. This is done via Grantable Roles. For example, you may get access to the skillbook wallet before you have the actual Freshman title.

All titles dropped due to leaving E-UNI or other reasons may be reinstated using the same process.

Please Note - If you rejoin E-UNI on a different character you will not be able to regain your previous title as they do not transfer to your new character. You would need to earn the titles again as if you are a new member.

Make sure you set 'allow new roles' or you will not be able to receive them. This is only important if you have previously left a corporation and disabled new roles in order to do so.

Checking Your Own Titles

Please note that the EU Titles department will usually not send any correspondence to inform you of changes to your titles. It is therefore up to you to periodically check if a requested title has been applied or not.

To check your current title(s): Right-click on your name in a chat window member list and select 'View Member Details.' Your active titles will be displayed on the 'General' and 'Titles' tabs.

Note that Titles such as 'Freshman', 'Sophomore' and 'Graduate' will not be visible on your character login screen.