Stealth Bombers

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Stealth bombers are powerful, expensive (for their size) and extremely fragile weapons. Since they are T2 frigates, they are often one of the earliest T2 ships that new pilots can fly. This page discusses the available bombers and suggests possible fits for use in Eve University fleets.

Which Bomber?

Each race has one stealth bomber.

The Purifier and the Hound are arguably better at using bombs (they have a 3L-3M-5H slot layout), while the Manticore and the Nemesis are perhaps better torpedo platforms (with a 2L-4M-5H slot layout). You might think that the bombers with three lows would be better torpedo bombers because they could fit three Ballistic Control Systems, but you'll be hard pressed to find an effective fit with 120 CPU to spare for BCS IIs. Additionally, the Manticore and Nemesis can fit one more utility/EWar/etc module in their mids -- the ability to, for example, sensor damp the enemy may allow them to stay on the field for longer.

The only significant advantage one ship has over another is perhaps the Nemesis (gallente) due to it's bonuses to Thermal damage which is the least often/most hard to tank against.

Stealth Bomber Fitting

All stealth bombers get a 15% bonus to racial (Amarr/EM, Gallente/Thermal, Caldari/Kinetic, Minmatar/Explosive) torpedo, as well as 5% bonus to racial bomb damage per level of Covert-Ops trained. In addition, they get a flat 100% bonus to torpedo velocity, and a 50% bonus to explosion velocity and torpedo flight time. Lastly they receive a flat role bonus of a -50% reduction in Torpedo Launcher powergrid needs, -50% reduction in Cloak CPU Use, and -100% targeting delay after decloaking. These last three skills are largely to ensure the ship can equip battleship size missle launchers, and that the covert-ops cloak is used exclusively on covert-ops ships.

In fitting a bomber it is ideal to maximize potential damage. This is done largely with the use of target painters, and ballistic control systems. These greatly increase the DPS torpedoes do to non-battleship size targets. Newer players will have trouble fitting three launchers as well as a bomb launcher without perfect fitting skills. The purifier in particular is difficult to fit.

A standard general fitting is as follows:

3 Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
1 Covert Ops Cloaking Device

1 Bomb Launcher **
1 Target Painter
1 Propulsion Module
1 Remote Sensor Dampener

2 Ballistic Control Systems
1 Low module of your choice.

** The Bomb Launcher is largely very difficult to fit in addition to the three 'Arbalest' launchers. It is often found that bombers have to alter the standard fit to include 1 bomb launcher and less torpedo damage modules, or they fit for only torpedo damage.

The choice of what meta level module to fit for the mid and low slots is largely user choice, however it is recommended that you fit the highest (up to meta 5/Tech II) module that you can. If CPU usage is a problem with the Arbalest launchers, the meta 1 variants (Malkuth) offer less performance but less CPU usage. Alternatively, if the DPS difference is smaller, altering the rigs used on the bomber may allow for better fits.

The sensor dampner is used to increase the longevity of the bomber's lifespan. Dampners are used to reduce enemy ships targetting range and scan resolution. It is recommended that all ships carry both scripts in their hull so switching can be done on the fly. However in multiple bomber gangs it is usually advised to run the targeting range script.

All bombers should be carrying Faction torpedoes, these are usually the Caldari Navy variants.

Alternative Low-Modules

The remaining low slot should be filled with a module of the player's choice, however it should still play to the strengths of the ship. This means that the final low should be a nano-fiber internal structure, or perhaps an overdrive injector system. Alternatively to agility mods, a Damage Control or Adaptive Nano Plating if possible to fit can work as well.

Not Recommended Modules

Often it is suggested that fittings equip sensor boosters, or tracking disruptors. While these can be beneficial, they are also very situational. Tracking disruptors are flat out useless against enemy missile ships (for now). Thus limiting the types of engagements one can be useful in. Sensor boosters, while good in locking quickly, is somewhat counter-productive to the whole idea behind bombers. Targeting anything that can warp off quickly, or has a small signature radius means torpedo damage is going to be negligible. Meanwhile bombs require no locking to fire, and are thus preferred for engaging smaller targets.

