Probing In Simple Steps
To make it easier for new players to learn how to probe, I've decided to create this little picture guide on how to set up a series of probes to scan down targets.
Four Probe Setup
1. Deploy two probes. File:P4-1.jpg
2. CTRL+SHIFT+Drag them downward.
3. Deploy two probes.
4. Drag the first two outward to form a triangle
5. Drag the third probe to center of the triangle.
6. Drag the center probe vertically.
7. Expand the resolution to fit.
8. Drag the probes in/out, and expand/contract the resolution as needed, CTRL+SHIFT to move the entire group at once.
Six Probe Setup
1. Deploy six probes File:P6-1.png
2. Drag one down-left and up-right. File:P6-2.png
3. Drag one down-right and up-left. File:P6-3.png
4. Drag one down. File:P6-4.png
5. Drag one up. File:P6-5.png
6. Expand the resolution to fit. Drag the probes in/out, and expand/contract the resolution as needed, CTRL+SHIFT to move the entire group at once. File:P6-6.png
Seven or Eight Probe Setup
1. Same as Six Probe, Except deploy eight probes, spread out six as per above, and leave two centered on top of each other. File:P8-1.png
Close-up File:P8-2.png