Additionally, it is sometimes suggested bombers fit shield extenders to increase their survivability. This is not recommended as shield modules generally increase signature radius, and thus make the bomber easier to lock and easier to hit. This runs counter to the idea and tactics employed with the bomber. The argument for survivability also is largely irrelevant. The bomber is a glass cannon, trying to increase survivability plays to the ships weaknesses instead of it's strengths. Bombers are ideally fit for speed and as much damage-per-second as possible. In this same fashion, Inertia Stabilizers also increase signature radius and should not be used.


The choice of rigs used on the bomber is largely player preference. The most often used, the Warhead Calefaction Catlyst boosts torpedo damage, however other modules increase missle range (useful for staying outside targeting range {thanks to your sensor damps}) and velocity, or firing rate and thus DPS. Alternatively, there are rigs to decrease explosion radius (increased damage versus smaller sized ships) and explosion velocity (increased damage to faster moving ships). Most of the different missle launcher rigs are useful in someway on the stealth bomber. It largely depends on individual flying preferences and styles. The downside to these rigs is that they also increase the CPU usage of each launcher, making fitting even more difficult.

Astronautic rigs are also widely used, these are useful in increasing ship agility and speed. These are useful in situations in which the bomber needs to align quickly and warp off grid. These situations are frequent with bombers and thus having a short align time is a must. The downside of these rigs is that they reduce armor amount, and thus make the bomber that much more fragile. Suggested astronautic rigs are: Low Friction Nozzle Joints and Poly-Carbon Engine Housing.

Since the introduction of the Processor Overclocking Unit rigs with the Inferno expansion these are useful on stealth bombers as well. Processor Overclocking Unit rigs increase the CPU output of your ship at the cost of a slower regeneration rate of the shields. Stealth bomber fits still remain tight but with these rigs it is possible to mount tech 2 Torpedo launchers alongside the other standard modules including the Bomb Launcher.

The Bomber uses small sized rigs.

Racial Bomber Differences


The Hound is the Minmatar Stealth Bomber. It gets a bonus to explosive damage and uses Nova torpedoes. With the exception of the torpedo type, the fit is the same as the Purifier, though pilots may find it a touch easier to squeeze everything on due to a slight difference in CPU. It features a 5-3-3 layout, composing of three mid slots, and three low slots. It also has the fastest align time and highest scan resolution out of all of the bombers.



The Manticore is the Caldari Stealth Bomber. It has the advantages of having ample CPU space and a slightly more ideal slot layout (5-4-2). It gets a bonus to kinetic damage, and uses Scourge torpedoes.


The Nemesis is the Gallente Stealth Bomber. It shares the Manticore's slot layout. It has a bit less CPU, so it can't quite fit the same range of modules in its midslots. Pilots who wish to fit Tech 2 versions of the mid slot modules will find it difficult to fit as well. The Nemesis gets a bonus to thermal damage and uses Inferno torpedoes.



The Purifier is the Amarr Stealth Bomber. It shares the same slot layout as the Hound (5-3-3). It has the least CPU of any of the Stealth Bombers, which makes fitting tight and not quite as varied as the other races. It gets a bonus to EM damage and uses Mjolnir torpedoes.

Recommended, Suggested, & Required Skills

Required Skills

All bombers have the following skill requirements to operate:

  • Racial Frigate V
  • Spaceship Command III
  • Covert Ops I
  • Electronics II
  • Engineering II
  • Electronics Upgrades V

However, it is not recommended, and downright stupid, to fly a bomber in a PVP setting without a covert ops cloaking device, and Torpedo Launchers. The use of these modules, require the skills:

  • Cloaking IV
  • Torpedoes I
  • Missile Launcher Operation IV
  • Heavy Missiles III
  • Standard Missiles III

Suggested Skills

Aside from these basic required skills, it is suggested that you have the following skills. These skills are designed to push the strengths of the bomber and minimze it's chance of being destroyed. Many are simply fitting skills, that ease the use of more powerful modules.

  • Navigation III
  • Acceleration Control III
  • Warp Drive Operation III
  • Spaceships Command IV
  • Evasive Maneuvering III
  • Electronics V
  • Engineering V
  • Energy Management III
  • Target Painting II
  • Electronic Warfare II
  • Sensor Linking II
  • Long Range Targeting III
  • Signature Analysis III
  • Targeting III
  • Shield Management III
  • Shield Operation III
  • Energy Management III
  • Energy Upgrades III
  • Launcher Rigging II
  • Astronautic Rigging II
  • Jury Rigging III
  • Mechanic IV

In addition, you will want to get missile launcher skills as high as possible, as well as Bomb Launching skills. These skills include:

  • Missile Bombardment IV
  • Missile Projection III
  • Rapid Launch III
  • Target Navigation Prediction III
  • Warhead Upgrades III
  • Bomb Deployment I
  • Covert Ops IV

Recommended Skills

The Recommended skill plan essentially pushes the previous listed skills as high as possible. You want to maximize the ship's DPS by getting all the missle support skills to IV or V. As well as the Covert Ops skill itself to V, however it is a very long train at around 18 Days. Additionally, you want to maximize the ships agility and speed, by pumping navigation skills as high as possible, as well as the fitting and tanking skills found in Electronics, Enginnering, and Mechanic. Lastly, you will want to get Bomb Launcher to IV for the ability to use the Void and Lockbreaker Bombs.

The Different roles of Stealth Bombers

Black Ops Gang

Bombers can be very effective in gangs of all cloaky ships. Usually a recon will find and tackle a good target and then call in the rest of the gang, either from the neighbouring system, wormhole or by lighting a cyno for a black ops battleship's covert jump portal. In this role bombers tend to be optimised for torpedoes rather than bombing.

Bombing Wing

A large fleet can be accompanied by a force of bombers. The bomber force acts mostly independently of the main fleet, often with their own FC and as a separate in-game fleet. The bomber wing will try to get bombing runs in on the enemy fleet to destroy, soften up or simply distract them as support for the main fleet. Bombers in this role will be bomb fit.

Fleet DD

A bomber attached to a fleet that's not part of a bombing wing (either because there are too few bombers or you are fighting in high or low sec where bombs aren't available) can deal damage with torpedoes. In this role a bomber acts a little like an EWAR ship, warping in at range, fighting aligned at maximum range and warping out when targeted. If left alone a bomber's torpedoes will do impressive damage to battlecruiser and battleship sized targets, however if a bomber is frequently targeted its continual warping out and in will reduce its DPS considerably compared to a more durable battleship or battlecruiser. Bombers can be used in frigate gangs to bring a "big punch" for use against large targets, but this is rare. Remember, you're made of glass, so don't decloak until:

  • You're in position at range.
  • You're aligned out.
  • You're ready to fire, at a ship you can properly damage with torpedoes.
  • There's nothing around that can tackle you (hint: Lachesis or interceptors).

Ersatz Scout

While not as capable in this role as a covert ops frigate, a bomber is still quite adept at evading gate camps and enemy fleets, providing intel and getting warp-ins on enemy ships hanging at tacticals. A bomber attached to a fleet that is not part of a bombing wing may well be asked to perform some or all of these roles.

Fitting Exceptions

  • Probe Launcher
    • A bomber may be requested to fit an expanded probe launcher to find further targets in the system. The extreme CPU requirements of this module require it to be kept offline or to use a modified fit that will seriously reduce the bomber's effectiveness at its main role. As such, if the fleet needs a prober a covert ops ship is very much preferred.
  • Warp Disruptor
    • If you do not have recon ships during Black ops operations then you may also need to have your Manticore or Nemesis fit a Point to the ship and act as a tackle. This should only be used as a last resort because their fragility means a bomber usually cannot hold a tackled target for long.


RULE #1:
If you are locked, GTFO, LEAVE, BOUNCE. Do NOT wait around to try and get a shot off. If it means you miss out on the engagement, so be it, but do not stick around if you want to keep your ship.


  • Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks BOOKMARKS!
  • Tactical bookmarks, that is, bookmarks on a gate or station that sit 250-350KM away from the gate are your life blood and savior in bombers. They allow you to warp into a gate at range, to check the gate for any potential targets, without the worry of being decloaked by anyone. Additionally, they provide a great bounce spot if you need to warp out of an engagement. Warping 200km out is a much faster way to break a lock and cloak back up than to warp out to a near by celestial. Additionally, tactical bookmarks will save your ship countless times in null security space where bubbles abound on gates and stations.
  • Know the optimal range of your launchers, and what range you need to warp in at. Also remember that at your optimal, it may take up to 10-12 seconds for the first volley to hit the target. It is not uncommon to have up to 3 volleys in space before the first shot lands.

Basic Fleet Tactics

  • Make sure your SC and FC know they have a/some bombers. Do this before the fleet undocks. Check that they're happy to have bombers along, and find out if they want to use you in a specific way.
  • Do your best to travel just behind/in-front of the fleet (sort of a -1 or -0.5). Showing up after the battle is in full swing for a surgical strike is where bombers really shine. Your goal isn't to be the first thing they see, but the last.
  • After landing at the battle grid, double click in space in a direction perpendicular to the direction you approached from before realigning. This will keep fleetmates who show up a few moments after you from decloaking you if they come in on the same line.
  • Be on the field as close to the beginning of the battle as possible, in comfortable range (around 40-50km) and aligned to a celestial. Decloak after the battle starts and targets are otherwise occupied. Attack whatever ship your FC calls primary. Only decloak if you are ready to lock and attack immediately.
  • Once you get a lock, activate all of your modules and wait for impact.
  • You cannot recloak immediately; generally firing around 2 salvos while getting ready to either recloak or warp out is ideal. However if there is an abundance of ewar on the field you may consider staying to unleash the pain.
  • When your second salvo launches, recloak and wait for your launcher cycle to finish. You can cloak while your modules are active; they will automatically shut off.
  • Decloak and repeat. Your torpedoes will NOT hit if you recloak within 3 seconds of them hitting the target.

Ships to Watch Out For

  • Interceptors/Fast Tackle: They can close the 50km gap between you and the battle in a matter of seconds. They will do this, and they will kill you. Keep your overview sorted by range, and when you see someone moving up the list quickly, it's time to bounce, cloak, and then return to the fray from a different angle.
  • Snipers: Keep an eye out for ships that are often fit for range, such as the Tornado, Naga, Oracle, Apocalypse, or Zealot. They only have to hit you once, and your sensor dampener will not be effective enough against them to keep you safe from their attack.
  • Drones: A target's drones will continue to attack you after they have been jammed. The point here is to not get locked. At all.
  • HAC's / Factional Cruisers: Vagabond, Dramiels, Cynabals, are figate killers. These ships have speed, distance, Drones, and a punch. If these are on the field then keep cloaked until they are destroyed, or watch them like a hawk for signs they are coming for you.

Rookie Mistakes

New Stealth Bomber pilots will probably do one or two of these at least once.

  • Warp to 0 on a battle.
  • Linger on a gate an end up getting smartbombed.
  • Forget to prealign before decloaking.
  • Get decloaked by a fleetmate who warped past them because they did not immediately start moving upon landing at the battle site.
  • Get locked by an enemy and tell themselves "I'm good for another salvo."


  • You will be most effective against larger targets like battlecruisers and battleships. At no point should a bomber ever consider engaging any cruiser or frigate by itself. Cynabal's and Dramiel's are bomber eating machines.
  • Target painters will help against cruiser hulls, but what you really want is for them to activate their MWD
  • Frigate hulls can shrug off a lot of torpedoes. You can whore on the mail if you really must, but if you haven't yet uncloaked and there's some intel value in not revealing your presence to anything in d-scan range, you may want to consider holding off.

See Also